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well my question was more directed to who would have a better case on this scenario.
felbutss's Avatar
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Originally Posted by somedude View Post
After my bragging of N900 before I even got it during October my friend finally bought one in November and got it on the 21st november, while I bought in September and got it on the 5th December. But this is not the story,
He had problems with his touch screen after just one weeks of having the device and he called the Nokia and send it off for repair and ended up getting another N900 as a replacement. Yesterday his phone just did not have any signals no matter what you did, I was at the same spot and I had signals we reflashed the firmware and emmc.
With nothing of help he decided to send it back to Nokia for a repair, and when he talks with the rep. he tells him that device he has on his hands is a refurbished and has already passed the initial warranty of a refurb. phone so they cannot fix it under warranty but he is welcome to send it to Nokia and fix it on his own expenses. Which I said was BS, and asked to him to get transferred to his supervisor after telling him multiple times that he got this replace just after two weeks of buying a brand new with a year warranty. So he gets hold of the supervisor and the same story it is not in warranty being a refurb. phone so they cannot fix it under warranty but he can send and get it fixed on his own expenses.
He being a hard headed right after he got off the phone took his N900 out his pockets and threw on the ground and stepped and smashed it some was still left so he threw it in the dumpster.
But the main question can Nokia really do this?? Send a customer just after a week of being released a refurb phone (where did they even get a refurbished when the phone was being shipped to just hand full of people?) as a replacement and with in 7 months when the refurb also breaks they say they cannot do anything.
How ethical or legal is this?
lol nokia for ya. Worst service and policy around

Nokia and their repairs are rubbish. I bought a n95 and it spent most of its life in the service centre. They were trying to fix the same issue over, and over and over and over. Half the time I knew the problem and told them what to do but was ignored. They gave me a replacement phone (This is a new MB but everything else is the same, dam you nokia)

In regards to parts omg some people will fined it takes longer then others to fix your nokia. This is because nokia have to order your part in and it will for some take a while to come in. They order a batch at a time. Nokia don’t like to keep a backlog of the high end mobiles parts in stock. If you wondering why apple are 300 times quicker then nokia in repairs, it’s because they only sell 1 phone and do keep backlogs of stock.

O and by the way I had to wait a month when my n95 was faulty. I waited for a little piece of plastic to come in. they ordered the part from Sydney which needed to come to Melbourne which is only 500miles away.

PS: My ipod touch was faulty and was replaced in 2 days with a brand new one. nokia don’t use mail they still use horses to deliver parts and their service and tech knowledge is bellow acceptable

PS: My ipod touch was faulty and was replaced in 2 days with a brand new one. no questions asked. bang bang no fighting

did i say this already

PS: My ipod touch was faulty and was replaced in 2 days with a brand new one. ???

Last edited by felbutss; 2010-06-16 at 03:02.
Posts: 1,746 | Thanked: 2,100 times | Joined on Sep 2009
Originally Posted by somedude View Post
well my question was more directed to who would have a better case on this scenario.
In this scenario? No one, because your friend destroyed the object in question. Had he instead kept pursuing the issue he could have made a case at some point.

Instead he gets to eat his loss for being an impatient dumbass.

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he should have put some lsd in his bandanna and lit it on fire instead.
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I think that Nokia doesn't have the right to replace one defective N900 with another and then say "sorry, the warranty no longer applies!" That seems crazy to me. You still haven't said what country you are from. I would guess that most US states would view a customer's argument that he hadn't been granted his full warranty period sympathetically.
All I want is 40 acres, a mule, and Xterm.
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Originally Posted by geneven View Post
I think that Nokia doesn't have the right to replace one defective N900 with another and then say "sorry, the warranty no longer applies!" That seems crazy to me. You still haven't said what country you are from. I would guess that most US states would view a customer's argument that he hadn't been granted his full warranty period sympathetically.
This is from Oklahoma USA
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The repair center was telling a lie. That company they use in the U.S. is a scam operation. I will not recount my problems with them. But my experience with them makes your friend's very easy to believe. And there is no way Nokia is not aware of their methods.
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I'd rather not turn this into a Nokia vs. Apple customer support thread - I've never had a problem with Apple's support, each phone has been replaced, on the spot for free without an issue... all seven replacements - but my N810 initially stayed in the support centers.

It went back just a week after ownership, only to come back unfixed. I sent it back, it came back unfixed. I had to elevate my ticket numerous times... and finally got traction when I got American Express involved to finally demand a 30 day return.

I then got a proper replacement. Which... then had to go back for something REAL minor, but they fixed that and sent it back in mere days.

I've seen horror stories, can remember the horror stories I had with my prior Nokia 8890 and 8810 which drove me to lesser phones, but "greener" pastures in terms of support.

My 770 never had the WSOD issue, my N810 was somewhat problematic from the start, but has been flawless since. And if I had been pushed around like this about my $500 N900, I would have been a feature on CNN by now. Well that and I would have involved my credit card company and sought out a full refund. MasterCard, Visa and American Express are great at working out little details like this.

So... who has bets that the next phone will not see a difference in customer service in America? And worse... this has been a problem that I know of for over a decade.

Is it legal? Only if it's in writing that when you accept a refurbished phone, that you lose all rights to the original purchase date. And that will not stand up unless there was something you explicitly signed and/or read in some terms somewhere. Which... I doubt even exists.

Too bad your friend went totally gorilla on the N900. He could have kept calling until he got a sympathetic ear.

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stupid nokia policy. nokia is done on the high end nokia market segment. let them sell cheap phones by the millions wwooooooooooo. N series is dead
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I still remember having an odd Sony Ericsson for a bit. They were worse than Nokia. Sent me back the wrong phone multiple times.

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