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Originally Posted by Jerome View Post
Duh? My Mac certainly has bluetooth support NOW. I've even used it to exchange files with the N800...
Duh... sorry, I meant Bluetooth A2DP isn't supported natively in Mac OS 10.4 Tiger - native support for A2DP is coming in Mac OS 10.5 Leopard.

Originally Posted by Jerome View Post
Anyway. As to bluetooth support in the iPod touch, the cited pictures have been corrected on the apple site, and the bluetooth symbol removed. So it looks like it was a mistake and the iPod touch will not have bluetooth support, which also means it won't be able to browse the web via a cell phone, support wireless bluetooth headphones, etc...
I'll believe that when someone cracks open their Touch and confirms there is no Bluetooth chippery present on the circuit board...

Last edited by Milhouse; 2007-09-06 at 16:57.
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Originally Posted by Mark S View Post
Oh and using a cell phone with the N800 is no simple task, plus is dog slow so the mobility is not a real advantage for the N800.
iTouch is useless for me cause it doesn't support 3G phone for the data connection.

Using mobile phone with the N800 is really simple task. I got unlimited 3G/HSDPA data plan (costs 10 euros per month, my Nokia N80 supports only max 384 kbps connections) and browsing (or whatever you want to do etc. listen 192kbps webradio stream) is fast enough.
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Originally Posted by Mark S View Post
I hate to say it, but anyone who thinks this new Apple device will not kill the N800 is totally, completely wrong!
I'll bet you Texrat's paycheck you're wrong.

Originally Posted by Mark S View Post
Most users here are the hacker and enthusiast types.
That's why we own N800s/N770s.

Originally Posted by Mark S View Post
I am not. I am Mr. Average Consumer.
Then Nokia's current lineupof the N770 and N800 isn't for you.

Originally Posted by Mark S View Post
I have owned an N779 and a N800
Translation: I forgot to do basic research on these devices and found out the hard way they aren't for me. Buyer's remorse I guess.

Originally Posted by Mark S View Post
and would buy the Apple device instead of a NIT because even though the N800 theoretically can do more than the Apple, in reality for Mr. Average Consumer the N800 cannot do much at all and doesn't even do things it is supposed to be good at perfectly.
Web browsing is pretty much excellent, made even better with the latest firmware, and even "mo' better" with the microb beta browser.
The email client sucks though.

Originally Posted by Mark S View Post
Plus, no pda functions, no MS Word compatible word processor, no citrix, no real email.
You mean the same things the iPod Touch lacks? You want Citrix for the N800/N770 then go talk to Citrix since it's NOT an open-source program.
If it were you can bet your bottom dollar that someone would have already ported it to the Nokia ITs by now.

Originally Posted by Mark S View Post
I know everyone always says that is not what the N800 was "meant" for and that it is an Internet Tablet,
About time you got something right in your post.

Originally Posted by Mark S View Post
well guess what folks -Apple's device is going to kick the sh*t out of the N800 as far as browsing is concerned.
Oh really? This being the same Safari-based browser that the iPhone has?
You know, the one WITHOUT Flash and the one that doesn't have the screen size or resolution of the N800?
Sorry, but that's a laughabl statement at best.

Originally Posted by Mark S View Post
Oh and using a cell phone with the N800 is no simple task, plus is dog slow so the mobility is not a real advantage for the N800.
Several people have already proven you worng on that point.
And browsing with the N800 via BT through my N95 in Europe on a 3G connection it's pretty damn fast. As fast as browsing on wi-fi for me.

Originally Posted by Mark S View Post
If Nokia wanted the NIT to survive it needed to make it into something that would really have differentiated it from the Apple device.
They did. They gave it Skype and VoIP capabilities, Flash 9 support, and not one but TWO web browsers (Opera and one based on Mozilla code). Then they went and made just about the whole thing open-source and provided a free SDK for it. They also gave it Bluetooth which can be "hacked" to provide the missing A2DP support presently missing in every Apple product to date.
They also gave it a free built-in FM radio.

Originally Posted by Mark S View Post
Nokia will not be able to sell anymore IT devices after the Apple device hits the shelves. R.I.P. N800! It is over.
Can I borrow your time machine? Or at least get the name of your dealer for whatever you're smoking.

Originally Posted by Mark S View Post
p.s. The Newton was the best pda ever made, but it died because it was ahead of its time and could not keep up.
While I wholeheartedly agree about the Newton being one of the best PDAs ever made (the 2100 rocks!) it didn't "die". Steve Jobs killed it. Matter of fact, there are still plenty of Newton User Groups out there and - get this - they even hold MEETINGS and CONS! Someone even went and made a Newton OS emulator that - gasp - runs on the N800! Something else the iPod Touch and iPhone can't do.
On my N800 I'm running both Palm OS and Newton OS. That's three different "operating systems" on one small handheld device. I'm not seeing any current handheld devices from Apple that claim the same.

The main problem with the N800 is Nokia's absolute LACK of advertising for it on U.S. shores, pathetic marketing for it across the globe, and their overall pi$$-poor marketing in North America period.
Two "flagship" stores does not a hit make.

How is the iPod Touch going to "kill" a product no one in the U.S. has heard about and never bought in real numbers anyway?
That's the equivalent of saying that a tiny micro-meteorite hitting the moon will kill off the N800.
Posts: 69 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jun 2007
The thing o remember here is hackers are totaly attracted to the iphone and now the touch , its sexy and a challange, like the psp.. hackers are going to do things with these two products that apple never even thought of doing... the hackers are going to make these into a very very attactive device for all us n800 users.

look at the psp hackng scene, you have a smaller genera there and have pepole diong stuff with a totally locked product that are fights them every step of the way and the hackers always overcome them.

Apple knew these would be prime argets for hackers and I bet there counting on it to propell ther device to new levels.
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I think Apple has a winner with the iTouch and I might buy one.

I bought a Nokia 770 when they were first available. The most important applications on the Nokia 770 suck; the media player, the browser, and the email client.

Re: Media Player. I see more "Resolution not supported" errors than I see videos. Mplayer does a great job of any video you throw at it.

Re: Browser. This is the best application of the three, but it pukes on many web sites and doesn't support flash very well.

Re. Email: This sucks so bad that I refuse to use it. I use webmail instead.

Re: 3rd party apps...this is where the Nokia rules....

Now, I am a Linux desktop user that uses thunderbird and firefox so I know what applications can do on Linux.

The thing with the iTouch is your videos will work. You know you can go to youtube. You know that the web browser works.

You also know that Apple will support its product and offer continual updates, instead of one or two before they drop it.

To me...iTouch wins hands down...

Last edited by kbellve; 2007-09-06 at 18:47.
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Originally Posted by kbellve View Post
Re. Email: This sucks so bad that I refuse to use it. I use webmail instead.
I have to agree the email app sucks - someone criticised the Touch (not iTouch - different product!) because it doesn't have email like the NITs but to be honest, the NIT email is so bad the device would be better off without it - it's an embarassment.

Fortunately, modest is moving ahead and should be a worthy replacement. No idea when though.
Posts: 32 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jul 2007
I definitely think that the ipod touch substantially reduces the potential market for buyers of the n800.
I think from now on the vast majority of consumers will look at the n800 as say "so what, an ipod can do that AND hold 16gb of media".

I'll bet Mark S's paycheck on it!
Posts: 428 | Thanked: 54 times | Joined on Mar 2006 @ Washington DC
if we're boiling it down to closed vs open, of course you'll have options with open source stuff, but it won't be polished and "just work" like the close sourced stuff.

i think that's just a fact of life.

of course the new ipods are gonna outsell the IT. They're aimed at different users. However, if Nokia were to come out with something just as polished and open and connected to some type of open system, then we'd have something.

First thing's first though, Nokia needs to settle on just ONE system. No more lifeblogs, Ovi, MOSH. PICK ONE and start building it out. Then use the IT to leverage it as not just a web browser but also a terminal into something great. Which is what Apple has done with the iPod & iTunes.
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You also know that Apple will support its product and offer continual updates, instead of one or two before they drop it.
Support yes, but not necessarily anymore functionality of the device over that present in the shipping product.
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Originally Posted by phi View Post
of course the new ipods are gonna outsell the IT. They're aimed at different users.
I'm not totally convinced that this is true. I think there is a large overlap. It's this overlap that nokia will lose to apple.

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