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Originally Posted by baron von bubba View Post
everything is amazing and no-one is happy........
Louis CK. Awesome, and so true.
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Every feature on the iPhone is rigurously integrated, so though it has fewer functions than the n900, the functions it has are generally more reliable IMO

Ultimately, Jo Schmo doesn't care that about processor speed, IR, or maybe even multitasking... Just that the advertised features of the phone work smoothly or not.

The n900 is (was) a bleeding edge device, naturally some features were unstable, but nonetheless people have bought the device to use these features or have become reliant on them, and then are let down when they don't work as expected.

IMO this is why no one complains about the iPhone, though ultimately I think many people do and they just stay away from culty fanboi forums!
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Originally Posted by misterm View Post
Louis CK. Awesome, and so true.
it is very true..........
we, are soooo lucky to be alive in this place at this time, we have more toys, tech and money than ppl have ever had before.

and the fact we can afford to have such things means we are extremely fortunate, when you look at the situation globally.

just stop the pointless moaning, be HAPPY with what you have got and consider yourselves lucky.....

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Originally Posted by baron von bubba View Post
it is very true..........
we, are soooo lucky to be alive in this place at this time, we have more toys, tech and money than ppl have ever had before.

and the fact we can afford to have such things means we are extremely fortunate, when you look at the situation globally.

just stop the pointless moaning, be HAPPY with what you have got and consider yourselves lucky.....
Cannot agree more it is so so true and as we only have one shot at this life being doomed to die then hell enjoy laugh and enjoy the life we live these days because a 100 years ago you would not even have a mobile let alone a computer lol.
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So let me add in here that I have an iphone and I complain about it all the time. Honestly I would rather own an n900 but Nokia has since retreated from the Japanese market and there isn't an n900 anywhere in sight.

I was walking down the street wondering where this particular restaurant was and I was trying to find it using the gps and google maps but my gps signal kept bouncing around. I finally had to stop and wait for a moment before I finally got a good signal and was able to see that I needed to go one block to the south. I was about to start complaining about the gps but before I said anything I just thought about what was happening here: My phone that I was holding in one hand, was simultaneously sending a signal to OUTER SPACE and then communicating back to me with not just my current latitude and longitude but also downloading detailed maps of the area and telling me where I was in respect to my destination which I had just found on the internet WHILE WALKING DOWN THE STREET!

Dudes! We live in an amazing world with amazing technology that people a century ago could have barely dreamed of. We live in what many people would call science fiction.

Suffice it to say, we can all complain but go read some issues of Popular Mechanics from the 1950's and then complain about your cell phone.

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The noise level on Android forums is more reasonable now, but for the first year it was at least as bad as it is here. And the complaints sounded almost exactly the same...

This crap phone can't do this or that but the iPhone does!
Where's the apps?
Will my phone get the next version of the OS?
How can HTC treat me like this? They suck!
I'm throwing this worthless thing in the trash and getting (insert here)!
I'll never buy anything connected to Google again!

...and on and on. Pick a complaint - I heard 'em all about Android.

But as the OS improved, apps came and users got the hang of Android the atmosphere got more reasonable. Same thing will happen with Maemo/MeeGo.
Registered Linux user #266531.

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My collegue is complaining that he can't upgrade to Android 2.1 (let alone 2.2) and that he has to stay on 1.5..
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The only thing I have to complain about is Maemo's lack of Swype!
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only complain I have is the fact that OTA for the N900 in sweden doesn't work and trying to use the totally useless bricktool called NSU ends in a crash as usul and I had to reflash the whole phone to get a working upgrade...

So no, Nokia certainly need to polish their software both in phones and and computer software.
Posts: 1,751 | Thanked: 844 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Sweden
Originally Posted by Modell900 View Post
only complain I have is the fact that OTA for the N900 in sweden doesn't work and trying to use the totally useless bricktool called NSU ends in a crash as usul and I had to reflash the whole phone to get a working upgrade...

So no, Nokia certainly need to polish their software both in phones and and computer software.
I live in Sweden and had no problems with the OTA upgrade

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