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Posts: 527 | Thanked: 121 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Thanks f2thak!

Could you also make one of the script on the top after 2. ===
Posts: 219 | Thanked: 21 times | Joined on May 2010
Originally Posted by JorgeFX View Post
Hi everyone this time I'm posting what I think is a possible SOLUTION to the anoying problem the Nokia N900 has after 2, 3 or 4 days of continuos use causing the device to slows down till a point we just have to reboot.

I wrote a script the refresh several processes like if you are rebooting your N900 but it does not reboot it or causes sudden battery drain like what happens when you reboot the N900.

Just open the X-Terminal and run as ROOT:
sh OptimizeN900

I have been testing it and updating it for several weeks and this could be the final script

Please be aware that the screen will show weird stuff but it is normal because the ALL UIs and Hildon are restarting.

Here you can see a screenshot from my own N900 running perfectly well after almost 6 days
Attachment 12334

Please tell me if that help you, I hope it does. GOD Bless You ALL!
(a little off topic but plz help)
hey!!how come your "Mem:" to the right of "Dio:" is green?mines always red!!
does that mean my phone is unhealthy?
any idea on how to fix that?
mine is red and is constant!!high!
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If anyone wants the exact same but quit, here I edited the file, I hope the OP don't mind me to edit! Thanks for your effort, this is the edited code!
echo Your Nokia N900 is being Optimized
killall -q pulseaudio
killall -q trackerd
killall -q tracker-indexer
killall -q browser browserd
killall -q Calendar
killall -q osso_calculator
killall -q camera-ui
killall -q rtcom-call-ui
killall -q modest
killall -q rtcom-messaging-ui
killall -q image-viewer
killall -q osso_notes
killall -q osso-addressbook
killall -q hildon-desktop
killall -q hildon-status-menu
killall -q systemui
killall -q tonegend
killall -q mafw-gst-renderer
echo Your Nokia N900 is now Optimized! ;)
This doesn't tell not found neither process not killed! Just tow lines

Here is a screen shot after running it!

Edit : Removed Kill hildon home, may cause widgets to disappear, thanks for the O.P.
Attached Files
File Type: zip (342 Bytes, 158 views)

Last edited by q8phantom; 2010-07-27 at 14:51.

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q8phantom's Avatar
Posts: 42 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Kuwait
Originally Posted by f2thak View Post
combined with the above steps, the attached desktop file creates a shortcut for the optimize script!

just extract optimize.desktop file to


has no icon yet
Maybe we could add exit command at the end so it exits once everything is done?
Posts: 527 | Thanked: 121 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Originally Posted by q8phantom View Post
If anyone wants the exact same but quit, here I edited the file, I hope the OP don't mind me to edit! Thanks for your effort, this is the edited code!
echo Your Nokia N900 is being Optimized
killall -q pulseaudio
killall -q trackerd
killall -q tracker-indexer
killall -q browser browserd
killall -q Calendar
killall -q osso_calculator
killall -q camera-ui
killall -q rtcom-call-ui
killall -q modest
killall -q rtcom-messaging-ui
killall -q image-viewer
killall -q osso_notes
killall -q osso-addressbook
killall -q hildon-desktop
killall -q hildon-status-menu
killall -q systemui
killall -q hildon-home
killall -q tonegend
killall -q mafw-gst-renderer
echo Your Nokia N900 is now Optimized! ;)
This doesn't tell not found neither process not killed! Just tow lines

Here is a screen shot after running it!

I just donīt get what you are trying to say....
q8phantom's Avatar
Posts: 42 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Kuwait
If you try the original script, and this one.
The Original Poster Script:
Kills the process listed, but if one of them is not running and not found then it will display a message, that it's not found, and they will be too many lines.
My edit:
It's exact same script but it's doesn't tell you if the script was not found or something else, So then output is the same every time just the tow lines just like the screen shot!

Both do the exact same job! Like there is one poster telling that he received messages telling him that some process not found! I hope you got it.

Again, Both do exactly the same nothing more or less here!

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Hey guys nice work. Let me give some input to it.

You shouldn't use killall as many of us have been mentioning. For example, `killall browser browserd` would cause the device to reboot, if you don't believe me try running that command repeatedly.

Therefore, you should really properly restart the processes instead of killing them. The following are some examples for your reference:

stop pulseaudio
start pulseaudio
sh /etc/init.d/tablet-browser-daemon.init restart
I'm planning to rewrite your script with this idea such that the optimization could be done more safely. Stay tune.^^

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F2thaK's Avatar
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Originally Posted by q8phantom View Post
Maybe we could add exit command at the end so it exits once everything is done?
It already exits after running script ......
Posts: 210 | Thanked: 69 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ NYC!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay i started off by running the original file. when i ran it i got the message that there was nothing to kill. if i read into that correctly i would assume that either the programs that the script references are not running and this script is useless to me OR there is something i am doing wrong where the the script isnt hitting on the supposedly open programs that the script references that should be closed to be able to speed the phone up.

i then figured on the most recent file that quits the script after it runs and i suppose that it is still running the script without killing the programs but just closing afterwards.

am i doing something wrong? i saw that another person had similar issue but i didnt see the response. anything on this would help. thanks !!
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In the process trying a 'safe' way to killing process I literally brick my device by issuing the following command:

stop xomap
Then I can no longer be able to run anything at all even after rebooting. I've to reflash. -_-

So I guess terminating processes in 'proper' ways is not that safe afterall.

I'll keep researching and update you guys anyway.

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faster, reflash, refresh, script-a-brick, sell it

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