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Originally Posted by jd4200 View Post
If I was an employee, his rant would, quite honestly, go in favour of me employing him.

It shows he is human with emotion, someone who is not scared to stand up for something he belives in, instead of being pushed into a corner and forced to work in uncomfortable confines: he is not scared of sticking his head up and putting forth his objections to the direction a project is heading.
The fact his rant is as bold and vulgar as it is shows he has a true passion for what does best

If I was an employee, I would be damn pleased to have him as part of my team.
i quess you don't have a company to run? you don't need to answer....
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Originally Posted by lemmyslender View Post
Why would I want drones working for me? They are only good at doing the same thing over and over. They won't think for themselves.

I want (and hire) people that can think for themselves. They can take a job, run with it, and if they see a better / easier / faster / cheaper way to get the job done, they can ask / implement it. This keeps my business improving in efficiency and flexibility. This is what is needed to stay competitive.
Absolutely. But you want those same people to possess diplomatic skills. Being outspoken and opinionated doesn't automatically require being crass and vulgar as well, and those traits work against a person at every turn. Your best prospects know how to pull off the right mix without being weak or sycophantic. That can take years to develop though.
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He does though have a point that the restrictions for apps to come out of extras and devel are ridiculous just like vital parts of N900 (see usb host mode) and even as far as this "simple" app right here is concerned aren't open.

It simply doesn't work this way, 0 support + pseudo open software that males you hit walls at every turn + ridiculous testing demands.

I'd really like to see what the "community council" has accomplished in the last while because all I hear is nothing. There's no flash coming, no official meego support and key components like simply using this genius device as a music player don't work - nokia does nothing to fix them, they don't allow anyone else to do so and I wonder how much the council actually brings our complaints to nokia.

Added the complete lack of support for N900 (yes I mean flash 10.1 by that), although I enjoyed the ride till now, N900 is the last device I would want to own right now.

It's no wonder somebody had to snap and maybe since this it wasn't just another nobody, that will wipe the smugness off your face and actually tell nokia where things stand.

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Originally Posted by ossipena View Post
i quess you don't have a company to run? you don't need to answer....
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I wish all the best to qwerty12.

He is a very nice person, I'm sad to see him go.
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
Absolutely. But you want those same people to possess diplomatic skills. Being outspoken and opinionated doesn't automatically require being crass and vulgar as well, and those traits work against a person at every turn. Your best prospects know how to pull off the right mix without being weak or sycophantic. That can take years to develop though.
Completely agreed. I was just replying why I wouldn't want drones.

However, while outbursts like this should not be without repercussion, it shouldn't lead to immediate dismissal or overlooking for a position, etc, unless there are extenuating circumstances and/or history.

Case in point, at my previous employer, I had a fellow employee (whom I had a good relationship with) get in my face yelling and screaming, threatening, casting aspersions on my lineage, etc. after a meeting one day. Within an hour, I had been in meetings with my boss, his boss, and HR. When asked my opinion, I told them that they shouldn't do anything to the other person. Why?

Two weeks previous, we had switched to SAP to run the company (it's a god awful system, at least initially), we had all been putting in overtime, and were under significant stress. Working in QA we were reviewing everything at least twice, participating in 2-3 production meetings every day, basically running ragged. His anger wasn't directed at me but at the situation, I just happened to be in the line of fire when he finally snapped.

He was an excellent employee, hard working, nice guy. No reason to crucify him for one incident. In fact, afterward, he apologized multiple times and was extremely embarrassed about the whole incident, it was very out of character. We continued to work well together afterward, and he remained a valued employee. I probably could have gotten him fired or transferred to a different department, but I didn't see the value in doing that.

If you look at the whole picture, I imagine qwerty12 to be similar to my former co-worker. Finally fed up with the system, and no real outlet to make changes to it, he finally needed to blow off some steam. Inappropriate, immature, sure, but understandable. Given his history here, I wouldn't hold it against him, and given a different environment (real world, not virtual), it probably could have been avoided before it reached this point anyway.

Wow way too long a post, my apologies.
*Consumer*, not a developer! I apologize for any inconvenience.
My script to backup /home and /opt
Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant, Huawei S7, N900(retired), N800(retired)

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Originally Posted by Bec View Post
I'd really like to see what the "community council" has accomplished in the last while because all I hear is nothing. There's no flash coming, no official meego support and key components like simply using this genius device as a music player don't work - nokia does nothing to fix them, they don't allow anyone else to do so and I wonder how much the council actually brings our complaints to nokia.
Did you not see the links I posted? We're doing quite a bit, and very upfront about it. All you have to do is keep an eye on the Community section here, follow blogs like mine, and ask questions whenever you like. We're not ignoring you, Bec, and we bring every single important issue before Nokia... just as we are chartered to do.

Out of curiosity, what results do you expect though? Do you think Nokia will relent on every issue, or that every outcome will go the community's way? We do our absolute damndest but at the end of the day if Nokia executives disagree with our wants or demands then no amount of asking will change that-- no matter how good a case we put together. Are you expecting miracles? Not gonna happen.

But yes, we're working hard on your behalf, and the evidence is available. Just look, or ask.
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back to buisness, it works and its handy! so thank you qwerty this is a cool final contribution
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Originally Posted by lemmyslender View Post
If you look at the whole picture, I imagine qwerty12 to be similar to my former co-worker. Finally fed up with the system, and no real outlet to make changes to it, he finally needed to blow off some steam. Inappropriate, immature, sure, but understandable. Given his history here, I wouldn't hold it against him, and given a different environment (real world, not virtual), it probably could have been avoided before it reached this point anyway.
I'll grant that steam-blowing is normal and often cathartic for the individual. But the petty personal slams were completely unnecessary, and THAT is hard for a person to overcome, regardless of how some here may understand it. It shows a possible inability to cooperate with others. Really, he's pissed at ME because I try to walk the line of objectivity instead of picking either slathering sycophant or perpetual curmudgeon? Seriously?

Not that I care, I just don't get what he hopes to accomplish with the mud slinging. Sure, give Nokia hell. The company has certainly earned it in many ways. The rest was just childish and stupid. It cost him my respect, but then, I'm sure he cares as much as I do at this point. But respect is a currency of the business world. He'll get that one day, or suffer accordingly.
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Flash is more a standard than a miracle and by the looks of things we're not seeing any of those.

Then there are components like bme and apparently basic media controlling via the headset button or changing tracks from the volume button aren't open sourced.

Nokia decided to leave out both OTG and Host mode yet devs that are trying to do nokia's job aren't allowed to.

From where I stand nokia is completely ignoring us and so are you as long as some points aren't clearly and loudly being made. I don't care about blog posts. What I do care about is direct communication.

All I see is letters and posts but I don't see anyone from nokia actually ever answering.

What more is there to say we have come to beg them to open-source code so that we can do the job ourselves, instead of actually having the support any expensive device like N900 benefits of.

What we have here is failure to communicate and lack of common sense from nokia.

childish, fa[n]bo[j]s, icanhazapp?, ranting, reality, ridiculous, strong language, teen_angst, warning

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