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Texrat's Avatar
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You seem to misunderstand: complain all you like! Even those taking you to task complain about N800 issues-- self included (and I helped launch the darned thing). I just recommend you try a slightly less contentious approach, that's all, especially avoiding hyperbole and mockery.

And for crying out loud, don't fall back on the old "the crowd does it so it's okay" reasoning to support inflammatory verbiage! Cripes, that's sooo sophomoric. So scattered miscreants on the Internet refer to the tablet as a toy-- that automatically makes it one? And sure, I *use* mine as one on occasion, but as many have pointed out, it can enjoy a multitude of serious applications, there for anyone willing to get out of the box and look. That said, the immediate out of the box N800 experience IS lacking in many ways-- mostly fulfilled by expanding one's scope beyond the standard offerings. To that point, N800 users are far more like the old PC DOS-box pioneers than today's Windows (or even Mac) PC chair potatoes. People spoiled by being spoonfed applications should avoid the N800 like the plague. Those unafraid of expanding their horizons and (God forfend!) learn something new should, however, jump right in.

Different folks, different strokes. One size does not fit all. Your mileage may vary.
iball's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Liam1 View Post
Texrat, actually on the web, tons of people refer to the n800 as a toy. Try it yourself, google "n800 toy", you'll find that the title I chose is not flamebait at all.
Actually, it is flamebait. If you would just dig a little deeper into those "n800 toy" search results you'll find the following:

First link:

Originally Posted by New toy: Nokia N800
I have a new toy at vowe's magic flying circus. And to spoil the story right at the beginning: I don't really know what to do with it. Before somebody shouts "here, here", I will have to return it to Nokia anyway.
That coming from an E90 user who mistakely thought the N800 was a PDA with full PIM functionality.
Translation: He didn't do his research before buying it.

Second Link:

Originally Posted by New Toy: Nokia N800
The Nokia N800 rocks. I picked one up two weeks ago and I’m more than happy with it.
Third Link:

Originally Posted by My new toy: Nokia N800
Finally I have my new laptop replacement, and I really mean replacement. I sold my laptop and now the N800 will be my secondary computer along with my N73.
I've been playing with it now for a few hours and I think I handle it good enough to be ready to use it fully. Time to upgrade the firmware and start putting things together as I like them to be.
Bunch of picture-only links...

Eighth Link down:

Originally Posted by My new High Tech Toy shoots lasers and disarms bombs!
Okay not really, but it does have some awesome features! What’s the new toy? It’s a Nokia N800! What is the Nokia N800? Well it’s a Internet Tablet Device. For such a small device it packs a lot! This is replacing my Laptop in most cases. I no longer need to carry my laptop around with me everywhere I go since I can now use this to do a majority of the things I need to do. When I was at the Web 2.0 Expo I had to carry my laptop EVERYWHERE with me, but if I had this with me I wouldn’t have had such a large issue like I did when I had my laptop with me. Carrying a laptop to a conference and sitting down on a floor or chair to use it for an hour is not productive at all especially when you have to turn it off and on. So this would be my answer to many things!
More picture-only links...

Tenth Link down:

Originally Posted by Shiny New Toy: Nokia N800
So I finally broke down and bought myself a Nokia N800 Internet Tablet... All I can say is "Wow, what a device". For someone who is as web 2-point-oh-no-you-didn't as I am it is amazing to have a device with a full and functional browser in my pocket.

If you had taken the time to actually read more than the titles on a Google search you'll see where they weren't really referring to the device itself as a "toy" with "toy-like" features.
But you didn't. You did a rapid Google search to try to justify your thread title after the fact but failed miserably.
zerojay's Avatar
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Anyone waiting ten seconds for a webpage must:

a) be using a very heavy site
b) have a really shitty wireless router

Generally, unless there's flash on the page or 200 small images all over the place, I don't have to wait long at all... and even if it took ten seconds, that's a price I'll happily pay for the ability to not need to keep going back to my desktop to do the same.

Ever since I got my N800, I've been using my PC less and less. I'm now using it as a torrent/newsgroups downloader and soon, an arcade machine.
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I think there's just too much misinterpretation of my reference to 'toy'

Maybe the word 'toy' implies a negative connotation, which I do not get as some articles/documentaries actually call really expensive possessions as toys. Anyone remember "Big Boys with Big Toys" on travel channel? And those were referring to Lambo's and yachts!

And I didn't say that I looked up google prior to writing this particular title, I just said that other people do use the word 'toy', and most in a non-flaming way.

Iball's links also points to people who are showing off their n800's proudly, taking pictures from every angle, but also calling them 'toys'..

Should I email them and ask them to stop flamebaiting, Texrat?
tabletrat's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Liam1 View Post
I earn about $220k/year, and I'll be happy to send you my pay slip, but I do not want to indulge in such shallow comparisons.
So why did you if you didn't want to?
zerojay's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Liam1 View Post
Should I email them and ask them to stop flamebaiting, Texrat?
If you weren't flamebaiting before, you sure are now.
tabletrat's Avatar
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Well, I have just got a N770 and I think it is great. I don't find it slow - it is a lot faster than my phone on the same sites. It is slower than my laptop obviously but then my bicycle is also slower than my car and I don't find that odd either.

What I really don't understand though, obviously criticism is fine but if you really don't like something, why not just get rid of it and get something better?
Texrat's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Liam1 View Post
Should I email them and ask them to stop flamebaiting, Texrat?
Your scoring lots of points with the continued sarcasm. Oh yes. Lots of valuable points.

Just what IS your agenda here?
Posts: 85 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ Hertfordshire, UK
I'm wondering if Liam1 is related to Euchprof or whatever his name was ...
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Okay, lets end all the negative vibes.

Lets make the conversation more civil.

Is there a way to upgrade the capabilities of the n800? I'm not talking about the software, I'm talking about the hardware itself, so that in my case, I would not think of it as underpowered. I doubt there is a way, but maybe some smart guy has found a way to do something about it.

To open an application, the n800 still pauses for a few secs before it opens up, even the relatively simple mplayer application. To start an mp3, or a video, that will take up another few seconds. I have my browser home page as blank, and it still takes 3 secs to open up fully (with the mozilla engine).

The file manager takes a full 8 seconds to list my 40 songs on my external card, and maybe thats because my external card is a class 2 8 gig. But on a laptop with a card reader which reads the same card, the file list comes up instantly.

Most of you probably will not be bothered with a second here and there, but if you're used to something faster, its fairly painful to stare at the n800 in 'thinking' mode

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