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Originally Posted by nosa101 View Post
What? iConfuse
lol so am I, but I think he must have lost interest in the iphone and is most likely now unsubscribing from this thread.
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I doubt that person (or most in this thread) was really interested in the iPhone to begin with - this is a Nokia based forum and the tags for this thread sorta explain the position of most.

The whole "you're holding it wrong" crowd... ahem. You might be holding your N900 wrong when you unplug. Mind you, I'm just showing a friendly reminder that the N900 also has a design flaw.

With that said, it just plain sucks that the consumer is the real loser here. iPhone users have to buy a case now, or hold it differently. N900 users have to shave down the micro USB teeth on the male connector or be careful when you disconnect.

Seriously... that's a lose-lose situation for all customers. Be careful how you hold vs. be careful when you disconnect.

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gerbick thats an assumption I do not want to make and neither should you since he clearly stated he wanted to buy it and started asking questions to see if it fits his/her needs. I do not expect the worst from people, I take them at face value and give them the benefit of the doubt. it would be the equavilant of me saying you don't have an N900 and do not intend to own one so you must be trolling when you post here.

now I don't see what pointing out that the "N900 has a flaw too" achieves other than the excuse "if x has a flaw its ok for y to have one". as if to suggest we shouldn't discuss it or make jokes about it. some (and I do mean some) are painfully aware of that flaw already and nobody is saying that any flaw is good for consumers.

Last edited by Cue; 2010-06-25 at 15:26.

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The anntena thing is a flaw with an easy fix right now, probably even bettered for new phones. But yes, it was a glaring oversight. Lets not forget this is another Apple invention with pushing/testing such innovation as they do there are bound to be teething problems.

The yellow spots is a non issue as the inventor of the yellow glue has already said its from being rushed off the manufacturing shelves without being given time to set and will dissappear in days (as has been reported by users).

Thats it as far as I can tell? Or would someone like to enlighten me

Last edited by imperiallight; 2010-06-25 at 15:35.
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Originally Posted by imperiallight View Post
Lets not forget this is another Apple invention with pushing/testing such innovation as they do there are bound to be teething problems.
Oh god, not the Apple marketing buzzwords again. this is not an "innovation" this is something that has been tried/discussed for years and found that it does not work too well. it is an oversight at a very fundamental physics level to which the solution is not to have the antenna exposed i.e. like every other antenna. if the solution to an innovation is to go back to what others have tried already and because you too failed, that is far from innovative. it's the exact opposite, it's a naive step backwards then back to using what everybody had done before.

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Originally Posted by Cue View Post
now I don't see what pointing out that the "N900 has a flaw too" achieves other than the excuse "if x has a flaw its ok for y to have one" so we shouldn't discuss it or make jokes about it some (and I do mean some) are painfully aware of that flaw already and nobody is saying that any flaw is good for consumers.
I'll just state the obvious... you'll be hard pressed to find a gadget of any type that is perfect.

I'm not saying anything else - there are no lines to read between, I kindly request that nothing else to be added to my verbiage, it's not there - when I point out that there is a flaw in x, or a flaw in y. It's just a damn shame that there are huge flaws that somehow persist to this level by now.

No defense for Steve Jobs reply; that's downright horrible way to treat a customer. "You're holding it wrong..."

Yeah. Stuff people want to hear.
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Sorry, I didn't see any "celebrating" going on, but nobody in the tech world hypes their heroin quite like Apple. So, when 2 (glass and antenna) of the most hyped components of someone's latest-and-greatest fail, don't be surprised at a wide spectrum of responses. Otherwise, you're just being too sensative. Apple and Steve have egg on their face, and just maybe the customers are the losers because of actual falsehoods. It should be more cause for sadness rather than an excuse for "celebrating." Regardless, if it makes someone's decision making process easier, good for them.
N9: Go white or go home

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I wonder why apple just didn't make the device slightly wider and recess the antenna underneath by a mm.
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I don't think it's up to you to judge my interest in iPhone. Should you check my earlier post you will see I've done all the research to bring my N900 experience on the iPhone.

I was actually sure the N900 was the pinnacle of the bad Q/A but apparently I was wrong. Sure some people had the usb come off I didn't, some had screen issues and some had camera issues.

But the whole iPhone 4 advertising was a lame charade.
First of all the built:
Engadget got it scratched in just a few days. I have my n900 since December and the back doesn't have ONE scratch.
What else can I say about the signal? that's a gross mistake! They could have put an antenna sticker on the back and only keep one antenna on the sides.
The screen? yellow stains? well now there's reports of super bright spots and dead pixels also.
Did you hear about the devices with inverted volume buttons?

No one is celebrating anything, the device is just a huge disappointment and I don't get how you can hate fanboys when you yourself seem to be one.

And yes I am unsubscribed, that's what my last reply meant and I didn't thing I was going to get quoted for that. Sorry for leaving your bad news chewing party but I have neither the stomach nor the patience for this.

I'm even sorry I dropped by to see if there's any fixes for the antenna issue (besides ducktape)

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Originally Posted by imperiallight View Post
I wonder why apple just didn't make the device slightly wider and recess the antenna underneath by a mm.
apple always seems to be 'function follows form' kind of place.

not bashing it, just saying

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can you, canitouchuthere, hear me now, iphone 4, itoilet paper, waste of money, waste of time, whining, worstthreadever

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