Poll: Have you had charging or USB problems with your N900
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Have you had charging or USB problems with your N900

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Posts: 3 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jun 2010
yo i have got the same problem, just sent it off to nokia.....did nokia repair your?
i'm still waiting like....thanks
Posts: 87 | Thanked: 37 times | Joined on Apr 2010
My N900 will now only chrage via usb cable to PC, is this the same problem? When I plug in charger charging light comes on, but it doesnt charge...

I have an external battery charger, so can charge as I have two batteries.... Not sure if I will send it off or just put up with it. Got it via carphone warehouse, may get them to send it off.....
Posts: 131 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Michigan
Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
Leaked photos from the N9 indicate Nokia has finally gone to through-hole mounting for usb connectors.
That is great news but also a little depressing that it had to take how many deivces having some type of issue with surface mount USB. Just another reason why I will probably move to N9 and keep N900 for various things around the house.

I know my N97 was sent in for repair as my MicroUSB plug fell out when I took it out of the packaging (Yeah I think I got a refurb straight from Nokia).

My N900 hasn't had any issues so far but I filled down all my plugs or used older plugs which don't have the massive clips on them.
Posts: 11 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Aug 2010
They accepted it and the current status says:

Your Nokia N900 device, serial number xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, was received for repair on 08/20/10.

Unfortunately we were unable to repair your device and are currently awaiting delivery of a replacement device for you.

I am not sure what this means or how long it takes, but seems promising.

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Posts: 8 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Aug 2010
Been lurking around here for awhile learning about my N900....

But sad to say my new N900 I bought less than 3 months ago has it's USB port broken off.

I returned it to my phone service provider (Optus) and after 2 weeks waiting, I have been told today the phone is "Physically damaged" and will not be covered under warranty. After much to and fro, I have been advised to call Nokia, in which Nokia customer service assured me it will be covered under warranty... They even gave me a reference number to give the local Nokia customer service center.... I was pretty happy with the outcome

After driving close to 30mins to my nearest service center (only one in Perth, W.Australia), the service girl had a look at it, brought it to their tech guy, and came back telling me its a "Physical Damage" and wont be covered under warranty. I replied by telling her I have read in a few internet forum (including here and Nokia) that the USB breaking is a known issue among N900 users. her reply was: "Dont believe everything you hear on the internet" .... not happy

Her suggestion to me was the only way to fix the phone is to replace the board. and by doing so, the cost out of my pocket will be nearly the same as buying a new phone.... so.... she told me "Go buy a new phone".....

Unfortunately, after many years of using different mobile phones, I never had any hardware failures like this... ever... pretty disappointed with the quality and customer service.

As I am still under contract with Optus (21 months left), it was fortunate Optus Customer service is willing to help out (even though I dont have phone insurance) by reducing some of my costs in getting a new phone.

Unfortunately, I will be going back to an Iphone... I had such high hopes for this N900.... but alas, this may be my last Nokia phone ever...

Posts: 2,829 | Thanked: 1,459 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Finland
You called nokia customer service and they PROMISED that you will get it under warranty. You went to Nokia service center where guy says that sorry no can do. Iīm sorry for you experiences and thatīs just sad.

Did you have any documents from Nokias own support forum (i think links are in this thread) where they admit this or from this thread or the name of person whit whom you talked in the phone?
Posts: 8 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Aug 2010
no... I did not have the link from Nokia support... but the customer support at the nokia service center was not even keen to check the reference number from the phone Customer service guy gave me... just some excuse like " THey only say that so you would come to the service center"....

and no, they were not keen on listening about what has been mentioned online about this issue.... "It looks like it was ripped out... so must be your fault"

no name... as they always an oversea customer phone service people... so I got a reference number from him instead...
Posts: 2,829 | Thanked: 1,459 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Finland
I think you should at least make complain about how they treated you. Of course it looks like ripped. Thatīs the way how it comes out ffs.
Posts: 8 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Aug 2010
omg... I just got off the phone with the Nokia Phone service.... and the guy is now telling me that "If Nokia care service center techniction say it is a physical fault, then it would not be under warranty"

even when I explained to him that all I do was "plug in and remove the usb cable everyday for charging, and there are no other "physical" damage" he said no warranty.... again, I tried to highlight that it is a known issue, he said the tech has the final say....

I even asked for his manager, he refused by saying it wont be covered by warranty either way....

wow... Nokia service at its best??
Posts: 2,829 | Thanked: 1,459 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Finland
I do not know if itīs any help as we are "just" community site, but you should probably try to contact Texrat (look this thread) and tell your situation and ask for any hints.

bad design, broken, charging, failure, hardware, loose, microusb, microusb port, n900, nokia, part, port, repair, return, surface mount, usb, usb port, warranty

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