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Originally Posted by ascherjim View Post
Trevarthan: As previously reported, I have edited all 95 of my song titles in mp3 format and saved the overall collection as FAVORITE VOCALS on my mmc card. The File Manager shows the titles fine, in their edited form on the mmc card. But when I run the Kagu Music Scanner and then bring up the Kagu Media Player, the edited titles do not appear. Instead the names of the albums from which I extracted them appear for each title, but the albums themselves are not listed under Albums.
That doesn't make much sense to me unless you put the song titles under the Album field and the album names in the Title field or something.

BTW, I noticed a bug in 1.0.7 that prevented it from showing songs without ID3 info sometimes. It's been corrected for 1.0.8. I've been using a number of songs without ID3 tags with good success. We'll probably do another release in a day or two.
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Originally Posted by ascherjim View Post
Trevarthan: To clarify my last message, it's the ID tags that I edited, and they are what are not appearing in the Kagu song list, although they are seen to zip past as the Music Scanner is doing its stuff.
could it be possible that you edited id3v1 info and left out the old info in id3v2, or vice versa? i'm not sure if the id3 parser lib we use (mutagen) prefers id3v1 over id3v2 or the other way around, but if you have different tags in id3v1/v2 (and the "preferred-by-mutagen" version has the wrong info, as trev suggested) this would cause the problem you're having.
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I just wanted to chime and say I'm really impressed with this project. This is another fine example of what the community can accomplish. Nice work Kagu team!
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
I just wanted to chime and say I'm really impressed with this project. This is another fine example of what the community can accomplish. Nice work Kagu team!
Thank you! Do you personally use Kagu, Texrat?
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Originally Posted by trevarthan View Post
Thank you! Do you personally use Kagu, Texrat?
Not yet, but I expect to try it sooner or later. I just wanted to acknowledge the effort. You guys set an awesome example. If the products gain better traction it will be largely due to efforts like yours.
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Originally Posted by disq View Post
could it be possible that you edited id3v1 info and left out the old info in id3v2, or vice versa? i'm not sure if the id3 parser lib we use (mutagen) prefers id3v1 over id3v2 or the other way around, but if you have different tags in id3v1/v2 (and the "preferred-by-mutagen" version has the wrong info, as trev suggested) this would cause the problem you're having.
My experience with Kagu to date has shown me that when I rip integral cd albums and copy them in their entirety to Kagu, everything works fine. The albums and their contents show up and work perfectly. It's when I have extracted individual songs from different albums that I have this problem. I am looking forward to your next release, and perhaps I will find that my problem has disappeared. Again, many thanks.
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Originally Posted by trevarthan View Post
I just tested and committed WMA support for 1.0.8 this morning:

And seeing this post I decided to throw in AAC support too:

Can someone with a lot of AAC, MP4, or whatever files download the developer snapshot (see instructions here) and try it out for us? I don't have any AAC files to test with at the moment. I'd like to see A2DP + AAC tested too, if possible.

OK ran version 1.0.8, it found my five .m4a songs but could not find covers for them, call them unknown. It did not find my x-wav songs.

Can't seem to add no more than 1 song to playlist(via the icon) from ALL Songs menu unless I select 1 song then come out of All Songs then go back and select another. Also if I add just one song to the playlist (via the icon), all the tunes from All Songs menu are added to the Playlist menu.

Does the timer work, I could only turn it on and off.

Like the "info box" in the upper left hand corner, lets you know where you are in the main menu, nice touch.

Last edited by heavyt; 2007-09-10 at 19:12.
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Originally Posted by heavyt View Post
OK ran version 1.0.8, it found my five .m4a songs but could not find covers for them, call them unknown. It did not find my x-wav songs.
OK. It's taking the song title and album title from the filesystem at this point (not the built in tag), so this is expected.

x-wav isn't supported, and probably won't be. There are many formats of WAV file, and they don't have any sort of unique identifier, so telling which is which before calling mplayer for A2DP is kind of difficult. Also, most people use mp3 or some other highly compressed format these days so I'm not sure why we would want to go to the trouble of supporting it. It's not really a modern file format for music anymore.

Originally Posted by heavyt View Post
Can't seem to add no more than 1 song to playlist(via the icon) from ALL Songs menu unless I select 1 song then come out of All Songs then go back and select another. Also if I add just one song to the playlist (via the icon), all the tunes from All Songs menu are added to the Playlist menu.
That's not a bug. That's the way it works. The CD+ icon adds everything in the current view to the playlist. It's always been that way. If you only want to add one song, then tap that one song. (yes, it's a double tap in 1.0.8, as opposed to a single tap in 1.0.7. I don't want to discuss this publicly right now because 1.0.8 hasn't been released yet though.)

I see how that can be confusing though. The CD+ icon is intended to represent more than one song. I can see how it might seem like it represents just one song. But that isn't the case. It's not a CD single icon. It's a CD album icon! We could maybe change the icon to clarify that.

Originally Posted by heavyt View Post
Does the timer work, I could only turn it on and off.
Yes, it works. It's a 1 hour (right disq?) sleep timer. Great for, well, going to sleep while listening to audio! Again, this is an upcoming 1.0.8 feature, so I want to avoid discussing it here.
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Ascherjim, try using MP3tag editor to clean up and standardize your ID3 tags - brilliant program - easy to use and you can edit MP3s either individually or in batches. Also embeds album art
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Originally Posted by ClockworkCar View Post
Ascherjim, try using MP3tag editor to clean up and standardize your ID3 tags - brilliant program - easy to use and you can edit MP3s either individually or in batches. Also embeds album art
Keep in mind that we don't use embedded album art, and don't recommend it. You can use a cover.jpg or a folder.jpg though.

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