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Oh no not another Symbian!!!
No symbian dead end OS for me after my N95 lol. Hey Iphone 3G doesn't have the underclocked CPU likes its younger brother 3GS. The cpu on the 3GS is 800Mhz cortex A8 underclocked to 600Mhz which explaint why iOS4 won't be a problem on it. On the other hand 3G ARM11 412 MHz, PowerVR MBX-Lite graphics running at full power. And doesn't have OpenGLES 2.0 support either that explained why 3G is slow.

N8 will be the same too, think about it, the next upgrade to N8 (N8-1) will be running atleast a cortex A8 (that's my guess not FUD) and it may have Symbian^4 and Symbian^4 may required a better cpu to runs smoothly. So No N8 or N9 for me. No MeeGo for a while until it readily matured and got plenty of free apps and good paid apps in the app store.

I'm not jumping into the pool too soon without knowing what's the danger in it like the N900. There might be a shark dwelling around to bite your butts off lol or abandening ship like N900.
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i concer...
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Originally Posted by tirtawn View Post
Yes, but with that price??? I rather wait until it comes down first.
Thats always been the case with nokia phones. I pre-ordered my N900 for $650 USD + taxes, and it went down as low as $200 after rebates. Better of waiting.
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Posts: 124 | Thanked: 38 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Gaffney, South Carolina, USA
Yeah looks like a step back for the N series ... yay. Was hoping it would at least have meego on it .. but symbian ... gah.
Need more apps for the N900?
Qole's Easy Debian lets you choose from some 25,000 precompiled packages running safely on top of Maemo!
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Posts: 139 | Thanked: 28 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ Connecticut, United States
Originally Posted by Scottlfa View Post
Yeah looks like a step back for the N series ... yay. Was hoping it would at least have meego on it .. but symbian ... gah.
But N8 was announced/leaked long ago with symbian OS info.
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Originally Posted by maluka View Post
Then get an iPhone if you want those kinds of force-fed updates. There is no guarantee that a newer OS version will work with an older device.
Funny how that's the common response. Seriously. "Get an iPhone if you want updates" is the best you can come up with.

Let's put it this way then. From the sound of it, you are against having an updateable OS. You are against having official support more than just a few months. You are against actually allowing your device of choice and OS of choice get each and every quirk, issue, flaw, and/or issue fixed over time.

In simpler terms, you have no idea how a so-called mobile computer should be handled; just like Nokia.

And ultimately, when people say rhetoric like "Buy an iPhone", it's not because of any "force fed" update or app request or anything else that may be brought in to justify such a puerile battle cry; it's quite possibly the stupidest thing you can say when iOS and Android phones can get updates and your choice of manufacturer believes otherwise.

I had an iPhone. I have an Android device. I avoided the N900 because it will not get the level of support I demand. You're happy with older technology, or faking the Flash Player to play stuff and hope that the developer of the flash video/website has not implemented Flash Player 10.x specific code and/or features.

What you're really saying is that you know down deep... you will not get a damn thing after PR1.3. Maemo 5 will be dead in the water like Maemo 4.1 before it (13 months). At this rate, MeeGo will supplant Maemo 5, and you will end up with a "community edition" of the OS that might work as good as the "hacker editions" did for the 770.

Here's a hint: they sucked. Let's see if these will to. I have no time for idle banter about "faith" - I have demands as a customer and Nokia has not hit that mark with Maemo 5 outside of my uses for it to remotely admin a machine.

I'm not always doing that **** on my phone. I can do that on my laptop too. Sooner than later, my OS on my servers will probably surpass the N900. Then what?

Here's another hint: more than likely nothing.

My iPhone 3G is slow as hell after the iOS update and I would have much rather preferred a firmware update for the previous OS that supports my phone's hardware.
Turn off the Spotlight search in all areas via Settings. It will assist you in the speed area. My iPhone 3GS didn't lose any speed, my jailbroken 3G updated to iOS 4, and with the Spotlight Search settings trimmed, was just as fast as before. But guess what... at least I got the damn upgrade in order to figure that out.

Say the same. I triple dog dare you. The N900 has about 5 more months to make it to that 13th month... and MeeGo will be out before then. And then what?

There would be more of an outcry if an automatic update to Symbian^4 makes people's phones run slower. Symbian^3 will be around for a long time just like S60 v5 now renamed Symbian^1 has moved to the mid to lower end.
Only if you're (as a customer) unrealistic and your manufacturer does what Apple happen to have done by not optimizing the code.

Funny how Android 2.2 is actually lighter and faster than 2.1 on a lot of phones. That's a clue as to how it should be done. Nokia pulled an "Apple" (unrefined and slow after update) with the "hacker editions"... lord knows the community based edition will probably falter in the same way.

I, for one, hope not. But to insinuate that updates is a "bad thing"... that's rather dimwitted.

Enjoy the lack of support. It seems to be rather fitting because none of you seem to want it.

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Then get an iPhone if you want those kinds of force-fed updates. There is no guarantee that a newer OS version will work with an older device.
So because a future OS update may not be 100% compatible with your older device, it shouldn't be expected? You should expect your device to be supported. I feel sorry iOS scarred you, but its telling that when the option came for you to update, you took it. A $550 phone should not lose support after six months in this day and age. I wouldn't mine my n900 being "force-fed" an update right about now.

Good lord, after Nokia's travesty in supporting this phone and its very active community, I will not recommend an N-Series device to anyone for the next two years: time enough to see a mature Meego platform and whether Nokia has changed its monolithic approach to interacting with its costumers and providing meaningful support. The N8 has a nice camera, but with the advances in software of Nokia's competitors and far superior hardware, I could not imagine recommending this over its alternatives.

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