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Posts: 29 | Thanked: 71 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Fresno, CA
Hello everyone.....

I have developed a google Map for our N900.

Here is what you can do with it...
You can search for address
Search for direction
Show you current Location.
I have added buttons for Panning the map in all 4 direction.
Zoom in and Zoom out is also working

here is the link..

Plz try and let me know how you feel about it. mean time I am trying to improve it ...
Also plz share your ideas and what else you would like to see in this one

Thank you
If you Like my Work Please donate something to any Educational institute.

Last edited by nikul.padhya; 2010-08-03 at 23:29.

The Following 44 Users Say Thank You to nikul.padhya For This Useful Post:
debernardis's Avatar
Posts: 2,142 | Thanked: 2,054 times | Joined on Dec 2006 @ Sicily
Congrats, it's very nice, especially the full screen streetview. Bookmarking it right now

Please try to add keys to rotate up-down your viewport when in streetview.
Ernesto de Bernardis

Last edited by debernardis; 2010-07-29 at 05:40.
Posts: 121 | Thanked: 40 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Tokyo, Japan
this is a very nice start! Thanks.
It's great to see google maps on the N900.
Some ideas:
- it would be good to make the arrows/buttons to move the map a bit bigger, because I've missed them a few times and than zoomed in pretty far
- it would be very nice to be able to move the map with the fingers
- it would be nice to search whats near me, e.g. restaurants, bar, shop, etc.
Posts: 650 | Thanked: 619 times | Joined on Nov 2009
Having full-screen street view is just great. The interface is nicer than maemap, but usability could be improved by making the buttons larger. Also the zoom in/zoom out buttons could be separate further to make them easier to touch. Besides, the scripting is slow and every actions there is about 2-second delay.

It would be very useful if you can add place search and improve the speed.
debernardis's Avatar
Posts: 2,142 | Thanked: 2,054 times | Joined on Dec 2006 @ Sicily
Can't seem to be able to go back to map from streetview; and gps positioning doesn't seem to work in my hands (sets map to the latest gps position, not to the present one).
Ernesto de Bernardis

Posts: 38 | Thanked: 13 times | Joined on Oct 2009
Could the map be pointed to a local google maps site (e.g. other languages), say

Posts: 1,283 | Thanked: 370 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ South Florida
Any way you can publish the whole dir of the code and images?

That way it can be put on the N900 and ran locally?
dchky's Avatar
Posts: 549 | Thanked: 299 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ Australian in the Philippines
Do you have a privacy policy for this?

What do you do with the information you receive. Do you sell it to 3rd parties, do you sift through it out of idle curiosity?, do you log or store it, and if yes, for how long, what data points do you store, and so on...

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Posts: 162 | Thanked: 52 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Originally Posted by dchky View Post
Do you have a privacy policy for this?

What do you do with the information you receive. Do you sell it to 3rd parties, do you sift through it out of idle curiosity?, do you log or store it, and if yes, for how long, what data points do you store, and so on...
My immediate thought when it asked for location data.

The Following User Says Thank You to Marlon For This Useful Post:
matts76's Avatar
Posts: 324 | Thanked: 201 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ UK
Really cool, thanks man.
Bookmarked it as GN900GLE MAPS
Street view in full screen looks really cool
My N900@1Ghz Rocks
I wanted a phone, but i ended up with an all encompasing obsession


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