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dharder's Avatar
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It's funny -- I assume the location is the same (Cupertino, CA USA) and the same room (somewhere in Apple HQ) but the Omni and N97 had FULL service to begin with, whereas the iPhone has only 3 bars to start. Hmm...

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Not sure how you measure the T-Mobile service to rank it. However it is stupid to issue an update for OS like they did with 4.01 just to fix a formula for signal icon when everybody observed signal loss by hardware.
Also is stupid to release an OS 4.0 that makes older models barely usable like iphone 3G which became insanely slow.
I hope this rush for gold will end and consumer will be respected again by each company, being Nokia or Apple
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Wow that took a long time to degrade the signal. I'd be done with my call by then lol
shazosbourne's Avatar
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Typical Apple cry babies. They get caught red handed (or left handed) with poor design and then try to drag others into the mud.

QQ Jobs.
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Funny they still show adverts in TV with people doing facetime and holding the phones in left hand exactly the way they shouldn't. Every time I see such add I burst out laughing.

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Originally Posted by HellFlyer View Post
So as title says Apple PR team is working really hard but this time in my opinion they gone too far , its so stupid and childish. Do you think Nokia will respond ? If so what will they say?
so it took about a month or more to find a spot where N97 minis signal degrades enough?

"Apple Unbiased Mobile Antenna Testing inc"
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boo hoo!! apple just can't admit to having a crap product and move on. The more they carry on with this the less likely it is to move out of news headlines.
Posts: 362 | Thanked: 145 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ Sydney, Australia
The worst thing: This Apple finger pointing probably won't hurt their sales or reputation in the American press.
How a company can EVER concede to such tactics is beyond me, and isn't it borderline illegal the way ir's presented. Fx the way the N97 is held does not look realistic - would be impossible to make a call that way, just look at when he tries to press one of the buttons.
tzsm98's Avatar
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I would be much more impressed if they had a control unit next to the test subject. They were tight on the phone in the shot and there is no telling what attenuation shenanigans were going on off camera. I can't understand why Apple consistently insults the intelligence of their market. I am further in the dark as to why their market doesn't suffer for their sins.
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At this point, Apple is just milking all the free publicity to spread iPhone 4 awareness. Making phone calls is arguably not the primary use of these devices anymore and there's plenty of (artificial) grey area when one starts to argue about attenuation issue that it's fairly easily ignored when a potential consumer is about to buy into the iPhone/iOS platform anyway.

The free bumper + full refund policy seals the deal, until they release the new and improved iPhone 4 by the end of September.
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finger pointing, wasnt me

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