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Posts: 2 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Apr 2010
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it.....its solvd!!!!.....go to settings.....then clik on tht phone icon....
set the my caller ID ad - let network choose
and data roaming as - always allow.....
it workd for me...i hope it may help u guys....
Posts: 14 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
Same issue here in Malaysia. My N900 would persistently "internet connection failed" until I restart the unit.

Previous round was so bad that it didn't even display the operator logo. But after restarting everything behaves as normal.

I have been an avid Debian user for a couple of years, hence my affection of a debian-relative n900/maemo. Upon coming up on this problem, I am seeking ways to restart the cellular data subsystem without going through the hardware restart/poweroff and on, but have not located it. In debian, there is almost a way to call the /etc/init.d/service restart script to restart the relevant process without having to bring down the whole system which could be running for months on ends.
Posts: 10 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Toronto
Hey wrongdg, I've found a somewhat decent workaround. If you install the 2G/3G status area switcher you can then toggle between the two network types (which effectively bounces your connection for the phone and data).
Posts: 31 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Jan 2010
My problem is more that the phone gives no indication that it has detatched from network, since I still get the operator name and the bars at the top of the screen.
This sucks because people may end up calling me for hours without success and I dont suspect anything.
That said the problem hasnt been reproduced by me for months, its just the insecurity about if it will happen again which is bothering me.
Posts: 1 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2009
I have exactly the same problem with my phone. The N900 has become a very expensive internet tablet which is useless as a phone. My daughter's 30 euro model does a better job!
Posts: 28 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Mar 2010
I'm having the exact same issue.
Having a phone is quite literally a life and death necessity for me.

This is a serious issue.
The fact that so many people have it across totally different networks in different countries suggests it is a problem with the phone.

There is no evidence of it being a problem on the phone until you try to make a call.
This started happening for me yesterday.

I have the latest firmware update.

The big problem for me is that there's no noticeable problem - you can't tell if this issue is happening. So if people are phoning me, I won't know if they can't get through.
And if I suddenly need the phone in an emergency and it doesn't work, I'm stuffed.

Since this seems to have started only very recently, could the latest firmware update be at fault?
Posts: 31 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Jan 2010
the problem first surfaced for me around march. And it has happened about four times since then, with no apparent pattern between the intervals. In three of the four cases it was fixed by rebooting the phone, in one case the phone apparently fixed itself after half an hour of darkness.

I do have unstavle apps installed but cant think of any that would cause this; and the problem is impossible to reproduce so its very difficult to file a useful bug report.

Have you installed any unstable apps recently that could cause this? What was your uptime when it happened, I think it may be related to long uptime.

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Posts: 28 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Ahh ok, not the latest firmware then.

Uptime I'm guessing you mean how long it's been on without a reboot.. well I leave it on all the time and only ever reboot if it's playing up, so a long time.

I'm trying to work out which of my apps are from testing, not extras, but in app manager uninstall, it doesn't show that, whichis rather annoying.

I don't have devel catalogue at all.

The only apps I've recently installed that I've not been using regularly before now are:

shake2control which is useless for me anyway and is being uninstalled now
espeak gui client
espeak time

I've used shopper and to-do-o a tiny, tiny bit, but not had a chance with the others, except shake2control.

I'll have a look and see if I can find out which catalogue they're all from.

I do have a couple of other apps that are definitely from testing, but I've had them for months and they've been fine.

Oh FMMS is a fairly new grab for me too, and it's had a number of updates recently, but it's working well and doesn't seem to be causing any issues for anyone else.

Uptime could indeed be an issue if I got it right on what that is. I should definitely be rebooting more often I think. If only just to clear out the memory cache.
If it works like that.. sorry, very long time as a windows person!
Posts: 31 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Jan 2010
The only thing thatc could be remotely related is fmms, because it interacts with the network.
As said im a questionmark when it comes to this "bug". Im just happy it hasnt happened for a few months, maby it was some app that has thusfar being updated.
Ill come back to this thread if it happens again.
Posts: 193 | Thanked: 92 times | Joined on May 2010 @ galveston, tx
I had this issue with t-mobile. New simcard solved the problem.

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