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just out of curiosity, can we install skype through easy debian LXDN ?
rebhana's Avatar
Posts: 579 | Thanked: 471 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Austria
Originally Posted by mrl0n3ly714 View Post
just out of curiosity, can we install skype through easy debian LXDN ?
It seems that skype Debian packages exist only for the Intel and AMD architectures but not armel.
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Posts: 579 | Thanked: 471 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Austria
Should be obvious to all the experts here, but since the voting is somewhat feeble: After successful testing, you should vote at the Easy Debian package page.

Second, if you are non-English and have locales reconfigured, please report back whether you find it important to use LXDE and debbie with "su -" option, now provided by "debbie-sue". Test in particular your keyboard in the terminal of LXDE. Would you support my request for making debbie-sue the default behavior? I would suggest to have the corresponding behavior in a 0.9.51 version in extras-devel. With the old behavior in Extras, the two possibilties could then be easily swapped and tested.
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Last edited by rebhana; 2010-06-04 at 09:14.

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7Zip has been processing it for 1 hour now.
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Nokia-N810-43-7:/media/mmc1# 7z e ubuntu-m5-v1.img.ext2.lzma

7-Zip 4.58 beta Copyright (c) 1999-2008 Igor Pavlov 2008-05-05
p7zip Version 4.58 (locale=en_US,Utf16=on,HugeFiles=on,1 CPU)

Processing archive: ubuntu-m5-v1.img.ext2.lzma
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It FINALLY finished.
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wolfs, you're in the wrong thread. Please post in the N810 thread.
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Please don't send me a private message, post to the appropriate thread.
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Just noticed that OpenOffice 3.2.0 for the armel architecture is finally in Debian squeeze, the same version that we already tested when it appeared in Sid. By now 3.2.1 was officially released, and Debian has some first packages in Experimental, but, ominously, not for armel.
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I'm trying to use easy-debian as a vncserver to a local vnc viewer on the N900. I installed tightxvncserver and then I start the server by opening a debian terminal in osso-xterm and type "vncserver :1".

I can connect fine to the LXDE session and was pleasantly surprised to have larger, scrollable resolution. However, I'm running into an issue with the keyboard. All keys are entering CAPS and I don't know why. Is there any kind of keymapping/modding done in the LXDE session? Where can I start looking to see if it's something in Easy-Debian image i can disable or if it's vnc viewer/maemo related.

Posts: 466 | Thanked: 661 times | Joined on Jan 2009
I installed enlightenment window manager to see if that would change anything and it doesn't. However, when I use xev to see keypress events, the keys show correct case. This leads me to believe there is something in the X session in debian perhaps?

The prospect of having a larger resolution enlightenment on the phone is very appealing. I hope this works.


I searched the forums and found a solution. Disabling auto-capitalization in text input corrects the behavior. This is probably something specific to vnc server i suppose.

it is nice to be able to use full screen debian apps on the n900 using easy-debian with vnc as a virtual resolution desktop.It seems to be a clean solution to all the keyboard and focus issues as well.

Last edited by jackburton; 2010-06-08 at 22:56. Reason: solution

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beta, debian, easy debian, extras-devel, fremantle, i <3 qole, squeeze

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