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Originally Posted by pycage View Post
In PR 1.1 RDS song info was implemented in a way that was in strict violation of the RDS standard and some radios even could not properly follow the text the way it was implemented (abusing the static 8 character station name text field for dynamic text).
The proper way would be to use the 64 character radio text field instead, but then no RDS compliant car radio would display the text _while_ driving, because the RDS specification forbids displaying dynamically changing text while driving.
The US radio stations have dynamic text showing song names and artists so how do they get away with it? It seems less distracting than a navigation system.
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Im sure it's not that they removed it but rather broke it! my radio sometimes shows klingon writing... probably just garbage but my friend actually asked me "wtf u listening to?" it looked llike it was trying to say nokia but not.

also what kind of lame law is this? who is actually spending more time looking at there radio than the road? it usually only showed when streaming on my n900 surely song name etc only applies to your own music on your phone and therefore should you not know whats on there already?

The real reason is that nokia fukd up! Bets anyone?
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In PR 1.1, Media Player would update the labels itself. Unless you wish to replace /usr/bin/mediaplayer.launch with PR 1.1's one...

Anyway, since I don't get how FM RDS Notify works, I made a quick hack for myself.
Run "fm" in a Terminal, and when (and only) the FM transmitter is on, it'll send the details of the currently playing track.

Designated thus:
artist == "rds_ps"
title == "rds_text"

"rds_ps" is limited to 8 characters, I believe and "rds_text" to 64 characters so the required cutting will be performed if necessary. If the file has no artist information, rds_ps will be set to "Nokia" and if there is no title information, rds_text will be set to "(unknown song)".
Attached Files
File Type: gz fm.gz (8.3 KB, 119 views)
File Type: gz fmtx_src.tar.gz (7.2 KB, 126 views)

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Originally Posted by qwerty12 View Post
In PR 1.1, Media Player would update the labels itself. Unless you wish to replace /usr/bin/mediaplayer.launch with PR 1.1's one...

Anyway, since I don't get how FM RDS Notify works, I made a quick hack for myself.
Run "fm" in a Terminal, and when (and only) the FM transmitter is on, it'll send the details of the currently playing track.

Designated thus:
artist == "rds_ps"
title == "rds_text"

"rds_ps" is limited to 8 characters, I believe and "rds_text" to 64 characters so the required cutting will be performed if necessary. If the file has no artist information, rds_ps will be set to "Nokia" and if there is no title information, rds_text will be set to "(unknown song)".
Nice. How about putting rds_ps to nothing and rds_text to artist - title instead. about half of the artists I've got have more than 8 characters.
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Mediaplayer sends song title/radio station name as "rds_text" in PR1.2.

You can check what it sends by command "fmtx_client"

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Originally Posted by mece View Post
Nice. How about putting rds_ps to nothing and rds_text to artist - title instead. about half of the artists I've got have more than 8 characters.
Makes sense.

Originally Posted by pjr View Post
Mediaplayer sends song title/radio station name as "rds_text" in PR1.2.

You can check what it sends by command "fmtx_client"
Hm, it does. Renders this exercise useless. Bollocks.
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File Type: gz fmtx.tar.gz (18.3 KB, 118 views)
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Originally Posted by qwerty12 View Post
Run "fm" in a Terminal, and when (and only) the FM transmitter is on, it'll send the details of the currently playing track.
Sorry, I'm a N900/linux noob. How do I run fm in the terminal?
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Originally Posted by Boru View Post
Sorry, I'm a N900/linux noob. How do I run fm in the terminal?
Don't bother; already points out that this is pointless

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Thanks for the quick reply. Just out of interest though, how do I get it to run? I'm new to linux systems.

Last edited by Boru; 2010-06-01 at 12:14.
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