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The software is available in one of the repositories.

Just had an idea, that could probably improve this product even further by introducing augmented reality to the n900 without a digital compass, if technically is possible or not is a different question...

what if for example the location of the sun, or location of stars could in parallel with gps location be used to super impose augmented reality stuff in the screen, even if the end user had to manually point out where the sun or south/north/east/west, obviously these stars will be bright and maybe could be used as augmented reality markers.

I was also thinking that maybe even using some kind of imaginary horizon line as well as manually pointing the direction which you point to, however there is already an application out there called Attitude (This application shows the pitch and roll of an accelerometer enabled device) that already could handle the horizon scenario, obviously the direction would have be done manually or based on identifying the markers, such as the sun and other stars, it certainly would be quite complex to implement and would not be perfect.
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#142 is the page of the mobile version, but i think its not finished
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Originally Posted by windows7 View Post

I was also thinking that maybe even using some kind of imaginary horizon line as well as manually pointing the direction which you point to, however there is already an application out there called Attitude (This application shows the pitch and roll of an accelerometer enabled device) that already could handle the horizon scenario, obviously the direction would have be done manually or based on identifying the markers, such as the sun and other stars, it certainly would be quite complex to implement and would not be perfect.
Actually I just viewed the video and it seems that the horizon functionality is already implemented. I think I need to play a bit more with this application
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Are there any news on the project?
Is it still alive?
I will doate/pay for stellarium if it works like it is shown.
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Originally Posted by Fellfrosch View Post
Are there any news on the project?
Is it still alive?
I will doate/pay for stellarium if it works like it is shown.
I was wondering about the same thing.
Stellarium mobile was supposed to be part of the coding competition, but it was never entered?
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It won (shared) first place as best application at the "calling all inovators" competition.

# Best application for the Nokia N900 (prize will be split between two developers): Stellarium Mobile by Fabien Chéreau (Germany) and FrontView900 by Ben Lau (Hong Kong)
So that's a nice USD 25K for all the work that was put in.

Would love to see it in the testing repo soon.


Last edited by mivaho; 2010-09-21 at 21:22. Reason: forgot to mention the price

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congrats - and indeed really wish to see it soon on my n900
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He deserves it. What a brilliant application.

I just wish he'd release the mobile version.
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Originally Posted by shuairan View Post
In the desktop version you can use rightclick to hide the description, same for n900: rigthclick gesture is done by clicking (anywhere in the sky) and hold it for 1sec, than release.
I have installed stellarium only recently, and I'm not able to get the effect of right-click by click-and-hold. Has that stopped working since PR1.2 or whatever? Also, the keyboard shortcuts "/" and "\" don't work. Any ideas what I could be missing?
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Posts: 284 | Thanked: 74 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ Wigan, UK
Originally Posted by rebhana View Post
I have installed stellarium only recently, and I'm not able to get the effect of right-click by click-and-hold. Has that stopped working since PR1.2 or whatever? Also, the keyboard shortcuts "/" and "\" don't work. Any ideas what I could be missing?
Same here with the right click. I can never de-select a star, only select another. Annoying if you want the text off the screen.

Roll on the mobile version.....

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