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Could you provide more specifics about how to make this modification? I have not worked with coding previously. Thank you.

Originally Posted by ed00 View Post
Overwriting %gconf.xml file made GPS lock in less than 5 second. Tested it today many times in a different locations with Data/WiFi -- on/off getting same result. Sounds weird but thats how its never was so fast. Even posting now i turned it on to see if it still works and got locked in about 8 second ( indoor )

By founding where GPS kept its catch and just backup %gconf.xml file then remove and install it back did the trick.
location server on
phone is OC @ 1000mhz
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@ RockCreek1

I used WinSCP to access root on N900 from my PC through WiFi.

Its very simple to setup
here is step by step instruction.

This is how it looks like:

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Originally Posted by bocaJ View Post
I'll just share a story:

I was convinced that my GPS was broken, because I could only get an AGPS accuracy level fix, and whenever I started GPSJinni or other location aware programs, the little satelite dish icon would appear, stop blinking like it had gotten a lock, but would only tell me my location to an accuracy of about half a mile.

Finally, I went into settings -> location and saw that the "enable" checkbox for GPS was blank. I think I had disabled GPS once, but it didn't turn back on automatically. Hope this might help some of you.
Same thing here. I have always had this setting turned off, and just recently my n900 started careing, and the gps stopped working. Turned it back on, and everything is fine.

Maybe a recent upgrade of something has made the difference. I have always wondered what that setting did, never made any difference wether it was on or off until now..

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