
Poll: Which project would you like to win the Graphics & Multimedia category?
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Which project would you like to win the Graphics & Multimedia category?

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The poll is now finished, and after admin and mod help to verify the scores the final order was:

PenPen Sketchbook
eSpeak GUI Client
Classic Print
Classic Cam

Thank you everyone for voting For further news or discussion please continue on the competition discussion thread.

We have 11 entries to judge from the Graphics & Multimedia category. And we'd like your help with that!

Some entries are substantial ugrades to existing projects while others are brand new. There are prizes for the winners, so try them out and please vote for the author/project you feel deserves to win

Please understand some of these applications are in the development and testing repositories, there may be bugs or other issues that have not been discovered yet. You should be comfortable with that before installing any application. Also, zero flaming in the voting threads please.

Please see poll above for the voting closing date and time. More info on the 11 entries can be found in the post below.

You have one vote and it can't be changed later! So use it wisely!
Follow me on my neglected twitter @kojacker

Cybot950 - Control a robot with your N9/N950
SMSPetFeeder - Build a Bluetooth/SMS dog feeder with Qt, N950, and arduino
Nerf950 - Use your N9/N950 to fire a Nerf gun

Last edited by kojacker; 2010-08-09 at 20:07.

The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to kojacker For This Useful Post:
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Application name: Classic Cam
Author: fieldofcows

Description: Classic Cam is a camera app that automatically "develops" photos to give them a "retro" look, much the same as those old 70's prints you have in your photo album.

The application replicates the look of the back of an instamatic camera (with the addition of a not-so-retro LCD preview panel!) and uses the shutter button to take photos. When a photo is taken, a number of different configurable filters are applied automatically to the photo to create a photo that looks like an old print.

The application is fully functional but is a work-in-progress and will continue to be developed based on user feedback and comments


Some of Classic Cam's features:
• User interface styled like an old instamatic camera
• Flash can be set to auto, on or off
• Focus can be automatic or fixed to infinity
• Settings can be adjusted for different lenses, films and processing types.
• Each settings group can be saved as a preset
• Photos are "developed" in the background allowing further photos to be taken during the developing process
• Optionally, the "negatives" (unprocessed photos) are retained so if you don't like the processed output, you can use the original or use Classic Print to apply different settings

Get it from: Available in the extras-devel repository. Thread:

Application name: Classic Print
Author: fieldofcows

Description: Classic Print allows you to load any photo image then apply and tweak settings to give the photos a classic retro look, like those 1970's prints you have in your photo album.

Based on the same image processing engine as Classic Cam, this application allow you to take existing photos and apply a retro print style to them. The application allows you to tweak all the parameters of the filters and save presets of your favourite settings.

Features: Classic Print allows you to load any photo and tweak the following effects:

* Vignette effect with adjustable radius, darkness and edge defocus
* Dodge to highlight centre of image
* Colour temperature; green or red tint
* Add noise to photo
* Colour level adjustments (select from a number of presets and adjust amount of adjustment)
* Contrast
* Light leak simulation
* Adjustable photo frame border


Get it from: Available in the extras repository. Thread:

Application name: DreamRemote
Author: helix

Description: DreamRemote is a WiFi Remote Control for the Linux-based set-top boxes from Dream multimedia.

At example: DM 800, 7025(+) and 8000 (running Webremote assumed).

It has also full support for AZBox and Kathrein (UFS910). You can control up to 6 receiver at once with a easy and intuitive userinterface.

With this tool you need only a single DreamBox as your powerful linux media center in your Living room and you can use it at your whole flat from everywhere you have a conntection to your local WiFi Network. Inject the TV Signal using the RF-Transmitter of your Dreambox 7025 to your house installation to see your Dreambox screen at every television you own. Watch your movies in your Kitchen during your homework, at night in your Bedroom and even your Bathroom while relaxing and control all functions of your new central media station without line of sight to your Dreambox. You need only your N900 in your Hand



Changelog for contributing:

- support for user specific ports (used to control your Box with a Firewall between)
- fixed Settings UI Bug with empty Database
- support for up to 6 Remotes
- total rebuilt settings UI (still slow)
- full AZBox support
- fixed Donate Button
- bugtracker
- improved startup speed
- first several commands implemented for AZBox support
- some preparing for v0.3.x (changes in the source structure)
- Fixed Exit Button for Enigma1
- Support for Enigma1
Get it from: Extras-Devel Thread:

App name: eSpeak GUI Client
Author: Amanda Lam

Brief Description: A Hildon/Gtk+ GUI client written in Python for eSpeak, the open source command-line text-to-speech tool.


More from

Features/work to be judged:
- A Hildon/Gtk+ GUI client written in Python for eSpeak, the open source command-line text-to-speech tool.
- Selection of 49 languages, including voice packs that are still in experimental status (default English)
- Amplitude (0 to 199, default 100) adjustment.
- Pitch (0 to 99, default 50) adjustment.
- Speed (words per minute, 80-390, default 170) adjustment.
- Word Gap (in milliseconds, 0-20, default 10) adjustment.
- Opening a text file and loading its contents to the text box for editing and speaking.
- Direct pasting text contents to the text box for editing and speaking (no need to press Ctrl-V)
- One-click-clearing text contents of the text box
- Saving the speech to a .Wav file.
- Speak multiple sentences simultaneously
- Stop speaking at any time
- Toggling between Full Screen / Window mode.
- Portrait Mode Support (experimental).
- Saving the language/amplitude/pitch/speed/word gap selection when program exits, and loads them back when program launches automatically.
- Supports multi-language user interfaces based on the Device Language selected.

Package name and where to find the app/repository: espeakgui ( extras-devel) thread:

Application name: eSpeakTime
Author: vmp

Description: Talking clock based on eSpeak

This is a talking clock application. Activate it by double-pressing the power button while the display is locked. You can configure the spoken text, voice language and other parameters via Settings -> eSpeakTime.

Change log:
0.5 * Add settings UI: allow user to configure voice, effect, amplitude,
pitch, speed, whether to ignore the Silent profile silence, as well as
the actual speech text
* Produce a single binary package containing both daemon and UI 2010-06-20 12:43 UTC
0.4-2 * Fix spurious speech trigger. 2010-06-13 12:33 UTC
0.4-1 * Allow quick double-presses to trigger speech. 2010-06-13 11:06 UTC
0.4 * Drop open-coded gst-play-event player. Use play-sound and the
PULSE_PROP env var for controlling speech playback. 2010-06-13 10:17 UTC
0.3-1 * Fix packaging
Get it from: Extras-Testing

Out of space, next apps continue on next post...
Follow me on my neglected twitter @kojacker

Cybot950 - Control a robot with your N9/N950
SMSPetFeeder - Build a Bluetooth/SMS dog feeder with Qt, N950, and arduino
Nerf950 - Use your N9/N950 to fire a Nerf gun

Last edited by kojacker; 2010-07-25 at 00:59.

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to kojacker For This Useful Post:
Posts: 1,086 | Thanked: 2,964 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Application name: footify
Author: joorin

Description: A small and fast Spotify client based on libdespotify written in C using GTK+.


Features/work to be judged:

Remembers user name and password
Supports high/low bitrate
Supports local cache of meta data (playlists, cover art)

Separate view for playlists and playlist contents
Swipe from left to right or right to left to get back to playlist view
Finger friendly scrolling

Previous/next song
Repeat (at the end of a playlist or search result)
Display cover art
Progress bar

Simple search (suggested searches and repeated searches to get more results are not supported)
Search for the artist that is currently playing
Finger friendly scrolling

Sort by artist, album and popularity in search results and playlists
Sort commands available as popup menus or in application menu

Simple about message

Get it from: thread and garage thread:

Application name: Groove
Author: Dotblank

Description: Groove is a qt4 grooveshark client for the n900. It depends on phonon and libqjson.

Current supported features:
+Searching and playback of songs on grooveshark
+Basic playlist support
+Portrait mode
+Basic Virtual Portrait Keyboard
+Unicode search


Get it from: This package is available in extras-devel under the name "groove".
Source code can also be downloaded and compiled from the project page thread:

Application: LastGo
Author: andy80

Description: LastGo is a client for MeeGo (netbook and tablet) and Maemo



Availability: it's available on extras-devel repository (version 0.2.1-4) but it should be quite stable as application.

Application name: Metre
Author: Klen

Description: The Metre App enables users to measure objects of sizes up to 1 metre. The objects are measured by defining the scale of the captured image. To determine the scale no fiducial markers are used. The scale is defined by estimating the object distance which is achieved by focusing on an the object. As this method works only at close-up distances, the user needs to calibrate the image with a simple two step procedure (described bellow) after which the user can start measuring. The app also enables users to save the image with the latest measurement and the scale indicator to the phone gallery.

Note: The accuracy of the measurement is heavily dependent on the accuracy of the distance estimation which is influenced by the light conditions and contrast of the scene. The measurement error should range between 10 and 20 percent.

Step 1: Move close to the object (7-20 cm) and press “CALIBRATE”. Two features will be automatically initialized and can be seen on the screenshot bellow as red dots.

Step 2: To measure the object make sure it fits onto the screen and press "CAPTURE". Make sure all the movements are slow as tracking of two red features might fail and you will need to start again

Step 3: To measure drag your finger on the screen from point A to B. In order to save the image into your phone gallery press “SAVE”. To gain access to setting or quit application, exit full-screen.

Features/work to be judged: Measure what ever you fancy.

Package name and where to find the app/repository:
metre_0.0.1-1_armel.deb thread:

Application name: mSoma
Authors: andy80 and lorebett

Description: mSoma is a native client for SomaFM internet radio ( ) written in Qt4 and C++. The application will be available for Maemo and MeeGo, with an initial release for Nokia N900.



Availability: it's available on extras-devel repository (version 0.1.2-7) but it should be quite stable as application.

Package Thread:

Application name: PenPen SketchBook
Package name : penpen
Author : Ben Lau

Description: PenPen is a handwriting memo/sketch book for quick note taking / drawing with unlimited size of paper. It is designed to be the replacement of the built-in app "Sketch" in N900 , but more focus on quick note taking.

It is vector graphics drawing tool. A single click and drag could erase the whole stroke of drawing. Word removal is much easier than bitmap drawing tool.


- Vector graphics
-- Unlimited size of sketch area
-- Support to erase stroke by single click and drag. Word removal is easier
- Support auto-saving. No. of clicks are minimized.
- Multiple sketch viewer
- Support auto-orientation
- Export PNG


Get it from: extras/ extras-testing thread:

That's all of them, goodluck to everyone!
Follow me on my neglected twitter @kojacker

Cybot950 - Control a robot with your N9/N950
SMSPetFeeder - Build a Bluetooth/SMS dog feeder with Qt, N950, and arduino
Nerf950 - Use your N9/N950 to fire a Nerf gun

Last edited by kojacker; 2010-07-25 at 19:52.

The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to kojacker For This Useful Post:
andy80's Avatar
Posts: 131 | Thanked: 150 times | Joined on Jan 2007 @ Pistoia, Italy
Please "sticky" this post. Is not visible in the top list (at least it doesn't appear to me :\ ).
Andrea Grandi - Maemo Council member
Maemo profile:
LastGo - client for Maemo/MeeGo
Posts: 1,086 | Thanked: 2,964 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Congratulations to Ben and the Pen Pen Sketchbook! Our very first N900 Graphics & Multimedia Coding Competition Winner!

Klen came close with his first application Metre, and Amanda came in 3rd with her eSpeak GUI client. Hmm ... 2 in top 3 from Hong Kong, does that make Hong Kong the new hot bed of N900 Graphics & Multimedia talent???! Right behind, represent'n Germany, is helex with his Dreamremote.

But well done to everyone! A really great list of applications, each one of them is a quality project and you should all feel proud

We'll be in touch with the winners soon to let you know what ya get, keep checking the competition thread for updates

And thank you for everyone who voted, I hope you enjoyed the contest and got to learn a bit more about the projects.

And don't forget everyone, these are open sourced projects developed by folk in their spare time and provided to you for free! And if you liked what you seen, why not approach the developers and ask if you can get involved too!
Follow me on my neglected twitter @kojacker

Cybot950 - Control a robot with your N9/N950
SMSPetFeeder - Build a Bluetooth/SMS dog feeder with Qt, N950, and arduino
Nerf950 - Use your N9/N950 to fire a Nerf gun

The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to kojacker For This Useful Post:
benlau's Avatar
Posts: 135 | Thanked: 375 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ Hong Kong
Originally Posted by kojacker View Post
Congratulations to Ben and the Pen Pen Sketchbook! Our very first N900 Graphics & Multimedia Coding Competition Winner!
Thanks kojacker! Thanks all people supported PenPen! And thanks all the organizer and donator of this event! Without your support , we won't have this great event!

Originally Posted by kojacker View Post
Klen came close with his first application Metre, and Amanda came in 3rd with her eSpeak GUI client. Hmm ... 2 in top 3 from Hong Kong, does that make Hong Kong the new hot bed of N900 Graphics & Multimedia talent???! Right behind, represent'n Germany, is helex with his Dreamremote.

In fact , Amanda is the founder of Hong Kong Maemo/Moblin/MeeGo User Group. We have conducted a seminar about "Maemo and Meego development" on 14th July. She talk about the development of Gtk+ , I talk about Qt.

The video (sorry , it talk in Cantonese)
Qt Ambassador | Nokia Certified Qt Specialist
PenPen SketchBook |
FrontView - 0.2 is released! | DQuest
Status: Now working on GTD software

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Helmuth's Avatar
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Congratulations to all 11 winners!

Only a small question kojacker: I don't want to began a discussion. But I'm a little bit confused. I thought I read somewhere every poll will run 7 days. So why has this ended earlier.
It was one of the last polls or the last poll you have created. Created on the 25th of July and ended on the 30th of July.

Anyway, the result for everyone is simply great: 205 voters, so I would say at minimum 205 users and in the end 205 winners!

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Originally Posted by Helmuth View Post
Congratulations to all 11 winners!

Only a small question kojacker: I don't want to began a discussion. But I'm a little bit confused. I thought I read somewhere every poll will run 7 days. So why has this ended earlier.
It was one of the last polls or the last poll you have created. Created on the 25th of July and ended on the 30th of July.
Thanks for the kind words Helmuth, echo'd here.. well done everyone!

You so have... All the polls have different dates and times, but they were all timed to finish by end of July 30. it just took longer to get everyones info in and uploaded for some voting threads than others -and there were a few difficulties getting this one started..

Thank you again everyone for taking part, and please keep checking the competition discusssion thread for the latest compo news and update
Follow me on my neglected twitter @kojacker

Cybot950 - Control a robot with your N9/N950
SMSPetFeeder - Build a Bluetooth/SMS dog feeder with Qt, N950, and arduino
Nerf950 - Use your N9/N950 to fire a Nerf gun

Last edited by kojacker; 2010-07-30 at 09:18.

The Following User Says Thank You to kojacker For This Useful Post:
Posts: 85 | Thanked: 383 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Hong Kong
Congratulations, Ben!! Have a good trip!!

I would like to thank kojacker to help organizing this great event. I would also like to thank for all voters who participate in this event, and particularly to those who support eSpeak GUI Client.

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to amandalam For This Useful Post:
helex's Avatar
Posts: 543 | Thanked: 802 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Germany
Originally Posted by kojacker View Post
Right behind, represent'n Germany, is helex with his Dreamremote.
I represented germany? Ouh, had I know this I had bought a new suit.

Originally Posted by kojacker View Post
But well done to everyone! A really great list of applications, each one of them is a quality project and you should all feel proud
With those rivals and as a python, qt4, Linux beginner? Yes, I do.

Originally Posted by kojacker View Post
And thank you for everyone who voted, I hope you enjoyed the contest and got to learn a bit more about the projects.
And I would say thank you kojacker. In my opinion Nokia should invite you, too. Even if you don't have so far to travel. But they should pay for your shelter, catering and a palanquin.
I was a Qt Ambassador!

Please DONATE if you like my work!
It's the best way to motivate me to create more stuff for your Device.

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