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Posts: 478 | Thanked: 101 times | Joined on Feb 2010
you'll probably find that using all those apps and being on 3g would use up a fair bit of juice, not so much the apps but the 3g connection. If using 2g only then one would notice a much longer battery life but still able to use the apps mentioned, I doubt autodisconnect is doing ,much for yourself due to your constant traffic. I believe it has an option to remain connected if the apps you mentioned are running.

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Posts: 286 | Thanked: 219 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ France
Originally Posted by etuoyo View Post
I don't know if this app does anything for me because I do not set to switch to 2G automatically (did not really understand 3G - Switch last 2", etc terminology). I just manually use the status bar 3G, 2G switch. And I am always connected to IM and have the setting on not to disconnect from internet when IM is on.

So not sure if autodisconnect actually disconnects anything on my device. What I do know is that before I installed this I would switch device on by 6am and would need to recharge the battery by around 12 noon and then again around 6pm. This is with facebook chat, skype, msn, yahoo and gtalk all being on. Now after installing autodisconnect my battery goes through the whole day without needing charge.

Either some hell of a coincidence or autodisconnect is doing something really incredibe.
Check the file /var/log/autodisconnect.log you will find your answer
AutoDisconnect automatically closes your idle connections (Wifi/3G/Bluetooth) and switches the network mode to 2G when 3G is not used. [ Thread ] [ Wiki ] [ Donate ]
Posts: 275 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Please I cannot understand the technical stuff.
Could someone say to me which is the best configuration of autodisconnect?
I saw that the disconnection between 3g and 2g is by default disabled. Should I enable or not? And in which way? There are many many options!
I am just a phone user, not an hardware expert. I just know what 2g and 3g are because I read it in wikipedia, but sure I cannot choose the best configuration.
Maybe you can object that this application is not for me if I am not an expert. But this application aims to make battery last more. And this is my aim too, since the duration of the n900 battery is a big big shame!
I have to charge it twice a day!
Thank you.
Posts: 92 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Mar 2010

I would like to make a request for this app.

This app is really great for disconnecting idle connections but it would be really nice to make it active on specific times.
Like when I got to school/work from 8 to 5 I would like my connection to be online but after that when I'm home autodisconnect could disable my connection. I don't know if you can do this, but if you could it would be really great!
NokiaRocks's Avatar
Posts: 658 | Thanked: 117 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Calvin, when are you going to release the version with pidgin support ?
I'm Looking really forward to it.
Posts: 539 | Thanked: 165 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Berlin, Germany
Originally Posted by Devrim View Post
This app is really great for disconnecting idle connections but it would be really nice to make it active on specific times.
What you're looking for is Alarmed or fcron, they can do specific actions time based.
Posts: 11 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ Israel
I'm not sure if this really works. What should the log say once it disables wifi as per the program's decision? I always see the wifi symbol on when I open the device, even when it does nothing (that I know of)
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For the last week or so I have been unable to get any Tmobile data connection on my N900. I saw that autodisconnect recently updated. Disabling it is the only way to for me to get a connection to work. I then have to manually toggle off of GSM to dual mode. Any idea what might be going on or if I'm in the minority here? Thanks.
Posts: 478 | Thanked: 101 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Calvin, could you perhaps increase the dual 2g/3g autoswitch from having a max of 8" to perhaps a higher number, I know it has been mentioned before and to be honest I thought I could handle it but is starting to slowly drive me insane now.

As an example, I am unable to play media play by simply pressing play, autodisconnect kicks in and tries to connect but due to the time it takes to switch from 2g to dual it is unable to connect and therefore times out, it's more so annoying due to nokia, why the hell does my phone have to switch off the reciever from 2g to dual, surely it could just connect on 2g and then add the 3g reciever?

Perhaps there could be an advanced setting that allows the user to state how long it will take?
HeavyComponent's Avatar
Posts: 120 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ Queens, NY
For some reason after installing this application I can never go back to 3G in the places I would always have a 3G connection.

I just uninstalled the application and I'm still on 2.5!

Anyone know a solution?

EDIT: I got it, I had to go into settings > phone.
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Last edited by HeavyComponent; 2010-07-16 at 00:17.

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