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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
Leave it open for the community... except, not. Got problems with the calendar app? Bugs with the phone app? Drivers? Wish you could write a whole, much better, OS to replace theirs? No. DENIED. You're right about their intention and what they COULD do, but they didn't really deliver. In THAT regard, they're certainly no better than anyone else. No bragging rights there for them.
Actually.. i have no problems at all. And it is mostly open though not completely. Like i said in my post. And who knows.. maybe they open up more. There is a great deal to do if you put your mind to it. Apparently you haven't.

Most companies suck at support. Apple where famous for it awhile. I am not sure if they have done a 360 on it now..

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Originally Posted by efekt View Post
If the phone will answer my needs - why not?
Perhaps because the company behind the phone won't provide adequate or competitive customer support?

Originally Posted by AlMehdi View Post
Actually.. i have no problems at all. And it is mostly open though not completely. Like i said in my post. And who knows.. maybe they open up more. There is a great deal to do if you put your mind to it. Apparently you haven't.

Most companies suck at support. Apple where famous for it awhile. I am not sure if they have done a 360 on it now..
Clearly, the fault for all the closed portions I can't fix is all mine. Most companies HAD sucked at support--but the competitive landscape has made MOST of them far better at supporting their product than Nokia. Apple has PHYSICAL presence and, despite the high cost, at least you can get what you want if you're willing to pay for it. Nokia doesn't even want your money if you want to buy parts, a guaranteed immediate replacement or someone to talk to face-to-face if you have problems. I had NO such issues with my Droid. I was able to walk into a Verizon store to have a stolen/lost phone replaced, even if it costed me a little, and IMMEDIATELY... I was able to walk back into the store the NEXT DAY to replace the new Droid because I wasn't satisfied with the camera on the new replacement. I was able to do ALL of that within the same week. Good luck getting anything like that with an N900.
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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
Still, despite your assurances, it's really hard to trust objectivity if you didn't actually spend hundreds of dollars like most customers do and then have the experience of spending more money on repairs/shipping/replacement/etc?
My record speaks for itself. Read the articles.
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Originally Posted by cmsjkung View Post
After the bad experience of getting support for N900 from Nokia, would you buy your next mobile from nokia as your next mobile phone ?

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i had a big problem with nokia 'dont' care with my previous nokia mobiles. They were running a sybian OS though (i dont think it was caused most of the problems BUT it did to some.)
i did my research for a long time with the n900 and decided to give nokia one last try.
the major reason why i picked the n900 was that it was running maemo OS which i hoped it was better then sybian and i am very happy with it.
i have to say that i am happy with the construction of the phone itself also, with that weight behind it it feels like it is built with quality in mind.

as for the next mobile i really can not tell if i am going for a nokia next, maybe ill wait to see mego OS but that to me has an android feel to it. but i cantreally tell. im happy with my n900

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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
Perhaps because the company behind the phone won't provide adequate or competitive customer support?

Clearly, the fault for all the closed portions I can't fix is all mine. Most companies HAD sucked at support--but the competitive landscape has made MOST of them far better at supporting their product than Nokia. Apple has PHYSICAL presence and, despite the high cost, at least you can get what you want if you're willing to pay for it. Nokia doesn't even want your money if you want to buy parts, a guaranteed immediate replacement or someone to talk to face-to-face if you have problems. I had NO such issues with my Droid. I was able to walk into a Verizon store to have a stolen/lost phone replaced, even if it costed me a little, and IMMEDIATELY... I was able to walk back into the store the NEXT DAY to replace the new Droid because I wasn't satisfied with the camera on the new replacement. I was able to do ALL of that within the same week. Good luck getting anything like that with an N900.
How come i do not have the problems you have? Do we have the same type of telephone? For me it would be closer to talk with Nokia face-to-face than Apple or Google for that matter. If you throw your phone into the wall and it breaks.. would Apple/Google replace that? So i could go to that store you had and proclaim that my phone was stolen and they will give me a new? Would that give me a Droid even though i didn't own one? Or if i own one.. get me an extra?
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The answer is depending on the hardware specs and OS spec. If it doesn't matched my demand or need then I won't get another NOKIA. Well that just me. I've moved on from being a fanboy to Nokia I'm going with specs

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I thought about getting the N8 when it comes, but the N8 will also be an "intermediate" device from Nokia running Symbian^3 instead of Symbian^4, and an upgrade to Symbian^4 is most likely to be "unofficial" by Nokia. MeeGo is lots of hot air, but it will never live up to it's promises. Maybe MeeGo will be OK on some purely Nokia/Intel devices in the future when they are 100% supported, but as an open source alternative - never.

Right now Sony Ericsson has the best deal by far. X10 mini pro, is the thing to get. The size of a phone (small that fits in your pockets) and more power than the N900, and 10x cooler.

Nokia has done too many mistakes. The N8XX had lots of promises, but was left dead by Nokia. The N900 was/is nice, but is left dead by Nokia. The N8 will also be left dead when Symbian^4 comes along that will have some freaky hardware requirements that excludes the N8 to be "officially" upgraded (just wait and see). Sony Ericsson also did lots of unbelievable mistakes 1-2 years ago, but they have really pulled themselves together. Sadly (or happily depending on your point of view), Android is one key element of the renewed Sony Ericsson, but the hardware is also extremely well designed with focus on the end user experience just as the Android OS. The Focus of MeeGo is OEM and Intel/Nokia hardware, not the end user experience, and this is bound to fail in the same manner that Maemo and Moblin failed.

Nokia will be back sooner or later with a "killer" like the N95, but until that happends, I will not purchase any more Nokia dead ends like I have done with the N800 and N900. Sony Ericsson has the best phone right now, and that is what I have ordered

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Originally Posted by ZShakespeare View Post
Because other companies have set the bar much higher with feature complete operating systems, and major OS updates, and not just a few minor bugfixes and addition of one or two features that should have been there in the first place?
Be careful not to confuse a local minimum of a function for a global trend. Google has mercilessly driven Android in the last one year (and has even promised to ease up) and if not for the rising trend of Android handsets, those manufacturers would be cursing all right. Also, those other companies you praise are also just as keen on leaving you in the dirt (see HTC Hero) or force-feeding you upgrades that you might not want (iOS 4 on the iPhone 3G). So sure, you can switch away from Nokia, but it's really a hit-and-miss of what you'll get, depending on where in the business/technological cycle you buy in to a particular platform/vendor.
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
My record speaks for itself. Read the articles.
Naw, I getcha--and I agree with the stuff you've put out there, on the whole. I'm just trying to point out why there's a lack of confidence on the face of it. You're smart and you know what's what--but you haven't truly shared in the experience until you've blown money on it and had to call for help or waited a month or two while your expensive phone disappears from your possession for all that time. So, confidence from your fellow N900'ers seems a bit strained. On the other hand, I can't say you don't understand the problems. You're clearly aware of them.
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Sony Ericsson has the best phone right now, and that is what I have ordered
I hope you like it but the screen is too small for me!

I liked the feel of the Sony Ericsson Vivaz pro but I think Symbian is wasted on it!

I also want a tiny handset in my collection and I think the pebble shaped Pre might be it.

Last edited by imperiallight; 2010-07-28 at 22:59.

nokiaisrelevant, noreally!

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