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I got my 770 yesterday and have been playing around with ways to capture web pages on my desktop for viewing on the 770 while travelling. Finding WiFi or BT/phone connections is not always easy or cheap, and if you already know what you want to read, why not just load up the memory card? Here is my method. Does anyone have a better way of doing this?

1. Navigate to the web page on your desktop.
2. Choose a printable version of the page if possible.
3. Save the web page, complete. In IE this makes an html file and a folder with images etc
4. Drop these on the 770s memory card.
5. Open the file in Opera

Cool thing: If you tell Opera to show the optimized view of the page, the text will reflow on the page when you zoom in and out.
Posts: 66 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Have you tried the "scarpbook" plugin for Firefox? It seems to get a more complete snapshot than I've been able to get with ie.

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Originally Posted by Chainsaw76
Have you tried the "scarpbook" plugin for Firefox? It seems to get a more complete snapshot than I've been able to get with ie.


If you get a copy of `wget` into your cache-building environment, then you can have it not only pull down full mirrors of content, but also _rewrite_ all of the internal references to be relative rather than absolute, so you can view it all offline.

-also Jason. ;-)
Posts: 39 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ Newport Beach, CA
You can also do this with Safari on OS X, just save the web page (preferably the formated for Printing version if one is available) as a Web Archive and copy the web archive to the 770, it'll show up as a directory with the HTML and images neatly packaged inside. Open up the HTML file and you'll be able to read off line no problem, I think off page links are intact also, really handy for travel.

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I second the ScrapBook extension for Firefox. I have used it to download geocashing information that I was unable to get using IE. (IE didn't handle the logon credentials properly for me.) I just copied the folder to my 770 and browsed from the file system.
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Scrapbook is great but... what the hell does it have to do with the 770? I guess you could have some kind of workaround using it but for starters you might be browsing the 770 in the first place.
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@ desktop:

Then WTF is the point of having a device with *WiFi*? I did this sort of this on my WiFi-less GENIO PPC. It's just silly go back to that with a 770.
Posts: 66 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Originally Posted by JMills
If you get a copy of `wget` into your cache-building environment, then you can have it not only pull down full mirrors of content, but also _rewrite_ all of the internal references to be relative rather than absolute, so you can view it all offline.

-also Jason. ;-)
Has anyone gotten a copy of wget for the 770? The Maemo Wiki pages suggest to get it from a specific distro, but for the life of me I couldn't find wget.

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Originally Posted by Mike Cane
@ desktop:

Then WTF is the point of having a device with *WiFi*? I did this sort of this on my WiFi-less GENIO PPC. It's just silly go back to that with a 770.
Someone said recently:
Originally Posted by Mike Cane
It seems to me the entire point of an Internet Tablet is to be able to read the net, on or off line.
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The point is I'm in a city of 4 million people and it's still not supersaturated with wireless - - plus I'm on the move so when I do hop on an AP my time's limited.

Usually a quick load of engadget at the streetcar stop is enough to keep me occupied on the subway... the ensuing bus is for eBooks.

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