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Posts: 3,664 | Thanked: 1,530 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Hamilton, New Zealand
Originally Posted by garyc2010 View Post
**** !! sorry for my language, but there are so many wankers on this site its unreal...........

"FYI, any device that have 3G or 2G support is capable of making phone call. Therefore a laptop with 3G support will enable you to make a phone call. Do you call that laptop a phone? ehh Neh! "

WTF ..."do you call that laptop a phone".....................what fking planet are you living on to make that comparison.....thats just a total BS "argument"

"Nokia did not promote N900 as a phone"

a 3 second google search..........................

dude you fail so bad..........................
Dude you failed badly too. I did not say N900 is a phone. I trying to make a point here. The guy above said:

Originally Posted by extendedping View Post

I'm confused...I just made a phone call using my n900 about 15 minutes ago...

How did it do that if it is not a phone?

read!! He stated that:

If a device have 2G/3G connection then make phone calls, therefore the device is a phone.

My comparison is: What if a laptop which can do those as well, wouuld you call it a phone? "NO"!

for the start, don't just go around and start calling people here a "Wankers", and I did not say that N900 is a phone, read it clearly, I said Nokia did not promote N900 as a phone.

You need to calm down and stop the random attack on people you don't know. And find a girl then get laid to release your temper. We are here as a community, not for an angry mobs to just swearing and cursing people here. So don't..

God save this fallen man!

Last edited by maxximuscool; 2010-07-12 at 00:49.
Banned | Posts: 138 | Thanked: 45 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Originally Posted by sela View Post
Ok, I think your list of issues can be divide into two types:
1. Complaints I've heard before. Most of these issues can be addressed via 3rd-party apps (e.g. MediaBox, MyContacts etc.)
2. Weird issues that never happen to most users.

I'm not sure why you got all these issues with your phone, but the way I see it, there are two options: either you got a defective device which doesn't work as it should, or it is something you did with the device (installed some alpha-quality software that broke it etc.).

The rootFS partition doesn't become full for no reason. Even by installing lot of software from extras devel, it is quite difficult to fill the root FS, but it could happen by installing buggy software (for instance, a program that creates a huge log file and keep it somewhere in the root partition.

If you want to solve this issues, I'm sure people here would be happy to help you, all you need to do is to write something like "I got these issues, will you help me solve them?" instead of the "this device is crap..." approach you used.

You can start by typing "df" in the terminal and post the results here, and we'll see what we can do from there.

hahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahah ahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahaha hahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahah ahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahaha hahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahah ahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahaha hahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahah ahaha

another "cop out" BS reply

Ok, I think your list of issues can be divide into two types:
1. Complaints I've heard before. Most of these issues can be addressed via 3rd-party apps (e.g. MediaBox, MyContacts etc.)
2. Weird issues that never happen to most users.

well heres news for you buddy, did it ever occur to you that there is a "3RD" option you NEVER addressed................that his problems *maybe*, JUST *MAYBE* are related to the stinking TURD of a (disgrace to the *nix name btw) "operating system" that is called maemo

hell have a look at the PR1.2 Bugs post to see the 6 million bugs that it *created*............hmm dont you just think its maybe not his fault he has these problems..........????

If nokia had the balls and DECENCY they would adopt android and give all n900 buyers a discount on their "next gen" phone

dont bother me, im selling my n900 and, its the last nokia phone i will be buying............ever
Banned | Posts: 138 | Thanked: 45 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Originally Posted by maxximuscool View Post
Dude you failed badly too. I did not say N900 is a phone. I trying to make a point here. The guy above said:

Originally Posted by extendedping View Post

I'm confused...I just made a phone call using my n900 about 15 minutes ago...

How did it do that if it is not a phone?

read!! He stated that:

If a device have 2G/3G connection then make phone calls, therefore the device is a phone.

My comparison is: What if a laptop which can do those as well, wouuld you call it a phone? "NO"!

for the start, don't just go around and start calling people here a "Wankers", and I did not say that N900 is a phone, read it clearly, I said Nokia did not promote N900 as a phone.

You need to calm down and stop the random attack on people you don't know. And find a girl then get laid to release your temper. We are here as a community, not for an angry mobs to just swearing and cursing people here. So don't..

God save this fallen man!
you said

"I said Nokia did not promote N900 as a phone"

I said, they DID, and here is their current website


1) Yes nokia DID/DOES promote the n900 as a PHONE

and yes that makes you a, Waa....well you know...........

is english your mother tongue ???????
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Thank for your time staying at So now move a long.

Mod please close this none-sense thread down. There are too many people here needing rehab.

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I always install only one or two apps max at a time - especially if they are still being tested. That way I can uninstall that app straight away if the
N900 starts playing up. It is amazing how many apps make the N900 do weird things.
If you went an installed 20 apps at once, you would never know which one caused the issue and more than likely you would have at least one issue.

I believe this is the root (excuse the pun) problem of many of the complaints out there with regards to performance. (apart from the bugs that are well known to be in the OS itself)

It seems at least 90% of the users out there have a phone/computer that works fine (I am one of them)
A lot of people have issues, but are aware they may have caused them.
There are a certain number of niggly bugs that came with the phone or with PR1.2 (like the answer button moving when trying to answer a call)

I don't complain about things, because I realise that it does nearly everything and more than was advertised.
Banned | Posts: 138 | Thanked: 45 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Originally Posted by maxximuscool View Post
Thank for your time staying at So now move a long.

Mod please close this none-sense thread down. There are too many people here needing rehab.
hmmmmmm :/

Is that REALLY your reply ?????

I present you with FACTS and your answer is above ???

YOU need therapy buddy............. if you CANT make a reasoned and sensible argument then why bother posting such childish comments ?????
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This thread is now closed, as it has degraded into a flame war.

If you have a legitimate reason for re-opening this thread, feel free to send me a PM.
==In school once again. Free time limited to night, holidays and weekends.==
Hi! I'm Andy, a Maemo Greeter! I'm also a moderator of the Applications, Nokia N900, and Maemo 5/Fremantle forums.
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Owner of both a N800 and N900; Active community member since Jan 2010. You've been xommified! - My blog.

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