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Originally Posted by lma View Post
That makes sense actually, since most commonly used Ctrl-letter combinations are keys on the left side of the keyboard.
Mmmh, I woudn't say so. I move the coursor to the left or the right more often than selecting text or make a undo. I use this while writing sms, emails, writing at a web forum or the terminal. Its even faster and more accurate than simply pressing the coursor key and wait until the cursor is somewhere in the near you wanted to have it.

I often use [Ctrl] + [Enter], too. With fat fingers it's possible to press more than a single button at once. But it feels even at the N900 not natural.
You cold be right, the most buttons for Ctrl combinations are on the left. But they are not so often used than the combinations on the right. Don't count the number of combinations. Count the number of times used a combination.

And Nokia decided anyway to remove some Ctrl combinations at the left. At example [Ctrl] + [A] at the File Browser. (introduced with PR1.2)

Originally Posted by lma View Post
Making Sym a dedicated key (like Chr on the N810) is also a good move.
Yes, thats true. But this is a key without used keycombinations. They were able to place it everywhere at the keyboard. It's only needed to press it with a single finger.
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Originally Posted by thecursedfly View Post
This is because you think as a command line user where those symbols are much used, but the device is aimed first of all at a general audience, for which command line use shouldn't be required.
I get why | is considered useless outside CLI/programming, but < & > are needed for html and just plain English (e.g. "Maemo > Android > WinMo"), to say nothing of <3...

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Originally Posted by Benson View Post
I get why | is considered useless outside CLI/programming, but < & > are needed for html and just plain English (e.g. "Maemo > Android > WinMo"), to say nothing of <3...
as if everybody's a html master; and personally i've never used the <3 smilie, i find it more for 14 yo girls (just a personal feeling, no offense)...
Ok, rarely, but I may use it to symbol an arrow ("-->") now and then...
Of course everybody's needs are different, but I'm pretty sure they made their research. Anyway, that was my interpretation.
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N9.A9 none of this snappingbirdragon. Just get a omap4440, its gonna be a stretch, but is the best proc option. why would nokia abandon ti/arm arch for samsung/qualcomm? esp for ONE generation, at least with the A9 they could downscale it while maintaining performance, then predictably moving to an intel proc for later iterations. but if they mean high end, a 1ghz isnt going to cut it, esp since 10% of us are running close to that speed right now ... wheres the incentive to upgrade?

they know whats going on here, it would be ashame if it was anything less than an omap4440 esp if the N8 is "high-midend" as the head of marketing said. if its to be high end it needs to get on with the next gen chip (which has been avail since feb 2009, its time to get with the game)
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Please keep in mind that MeeGo is developed using the N900 as reference device.
So a hard coded resolution of 800x480 does tell very little about the resolution of the N9.

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Originally Posted by shady View Post
Rambling about ARM processors.
Nokia's design cycle for the N9 or whatnot likely began long ago, before the OMAP4 series had even entered sampling phases. No A9 based chip has reached serious volume just yet, and nothing packing one is out.

Give it a year or so and dual-core A9 based devices will start appearing.


Originally Posted by vivainio View Post
Supporting DRM doesn't make anything less open
Quoting for doublethink. DRM inherently makes things less open, that's its whole goal.

having DRM / trusted platform enabler will mean more software to be available for the device, with zero damage to open ecosystem.
This is hilarious. DRM's presence is, in and of itself, damaging to an open ecosystem as they are mutually exclusive. DRM denies the ability for the other to exist, period.

Sorry, that post struck me as a complete failure to understand the problems with DRM.

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Originally Posted by shady View Post
why would nokia abandon ti/arm arch for samsung/qualcomm?
Qualcomm Snapdragon and Samsung Hummingbird are ARM.

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@wmarone ... yes i know, thats why i said its been avail in volume since february 2009. why do you think the tegra2 tablets (A9) are coming out in sept? so i wont give it a year ill give it 2 months, if that ... the production falls right in line with the dev cycle of the rx-57, which is why im saying i want an A9 chip. better battery life. which would go a long way to why the batt we see is only 20mAh+ over the n900.

yea most designes are ARM, but not the TI arch that they have been using. i hope we get a decent upsell on this one. i would like to watch the 720p videos i record on the device i record them with, at native resolution, with 100%ntsc color coverage. all possible, especially with the new SoC.

just saying, in order to differentiate it would be nice!
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Originally Posted by cardiff-blues View Post
Is this the N9
that's a nokia c series phone i beleive look in upper corner
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Originally Posted by shady View Post
why would nokia abandon ti/arm arch for samsung/qualcomm?
Originally Posted by shady View Post
yea most designes are ARM, but not the TI arch that they have been using.
Wait, what?

TI OMAP, which used in the N900, is ARM.

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design, nokia n9

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