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OCR could be added with tesseract, it would only need you to export the image to it.
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@benlau: Scratch that, it's working now (the manual paper area selector). Don't know what went wrong.

Anyway, for tesseract intergration, we should only need to be able to (according to my limited, non-programmer brain):

1) Clean up the straightened image.
2) Turn to monochrome and post process to make text clearer (imagemagick?).
3) Export to tiff (imagemagick).
4) Process through Tesseract and display the resulting txt file for editing.
5) Give an option to save the txt file.

That should be enough IMHO for a multi-purpose, mobile OCR app.

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I have my default DCIM Folder on the SD Card, not on my internal memory. In my opinion FrontView should detect this.

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Hi all,

I am very sorry that the do not have any updates for long time. Recently I can arrange time for the development of FrontView. The most annoying defeat that could not detect the photo in memory card is fixed! Now , I would like to announce that v0.2 is now available at extra testing!

  • Fixed the problem that it could only load photos from internal memory. This version can load from either of internal / external memory depend on the "Camera" application setting.
  • Search all the photos on phone
  • Load photos from specific folder
  • Save scanned document in JPG / PNG
  • Remember the last saved folder
  • Image zoom-in/out using hardware key
  • Improved the interface design of "Paper scanner". e.g Added a "next anchor" button to switch to other anchor
  • Removed pen drawing mode

Enjoy it.

p.s If you like that software and think that that it have fullfilled the QA requirement , please vote for it so that it will available in extras repository. Thanks.
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strange1712's Avatar
Posts: 185 | Thanked: 111 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Mexico DF, Mexico
Hi, this app is Awesome, BUT it takes more than 5 Minutes to load my "gallery" each time I use it. Its not usable at all. Maemo Image Gallery also takes about 20s to load, but 5 minutes (or maybe more)... It even crashed my phone once. I have lots of pictures, I know, but I can't understand why is it soo slow loading... Processor is at 100% (@900 Mhz) this period.
Nobody else has this kind of problems?
Belnau, tell you this because it may be some bug in your program and maybe you could check for it. If you need some more info, tell me...
Linux Registered User # 492214
N900 registered as Linux Machine # 426325

Last edited by strange1712; 2010-11-23 at 06:22.

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Hi strange1712,

Thanks for your report for the issue. I will check asap!

May I know how many photo you have? And firmware version? Still 1.2 or 1.3? Do it have any photo with non-ascii code file name? Using phone memory or external memory card for storage?
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Hi, I'm with PR1.3, Gallery says there are 5887 photos, but I have modified (manually) tracker.cfg to include just DCIM and "Images" folder in my MMC (And also something similar in MyDocs), as in MMC I've got several more pics from some lab reports, so it could be those are in fact too many photos and images (but these don't show on FrontView gallery). Camera stores pics in MMC. MMC is SDHC 16Gb Class 4 with NITDroid also. Maybe some pics have non-ascii codes but i couldn't find one, it would be strange as I usually just use ASCII when renaming photos (But I can't guarantee that). Once it loads, the program is smooth. While "loading" gallery, the program is unresponsive, so I can't choose a specific folder and it tries to load "All images" by default.
Thanks for this app anyway, as I said, once it loads, it is really nice!
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benlau's Avatar
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wowowowowow , 5887 photos! It is much more than I expected. ok , I know what is wrong with my program. It take time to rewrite the image searching / loading code. I hope it can be finished on this Sat/Sun.
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benlau's Avatar
Posts: 135 | Thanked: 375 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ Hong Kong
Hi strange1712,

I have made a bug fix to this issue. Could you try and feed back comment?

* Fixed the performance issue when the phone contains over 5000+ photos
* Improved the scrolling speed in image browsing.

Download here

Qt Ambassador | Nokia Certified Qt Specialist
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benlau's Avatar
Posts: 135 | Thanked: 375 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ Hong Kong
Hi strange1712,

I am sorry that there have a bug for browsing image. Sometimes it may not able to load the image list. I have just fixed. Could you try this version?


Qt Ambassador | Nokia Certified Qt Specialist
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FrontView - 0.2 is released! | DQuest
Status: Now working on GTD software

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