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Originally Posted by acvetkov View Post
No, no one cares for the "property" libc of google. Android is not Linux. Maemo is Linux. That said I think there is nothing else to discuss.
I'm solidly against RMS's push to go about saying GNU-slash-Linux all the time -- especially when the actual portion of GNU in the system varies significantly, as in busybox-dominated Maemo.

But it's posts like yours that make me reconsider. At some level, words used too broadly suffer a dilution of meaning -- apparently to the point where people use it to replace a pre-existing word which fits their meaning precisely. Maybe I've been part of the problem (if so, I apologise) -- or maybe you'd just say "Android != GNU/Linux; Maemo = GNU/Linux" anyway, and spend more syllables being, if not quite equally wrong, equally missing the point.

BTW, the word you're looking for is UNIX (or if one wishes to kowtow before the trademark lords, "*n*x", "a unix-like system", or similar) -- and, once that substitution is made, I agree completely.
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android is not in the same league as meego. It still cant hold a candle to symbian.
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Originally Posted by kryptoniankid17 View Post
android is not in the same league as meego. It still cant hold a candle to symbian.
Care to qualify this statement?

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Originally Posted by theflew View Post
The problem with Android is Nokia would became just another hardware vendor. Nokia like Apple wants to tie software, hardware and serives together - they cannot do that with Android. Google wants to do software and services only but there model is getting muddy with Android on Netbooks and large tablets where it wasn't meant to be.

MeeGo is a smart move. They fix Google's problem by having references for NetBook, tablets and phones. QT ties them all together and you get to expand on a base that's been maturing for years.
google releasing tablet versions that nvida say is the way to go so...... trust me google can match anything meego can do on a whim if they felt like it and yeah it is getting murky there make tv versions,car versions,tablets ect... just like meego?
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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
The way this topic is going... there's some rather xenophobic/extremely patriotic posts where it shouldn't even exist. There's no need. In fact, it's laughable. Some of y'all need to relax.

Regardless... should Nokia go Android? No.

Should Nokia drop MeeGo? No.

But they seriously did pick one of the worse names out there.

N900's hardware is only inferior to the newer offerings... which in turn will be relegated to an inferior status after even newer offerings. That's how gadgets go.

Too bad that Maemo is a dead-end and the only support people will get will be via a community that can't even agree on if something like a SMS being sent out via one of the closed bits and cannot be avoided (charges, et al) is a bad thing.

And besides... Google is in it for the software. Nokia is in it for the hardware. Apparently opposite sides of the fence. And only one seems to be offering updates regularly. The other, dead end once the hardware is replaced by newer hardware/CPU, or whatever excuse is in style that day.
It's the money that matters...Nokia used to sell fishing boots and Google only sold a dream to some in it's first 5 years...

Why does it have to be either or. I would be surprised if Nokia didn't have an Android phone in the wings. They sell mobile communication devices. If Android is offered it would fit very well in a mid tier category with MeeGo on the higher tiers and Symbian on the lower ones.

This is what Motorola has recently done. They didn't stop selling low tier s-19 OS phones, iDen PTT phones, or Linux based phones when they offered Android models... and their financials are looking pretty good all of a sudden.

It's all about customer demand and Android pleases many and it definitely has legs. The iPhone, not so much.

What Nokia has over Motorola and Samsung for that matter is the R & D invested in that higher tier OS. Maemo has been part of that investment. Nokia has learned a lot more than the other players as a result.

One thing is for sure though, all customers now expect more from their cell phones than POT calls. The higher tier will keep expanding and POT's at the bottom end will continue to drop off even in developing countries as network infrastructure builds out.

BTW, I also just need a small garden and good conversation. I liked that other post of yours. Very well put.

SLN member # 009

Last edited by YoDude; 2010-07-09 at 03:45.

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Originally Posted by superg05 View Post
google releasing tablet versions that nvida say is the way to go so...... trust me google can match anything meego can do on a whim if they felt like it and yeah it is getting murky there make tv versions,car versions,tablets ect... just like meego?
Nvidia going to Android is little more than an anti-Intel move. How long have we heard about how Tegra2 was going to change the world? The question is will HTC and Motorola make MeeGo phones? Motorola might not because Intel is invovled, but HTC?
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This idea is crazy : since ~ 2007-8 Nokia built an ambitious strategy to modernise their software portofolio :

- buy Symbian and open-source it
- buy Qt and completelly open source it
- buy and adapt a linux platform (Maemo then MeeGo)
- push Qt to both Symbian and Maemo/MeeGo
- code a new multitouch UI on top of Qt for MeeGo (and Symbian^4 ? )
- find a powerful ally (intel) (+ linux foundation)

Okay it is a long process... but now they are ~80% (90% ?) done you want them to put all that to trash for Android ? I have no idea how much it cost them, but I guess it is a lot...

Android is more established, but technology-wise I believe it is intrinsically inferior : the java API is good to attract devellopers but there will always be a price in term of performance compared to native apps like Qt (yes, I've heard of android NDK). Also Qt has no rival that can compete with it if if you evaluate the following domains : performance, quality, feature, cross-platform, price, openness.

In the short term MeeGo looks like an outsider, but in one year time they will be multiple handset, netbooks and tablets (Z600 !) running it.

Last edited by bzhbok; 2010-07-09 at 04:20.

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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
They ever fix how you cannot use the FM transmitter while charging the phone?
as soon as new hardware revision appears.... (read:never)
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still wondering why about no-one noticed my comment about the authors idea to put android to non-touch device.

symbian was much better in non-touchscreen devices. but it couldn't compete with whole new input logic. I am 110% sure that E73's symbian beats android 10000 - 0 without hands if android is ported to the same device...
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In my opinion I really like Android. I would consider myself a fan of both Maemo/MeeGo and Android. I wouldn't necessarily consider operating closed while yes each has its own set limits neither platform by definition is a closed platform. What I like about Meego it that it is a full Linux distribution that can run Linux apps on a Mobile device. Just because Android isn't Linux doesn't mean it isn't open it just means that it isn't Linux you can run apps that aren't approved by Google under Android. The only thing (in my opinion) that makes Android closed is you have to hack a device to gain root user access something that is much easier to obtain under Maemo (I wouldn't know about MeeGo it hasn't been released yet). My real problem with Android is the issue of fragmentation some Android phones have some have Android 1.6, Android 2.0, and some have Android 2.1 and then there is the issue of custom skins whether it be Motoblur, HTC Sense, HTC Espresso ui, or Touchwiz. I would like for both oses to compete in a healthy way.

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