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I entered "heavy" (all lower capital) to the question I got and proceeded without problems.
Christian Wilken -!
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Originally Posted by pieter_jh View Post
Hi guys. Thanks for fixing the return/enter issue Smoku. I now get past the highscore inpjut screen at the end of level 1. Another problem arises now though - the security sequencde that asks me about armaments of different units doesnt seem to accept the answers. I suspect its because I cannot enter a capital letter and enter 'light' ,'medium' or 'heavy' instead of 'Light' 'Medium' and 'Heavy'. Has anyone else encountered this?
I had no problem getting past this, first time I got there it asked for the armament of an unarmed building and accepted "none" fine, second time with a different house I was asked for the armour value of a rocket launcher and it accepted "medium" - Dumb suggestion, but make sure you're actually getting the answers right as capitalisation doesnt seem to be an issue here
Posts: 124 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Apr 2010
It accepts some answers and some other not. I think that simply some answer i found on internet are wrong. For exemple the type of devastator. But with few try i always pass.
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So you may now vote it for extras.
smoku (SMTP/XMPP) ...:.:....:... pebbled . Poky Fish : sixaxis . psx4m . uae4all
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Originally Posted by smoku View Post
So you may now vote it for extras.
Happy to be the 10th vote. Thanks Smoku for this and all your other work
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Posts: 77 | Thanked: 85 times | Joined on Feb 2008 @ Italy
An important question: does OpenDune use any resources (code, graphics, sound) from the original Dune II game? If so, are they properly licensed?
It is a mandatory requirement for Maemo Extras apps: see

Sorry but, as a safeguard, I reverted my vote from thumbs up to thumbs down, so that package karma is now 9, in order to "force" you to check this. If licensing problems arise for an Extras package, all Maemo community will receive bad publicity. It has already happened for some stuff related to console emulators.
My blog on technology and humanity, with a good amount of Maemo:
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It's a valid question. It's good that you raised it.

Dune II is 18 year old abandonware freely available on the Internet.
Westwood Studios successfully released to freeware older versions of their games as a promotional action for newer games in the series. Ex.

It's a bit unclear for Dune II, but if you google "dune II download" you will find many legitimate sites offering it for download. In most countries it felt out of 15 years copyright protection already (but in some countries it is 21 years).

The data package itself is fetched from
smoku (SMTP/XMPP) ...:.:....:... pebbled . Poky Fish : sixaxis . psx4m . uae4all
Jolla Phone post-mortem . . . . . . . . . . -> 1+1 VGN-UX390N

Last edited by smoku; 2010-06-07 at 10:39.

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Posts: 61 | Thanked: 83 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Estonia
what you think about
> diff -cB ../arm.old/src/security.c src/security.c
*** ../arm.old/src/security.c Thu Jun 3 17:46:53 2010
--- src/security.c Sun Jun 6 23:06:05 2010
*** 470,474 ****
--- 470,475 ----
g_global->variable_3C4A = 0;

emu_pop(&emu_ip); emu_pop(&emu_cs);
+ valid = true;
return valid;
added =true to end so you dont miss any nice pictures.
CutterSlade's Avatar
Posts: 64 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Germany, near Hamburg
Thanks! The new version works!
Now the last thing that makes it less than perfect are small lags when commanding units.
jesuska's Avatar
Posts: 104 | Thanked: 37 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Toulouse, France
Tahanks a lot !
Everything works now.
From time to time, the game freezes and i need to crash it. But save often and its ok.

A fullscreen mode wouldnt look that nice, would it ?

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