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where is 3d roller coaster rush!!
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Originally Posted by Jack6428 View Post
I don't care how many apps we have, I care that Nokia acts like a 5 year old playing stupid games with us all the time. Their PR when it comes to the N900 for some reason sucks.
its probably because nokia did not intend it as a mainstream device. stupid on their part as no matter what people are saying here it was not advertised as a geek phone but as a device having a great browser and excellent media capabilities.
in my country nokias are everywhere and im beginning to spot a lot of n900s pity many wont even understand what it is really meant to be i.e. a developer's tool. i myself am just an average (if not less) consumer but im willing to learn and knew what i was getting myself into.
anyway i guess nokia does not care about the n900 except that they can sell more than was intended to people who dont even know what maemo really is about, i.e. the stupid step 4 out of 5.
however i always say we can rely on the community who are honest and hardworking unlike nokia (im obviously not referring to all those who work at nokia).
just give up in thinking nokia cares bout n900 users. it doesnt give a crap about us who have spent, in my case, €550 or more.
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Ok, to those disapointed about the N900 or angry at Nokia:

What exactly is that bad about the N900 or Nokia? What did they promise and not deliver?

The N900 works. Sure there are some bugs, sometimes things don't work. Every other phone, even more those with a quite new OS has such issues too. Nokia has already released 2 big and 3 small updates. And there will be at least one more bugfix release. Quite a lot of support for a phone with such a small marketshare and money in there.

Then, webbrowsing is great with it. It works as a phone. Not with every feature you know from S60, but look at the iPhone also less features than S60. It has all the normal features like phone book, call log, speaker mode, and the core function doing calls works stable.

SMS works, as do the other well integrated IM services. SIP and skype voice is also very good integrated (quite unique). Sure some issues are there, but well there are updates. MMS is missing, but Nokia never promised that.

Media playing: The player is not really that great of an application. But it does it's job. UPN integration works, and on the video side, never had a phone before which played that much of my normal movie files without transcoding. With SIB/KMplayer it plays quite everything (limited by cpu power).

Navigation/Maps: Ok, here one could get the impression, that Nokia kinda said it will come. But well real voice-guide navigation was never advertised or promised. (Some Nokia guys said it might come some day) One can find that bad as all their Symbian devices are getting it. But it seems Nokia simply hasn't it ready yet, and it is too much of an affort for them to speed that up. They may be focusing on a multitouch aware version for future devices. And I would rather see a really good version for MeeGo than a quick and dirty thing for now and later.

Ovi: Ok, here Nokia on the technical side totaly fails. What's so hard about a payment system? But: What did you expect? For a device/OS with about 500k sold units, which big 3rd party company would invest much in development? And well that's not Nokias fault at all IMHO.

Nokia did quite good in getting community driven software development going. And when you look in extras-* you will see lots of great software. Some of a much better quality than anything you can find for S60.

For a OS with such a small market share the amount of quality software out there is amazing. What did you expect? Nokia paying developers to write software which will never sell enough to make a profit on itself? (btw: What software for what job are you missing?)

MeeGo: Yeah it would be nice from Nokia to bring that to the N900. Did they ever promised that? No. Is it really something one can expect because everyone does that? No. Apple is by far the only company who did that. But not because they care sooo much about customers. More because they sold millions of the old iPhones. The update was there to make more money with the store.

But the N900 is a niche device. Really supporting MeeGo would mean maybe 2 more years of support for a phone with 500k sold units where 80% of users won't update anyway. So doing the adaption and support for like 2 years extra for 100k users? From which a lot will have a new device by that time anyways?

I mean: The first MeeGo device will most likely come arround first quarter 2011. By that time the N900 is 1,5 years on sell. 1,5 years at the high end smartphone segment is a lot. Those kind of users who most likely got an N900, are very likely to get a new phone until than anyhow. Nokia rather puts all efforts to make the Meego UX the best possible for the next device (Nxxx). If they fail there, MeeGo will fail on the mass market..

Communications: There Nokias IS lacking. One should expect more. But be real: Which other major company does that the way you expect it? Nokia has always delivered on their promises for the N900. Mostly later than expected but they did. More communition, yes I want it. But IMHO not something to really make soo much noise about, to be soo disapointed with. It is the normal annoying behavior you get from every other big company. Sad, but very true.

Overall: Nokia totaly fails on the technical side of OVI store, other than that the N900 and Nokia did hold on to what they've promised. And the N900 is a very nice phone. Fun to use. Missing features yes, but well other famous phones are also missing things. One even missed mms for a long time too.. There is a lot of software, more than you really can expect for a new low marketshare OS.

So don't call me fanboy now. You can argue against me, but do that based on facts, not with calling me fanboy or something. What did Nokia not deliver? (And more to help, what apps for what jobs are you missing?)

Last edited by DanielW; 2010-06-05 at 16:51.

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i want an app for my car, g force, acceleration, 1/4 mile, hp, torque, and with downloadable maps of tracks around the world to have splits times.

i want some quality 3D and 2D games.

i want ovi maps working as it should.
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Originally Posted by anapospastos View Post
Ovi store is getting full of stuff. Nice!
not for me Kinda weird.
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where is 3d roller coaster rush???damn
Posts: 21 | Thanked: 31 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Originally Posted by anapospastos View Post
Ovi store is getting full of stuff. Nice!
You are sarcastic right?
HellFlyer's Avatar
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All I can say is that until May 2007, the Nokia Values were Customer Satisfaction, Respect, Achievement, and Renewal. In May 2007, Nokia redefined its values after initiating a series of discussions worldwide as to what the new values of the company should be. Based on the employee suggestions, the new values were defined as: Engaging You, Achieving Together, Passion for Innovation and Very Human

N95 and N95 8gb were available in it takes time....Now recall what great innovation or achievements were REALLY done after these truly legendary phones ? Engaging you and achieving together in the case of N900 were taken too seriously. Passion for innovation is there since N900 was a true mobile computer with real multitasking. Very Human? What is that? There are 6,697,254,041 people in world ( World Bank, World Development Indicators 2008)
so its kinda hard to understand what they mean by that...Angry frustrated customers? Failure to bring features that were in S60 devices to their new (innovative device?) oh yes very human

Nokia has changed its values only on paper but failed to do so in real life and forgot about respect and satisfaction of customers..That's sad really sad
The quieter you become the more you are able to hear

"I'm a N900 user, can I haz Flash 10 plz?!11!?" © Jaffa

Elopocalypse started on 11.02.2011

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why do not sygic and others, already selling sw for n900 upload their sw to ovi. Do nokia charge for software or are they simply pist cause nokia couldn't get the payment to work.

would be nice to have it in ovi to prove to other devs that is really working.

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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
why do not sygic and others, already selling sw for n900 upload their sw to ovi. Do nokia charge for software or are they simply pist cause nokia couldn't get the payment to work.

would be nice to have it in ovi to prove to other devs that is really working.
i love my n900. it's a great phone! however for what has nokia shown us .... the lack of support to it's customer and the lateness and not being prompt to its promises for their annouincements this will be my last nokia purchase.

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