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Okay, gotta go now. I figure I have one week to come up with the ultimate $.99 mirror app. Later.
N9: Go white or go home
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Originally Posted by Kingsley View Post
Can i vote for how important freedom and openess are.. as apposed to appstores and ecosystems?
This is just plain fcuking stupid

App Stores and ecosystems = good answer to demanding market = more developing jobs = economy running = everybody happy

Freedom and openness = no 1st/3rd party support = community left to do everything = flamewars on the interwebs = basement dwellers wildest fantasies = disappointment and brand deserting

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Can i vote for how important freedom and openess are.. as apposed to appstores and ecosystems?
You can... have a cookie too.

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Originally Posted by acvetkov View Post
learn to read x 2

iPhone can`t do nothing NEW. Its the old features with more cpu/gpu power and pretty good screen. How hard will it take you to understand that? Its a new piece of hardware ofc its is better than 98% of the market atm.

Its pointless, most people like flashy thingies _that do nothing new_, never understand that tho, go ahead its better without these people anyway
wow! you are serious.

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Originally Posted by mrojas View Post
The iPhone is a polished consumer device that trades form over function, the 4th generation of its kind. The N900 is practically a prototype that trades function over form; made to pave the way for future devices.
Or the N900/maemo5 combo is step 4 of 5.

think that makes it 4th gen too.

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All I gotta say is Nokia saw this like we all saw this and if they can't build a meego phone to top the iphone 4 than well that's just on them. I would not make sense to build a kick *** phone when they can. So time will tell. Because if the meego specs are not mind blowing I will be keeping my n900 for awhile and thats odd for me seeing I usually get the latest and greatest phone that's out at the time with the brand im with.
I ever tell you about the time......
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Very interesting developments from Apple.

The increase in screen rez is nice, but not so radically superior to the N900 that it makes a big deal. You still can't do pressure-sensitive work like MyPaint on it. To me, the N900 screen still has the edge...I'd still prefer a minimum screen size of 4", however.

All the compass, gyroscope etc hardware is pure win for Apple. Why Nokia didn't include a compass is still a mystery to me. Talk about obvious requirements.

Mostly, I'm curious about the vidcall capabilities. They have actually beaten me to the punch, as I'm working on a nicer Qt interface that uses both cameras. However, I intend my vidcall client to be open-standard compliant, not "iPhone-to-iPhone"...which is lamer than a smoking monkey.

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Originally Posted by timwatt View Post
Agree on the marketing but hey with the apple video calls you can flip from back to the front camera (thats cool), I could use this for work and family calls. no other phone can do that!
pretty much the first video calling phones could do that 7 years ago. in europe anyway.
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I think the augmented reality stuff might come through with this phone.

And I wonder when capacitative-resistive touchscreens will become market ready.
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Originally Posted by PradaBrada View Post
Same can be said about alot of things, Apple will however take it and do it right, which is when the others will try to imitate and improve it again
yeah, Apple do seem to have an amazing knack that way.

can you, canitouchuthere, hear me now, iphone 4, itoilet paper, waste of money, waste of time, whining, worstthreadever

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