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I actually agree with the first post. I mean, what is the point of complaining about the device or its stock applications here? If you have a problem with the device, go to nokia's forums, and let the nokia employees know what you think of the device. You don't like the programs that came with the device? Again, go to nokia's forums.

If you want something added, contribute on the brainstorm section, suggest SOMETHING, don't just sit on your *** whining expecting everyone else to fix it for you.

I've owned my n900 for about 3 months now, and I'm pretty happy with it. Why? Because I spent 2 months researching the options, and 3 months investigating what the device could, or could not do, and found that it could do everything I wanted, and a lot of the things it couldn't do (like group ringtones, OVI sync, etc), I didn't really need it. So, if you made a bad choice, it's YOUR FAULT. I believe no one in this forum (or any other)(maybe on some blogs) will care.

So there, my 2 cents.

EDIT: I made a tiny mistake.

Last edited by Laughing_Man; 2010-06-04 at 18:39.
daperl's Avatar
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I'm ready, I just bought a pitchfork, and I have a list of names. Everyone meet back here at dusk PDT.


Whoa, almost a big mistake. I forgot about the time change. See you guys then, and don't forget your lanterns.
N9: Go white or go home

Last edited by daperl; 2010-06-04 at 18:56.
Texrat's Avatar
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Originally Posted by daperl View Post
I'm ready, I just bought a pitchfork, and I have a list of names. Everyone meet back here at dusk PST.
Check that list. You're at the top.

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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
Check that list. You're at the top.
Oh, sorry for the confusion. The top name indicates the meeting place where we'll go over a few things. We don't want to be too out of sync when we get to complainer #1's mommy's basement.
N9: Go white or go home
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Originally Posted by bjknight View Post
It's all ok because you say so.

Got it.

Pointless thread #12398
I was about to hit Thanks button , but i soon remembered it's not there , so decided to Thanks in person
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I reckon there should be a complaints section that everyone who actually likes their N900 and is willing to contribute in a constructive manner can blissfully ignore.
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Sure, why not? Nokia does it. For better or worse.
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The Maemo Complainer Credo:

1. Thread titles must be provocative. Use CAPS, hostile words, exclamation points and misspellings to arouse attention. Make titles as long and cryptic as you can.

2. Post in the wrong subforums. Post in all subforums.

3. Scream at the forum for Nokia wrongs, real or imagined.

4. Change the focus of your rant with every post, even in the same thread. Especially in the same thread.

5. Argue with everyone. Every person who disagrees or contradicts is an enemy fanboy.

6. Avoid facts. They will fall into the hands of the enemy and you're just confused by them anyway.

7. Use the poorest punctuation possible in every post. Avoid clarity, cogency and common sense.

8. Challenge forum moderation in a passive-aggressive sense, as in, "I know the moderators will close the thread or ban me for just asserting my rights and expressing my opinion."

9. Make yourself out to be the victim. Of everything.

Follow these guidelines and you will go far. We just don't know where.
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Originally Posted by texrat View Post
the maemo complainer credo:

1. Thread titles must be provocative. Use caps, hostile words, exclamation points and misspellings to arouse attention. Make titles as long and cryptic as you can.

2. Post in the wrong subforums. Post in all subforums.

3. Scream at the forum for nokia wrongs, real or imagined.

4. Change the focus of your rant with every post, even in the same thread. especially in the same thread.

5. Argue with everyone. Every person who disagrees or contradicts is an enemy fanboy.

6. Avoid facts. They will fall into the hands of the enemy and you're just confused by them anyway.

7. Use the poorest punctuation possible in every post. Avoid clarity, cogency and common sense.

8. Challenge forum moderation in a passive-aggressive sense, as in, "i know the moderators will close the thread or ban me for just asserting my rights and expressing my opinion."

9. Make yourself out to be the victim. Of everything.

Follow these guidelines and you will go far. We just don't know where.
YoDude's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
The Maemo Complainer Credo:

1. Thread titles must be provocative. Use CAPS, hostile words, exclamation points and misspellings to arouse attention. Make titles as long and cryptic as you can.

2. Post in the wrong subforums. Post in all subforums.

3. Scream at the forum for Nokia wrongs, real or imagined.

4. Change the focus of your rant with every post, even in the same thread. Especially in the same thread.

5. Argue with everyone. Every person who disagrees or contradicts is an enemy fanboy.

6. Avoid facts. They will fall into the hands of the enemy and you're just confused by them anyway.

7. Use the poorest punctuation possible in every post. Avoid clarity, cogency and common sense.

8. Challenge forum moderation in a passive-aggressive sense, as in, "I know the moderators will close the thread or ban me for just asserting my rights and expressing my opinion."

9. Make yourself out to be the victim. Of everything.

Follow these guidelines and you will go far. We just don't know where.
You forgot:

10. Use inclusive pronouns like "Us" and "We" in order to speak for everyone. Act as if you are trying to organize a union or something.

... and.

11: If someone replies with a term or word that you don't understand, don't bother to look it up. Just ignore it and respond as if it it wasn't even there regardless if the meaning of the sentence has now changed. They should have just used plain English anyway.


SLN member # 009

Last edited by YoDude; 2010-06-05 at 00:34.

whining, worstthreadever

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