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Originally Posted by egoshin View Post
Why I need this device after that?
hmph. If you had read more carefully what i said you would have noticed that i was trying to give hints how to debug problems on this small computer. I didn't say that it's a way to use this device.

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Originally Posted by chemist View Post
Even with no internet connection open 3G drains more power.
In bad reception areas you may try yourself. My standard phone only cell phone dropped from 100% charged to dead within 10 hours with connected to 3G network (no internet connection logged in) instead of up to 7 days with 2G (its normal GSM and EDGE if logging in to provider network)
I can't use any other network than 3G, because my phone operator is H3G. I can't change the operator because in Italy is the only one that made a decent offer for internet, 5 euro at month for 3GB of traffic.

Originally Posted by chemist View Post
For what? If you do not look at it it doesn't matter if it is raining or not! Update at view is just enough.
Yes, this is probabily a useless gadget that can be wiped out at all.

Originally Posted by chemist View Post
Why refresh automatically? I have +50 new mails just overnight and another 50 in the morning hours... so I know there is new mail and it is up to me if I want to look, not up to my phone to annoy me with blinking or beeping or anything
I don't have so much mail traffic, but i like the idea to receive mail just like SMS. The point stand on the fact, that, in my opinion, this phone has to be always connected to show is fully potential.
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Originally Posted by JorgeFX View Post
So, I think the 3G is killing you, try to use 2.5G like me and change to 3G only if you need it. If someone call you over skype while you are on 2.5G you can tell them you will call on a minute, then you change to 3G (with the applet is quicker) and call over 3G, then switch back to 2.5G when you finish. It may seem annoying but is one option.
Yes, this could be the problem, but other phone like E71 can last much more in standby on 3G Network.

Anyway, as i wrote before, i can't choice, i must stay on 3G because my phone company work only on it.

@ Slender
I will try your hint, but as you read before, can't swith off 3G. I'm starting to think that the real battery killer here is the 3G.

Last edited by pfontana77; 2010-07-21 at 10:25.
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Originally Posted by AlMehdi View Post
I am running 3G half the day and Wifi the other half. Looks for gmail while on wifi every half hour. Don't use Foreca or Facebook widget but have a bunch of QBW and Calender-home. I have overclocked and runing max 805mhz during day and 250mhz during night.

I normally get 30-48h usage. Could probably extend that if i didn't use the phone so much.
Are you using any availability for IM or voip? I think that if people don't require presence, then they don't need "always on" connectivity and could just as well use auto-disconnect to get max battery life.

I want my phone always-on so that I always have presence, and that was the promise of the phone for me. I'd like to hear if anyone has good battery life while maintaining a voip or IM presence but it seems unlikely. I get around 9 hours with a mix of 3G and Wifi throughout the day.
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just a quick update. further testing revealed that the rather flat battery graph line didn't repeat itself consistently, even though CPU usage was the same.

i've just installed WLAN Disabler and have activated it to disable wifi permanently. the line seems to be flat again. let's see if this is all good...
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Mine lasts for around 36 hours and sometimes 2 days.

1) I've set the brightness to 4 bars
2) Set GSM instead of 3G or Dual because 3g Service isn't available yet
3) Turn of GPS and Network Positioning, I enable them only when I need it.
4) I use Autodisconnect and Wifi Swircher. I think Wifi Switcher is a great App turning off Wifi has substancially conserve the battery. Before that I had recharge it everyday.

But still I am looking for ways to make it last 4 days as OP described
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turning down brightness to 2 or 3 (i have 2) should help a lot if it doens't bother you

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It will not bother. But take it this way. I use power saving for my screen so every minute the screen automatically turns off it and most of the time I lock the screen.

So if you count, out of 24 hours my screen usage is only for 1 - 1.5 hours. Still rducing the brightness to 2-3 level will make such a huge difference?
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Originally Posted by slender View Post
I should have said this before when i tried to hint that pfontana77īs phone is pretty much in format state if it depletes battery on that rate when in idle.

Normal things to do in that situation include (use search here and in wiki, both places are FULL of guides how to make battery last and how to debug these kind of problems)

- Remove all widgets..ALL!
- Take off ALL scheduled events (email checking etc.)
- Turn off ALL IM accounts
- Turn off gps
- Switch 2g only mode
- Remove all apps that install something on background. Or actually list programs what you have installed so that people can suggest what to do.
- Shut down phone and remove battery
- Put it back and restart
- Start to monitor battery depletion on bare minimum usage and one by one (~in week period) put stuff on and see how it affects battery usage
(Basically disable stuff until device is just "dumb" phone)

For future. This applies actually to all computers: You should never try to pin point problem with complex device just trying to tweak one thing or install apps. Of course itīs smart to ask first if there is some app that is known to be problematic. TURN OFF everything and start debugging by turning on stuff one by one. In long run you in most cases spare much of your precious time. And if problem persists backup and flash emmc+rootfs.

Also when you have disabled and uninstalled almost everything then processor should go in sleep state when you lock device. With powertop app you can monitor if some program keeps waking your processor from sleep.

You might as well keep the phone only..if ur asking ppl to stop using everything for which the phone has been bought....i would hv got some stupid B&W phone if i didnt want all those features.
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he is not asking to stop using everithing, he's sugesting a way to troubleshoot the battery drain, starting from having nothing installed on the device and adding one by one the apps one need

bad at counting, switch all off

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