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For those having problems installing due to the 'preinit' error :-
1 - install bootmenu
2 - run
3 - replace contents of /etc/bootmenu.conf with this

# bootmenu customisation file
# included from after default menu is defined
# you can change some items or redefine menu completely

# timeout for automatic selection when no key is pressed
# set to -1 for no timeout (not recommended, can drain battery when device reboots unatteded)

# IP address for USB networking

# dim screen when in menu
#/usr/sbin/dsmetest -l 1 #for OS2006/7
#/usr/sbin/dsmetest -l 3 #for OS2008, 1 turns screen completely off

if [ -e /etc/bootmenu.d ]; then
# OK, rebuild menu from dynamic items
MENU_MIN=1 # first item index

MENU_1_NAME="Internal flash"

MENU_2_NAME="Internal MMC card, partition 2, ext2"
MENU_2_MODULES="mbcache ext2"
[ -d "/sys/block/${INT_CARD}/${MENU_2_DEVICE}" ] || MENU_2_NAME="(${MENU_2_NAME}) N/A"

STR=`/usr/bin/find /etc/bootmenu.d/ -name \*.item`
if  [ ! -z "$STR" ]; then
	for bootmenu_item in /etc/bootmenu.d/*.item
		. $bootmenu_item
		let "menu_count += 1"
		eval MENU_${menu_count}_NAME=\$ITEM_NAME
		eval MENU_${menu_count}_ID=\$ITEM_ID
		eval MENU_${menu_count}_DEVICE=\$ITEM_DEVICE
		eval MENU_${menu_count}_MODULES=\$ITEM_MODULES
		eval MENU_${menu_count}_FSTYPE=\$ITEM_FSTYPE
		eval MENU_${menu_count}_FSOPTIONS=\$ITEM_FSOPTIONS
		eval MENU_${menu_count}_LINUXRC=\$ITEM_LINUXRC
		eval MENU_${menu_count}_FBMODE=\$ITEM_FBMODE

let "menu_count += 1"
ITEM_NAME="Power off (when not on charger)"
eval MENU_${menu_count}_NAME=\$ITEM_NAME
eval MENU_${menu_count}_ID=\$ITEM_ID
eval MENU_${menu_count}_DEVICE=\$ITEM_DEVICE
eval MENU_${menu_count}_MODULES=\$ITEM_MODULES
eval MENU_${menu_count}_FSTYPE=\$ITEM_FSTYPE
eval MENU_${menu_count}_LINUXRC=\$ITEM_LINUXRC
eval MENU_${menu_count}_FBMODE=\$ITEM_FBMODE

4 - Then reboot and you'll be able to choose booting from "Internal MMC card, partition 2".

One warning - don't try removing the original PR12 system - I've not tried it but I'm pretty sure the system will be unbootable and you'll need to reflash.

EDIT - to quickly check that you're really running on the eMMC - run conky and verify that root filesystem is same size as home (1.97Gb).

EDIT2 - Fixed a small bug in the script - booting from internal flash is now also presented as an option on boot.

Last edited by thingonaspring; 2010-08-02 at 15:11.

The Following User Says Thank You to thingonaspring For This Useful Post:
Posts: 222 | Thanked: 22 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Sydney Australia
Originally Posted by xopher View Post
@coffee - I ran my OS from SD in my 800 and 810, I run another embedded device's OS from a card. For my needs/wants it suits me well; I'd rather burn through some SD cards than the NAND. I know it's a myth blah blah write cycles write cycles etc....I just like it that way

Anyone have this working with multiboot yet? Can you share your .item substance I've not had a lot of time to muck with it and have failed getting it to boot a few times. Thanks!
Attached are the .item files from my n900 for Multiboot with Nitdroid, Power Kernel & Maemo PR1.2. I hope they are off assistance.
I changed the file extension from .item to .txt to upload, simply change it back after downloading them.

Attached Files
File Type: txt Maemo- (72 Bytes, 139 views)
File Type: txt Maemo-2.6.28-omap1.txt (63 Bytes, 130 views)
File Type: txt NITdroid-2.6.28.NIT.05.txt (170 Bytes, 119 views)

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Coffee For This Useful Post:
Posts: 116 | Thanked: 40 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Thanks, I have those 3 items from my setup but was unsuccessful in creating an item for the eMMC boot. I only get the Nokia splash screen then a shutdown after some seconds. Might you have one for that?
Posts: 222 | Thanked: 22 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Sydney Australia
No mate, looking into it now.
After seeing the thread above for Bootmenu, our I expect will be very similar, so expecting something like (mix of the bootmenus & multiboots for stock kernel:

ITEM_NAME="Maemo 5 Internal Flash"
ITEM_MODULES=mbcache ext2
ITEM_FSOPTIONS="noatime" [ -d "/sys/block/${INT_CARD}/${MENU_2_DEVICE}" ] ||

I did notice the bootmenu list FSTYPE as ext2 whilst the multiboot as ext3, not sure myself if correct.
Posts: 222 | Thanked: 22 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Sydney Australia
Is this correct way to load the .sh file:
sh /home/user/MyDocs/

So It ran and got the following:
Remove old Maemo 5 root files from /home before copying....
Umount /opt bindings (one error on /opt is expected)...
umount: cannot umount /opt: Device or resource busy
Start copying Maemo 5 root file system to /home....
(device can be unresponsible around 10 minutes)
Copying done.
Remount /opt back (error about / is expected)....
start: unkown job: pymaemo optify
Create dirs....
Edit a vital scripts on new root file system in /home partition...
Done: Maemo 5 (10.2010.19-1) has been prepared in /home partition.

Whilst it says done, are the above in red anything to worry about or normal and all part the process. How do I confirm that it has installed correctly?
Posts: 116 | Thanked: 40 times | Joined on Mar 2010
do an ls on /home I believe
Posts: 222 | Thanked: 22 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Sydney Australia
Originally Posted by Coffee View Post
No mate, looking into it now.
After seeing the thread above for Bootmenu, our I expect will be very similar, so expecting something like (mix of the bootmenus & multiboots for stock kernel:

ITEM_NAME="Maemo 5 Internal Flash"
ITEM_MODULES=mbcache ext2
ITEM_FSOPTIONS="noatime" [ -d "/sys/block/${INT_CARD}/${MENU_2_DEVICE}" ] ||

I did notice the bootmenu list FSTYPE as ext2 whilst the multiboot as ext3, not sure myself if correct.
Well I tried this and doesn't work as it just skips back to boot menu. I do know that in Multiboot there are other files in home/boot/multiboot. I don't understand how Multiboot works and maybe we need other mods?
Posts: 116 | Thanked: 40 times | Joined on Mar 2010
I tried the FSOPTIONS from the nitdroid and the ubuntu items I have and can not get it to boot either way. I never got the ubuntu one to boot either.I'll try loading it with Titan's kernel maybe
Posts: 222 | Thanked: 22 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Sydney Australia
Well I compared it against the list in the first thread:
/home/usr (usr - not user! /home/user is OK)

All but one is different, I have an srv folder and not an src. Can you check what you have, maybe a typo?
As for the ".item" file, I have zero idea, have posted on the Multiboot thread and fingers crossed some kind lad will assist.

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