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Originally Posted by marktold View Post
Got a message that installation was ok and that I can reboot with keyboard open to boot into NITdroid.

Is this how it will be. Open keyboard NITdroid, closed keyboard maemo?

No in the new version of multiboot you have to choose what to boot into, it wont automatically boot maemo if KB is slide closed...

Good luck with booting NITdroid and have fun
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NvyUs's Avatar
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be careful b/c since installing nitdroid when charging with maemo booted its stopped recognizing when battery is full and acts like its charging forever, i get no green led and its just flashing orange with battery icon charging even though i have full battery.
i've even tested a second battery to make sure my battery did not have a defect and still get same result
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a) got it finally running
b) wefi seems to disconect often, could e my router
c) like maemo a whole heap better.
d) Numbers do not work in virtual keyboard
e) wrong keyboard layout - need Swiss

How do I acess Menu to get more options in an app?

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I am really looking forward to use Droid on my N900 and today i saw a 4gb class 4 microSD hc hanging around in the store. I thought thats the sign to finally install NITDroid.

Well, what i did so far:

Inserted the microSD and followed this instructions.

It hung up while formating the sd with ext3. So i checked out the "Solution to the installer problem with formatting ext3" found here.

I removed the first autoinstaller and then installed the ext3 fixed one.

Starting it with "nitdroid-installer" again. it started downlading the NITDroid-N900-the-flying-world.tbz2 file but it never finished and moved on to the next file. I have good wireless connection. Conky showed download of data.

But it didnt start to download the other files. So i restarted the device and tried the whole process again. This time it went through formatting fine. Then it downloaded the other files and installed NITDroid.

I was told to reboot and did so, but no bootmenu showed up. When i power the device it just boots maemo automatically, like if i had never installed nitdroid.

Does anyone have had a similar experience and maybe an idea how to solve it?

Should i format my sd card manually and retry the installation process? How to check in maemo if NITDroid has been installed correctly?

Thanks guys. I really hope i will get NITDroid running!
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Ever since I installed the kernel-power option and choose the power kernel on the multiboot screen, my batterygraph states it is constantly running around 50%...
So the juice in my battery is draining rapidly...
When I choose the normal maemo boot (option 1) the drainage stops but then i can't overclock...

Am I the only one or did I do something wrong?
Posts: 147 | Thanked: 49 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Originally Posted by rolan900d View Post
Just installed some great free apps and games from Android market!
It just feels like a new cell!
Great stuff

How the hell do we close running apps in Android?
I saw that the camera button switches back to menu..
But how to close running apps ??????

By the way, running from mmc warms the cell a bit!
haha welcome to android!

download the advanced task killer if you want to "close" apps.

otherwise the OS just puts them into sleep mode which some say is fine
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i have found how to do it!
The slide button wich you use to open screen and close screen does that ..(the one between to riht speaker and headset jack plugin
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I see alot of questions here that I'm not going to take time to answer like how to open menu, etc. Just going to say if you take the time to read the nitdroid wiki/faq all your questions will be answered.
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Originally Posted by cloudstrife1ph View Post
i thought this is froyo? i tried youtube and it redirects me to the mobile site. i can't play the videos either...

some people said it has flash 10 in the early parts of this thread...
You can install flash 10.1 from the Extras folder. Once you are in nitdroid, use a file manager like IO File Manager and click on the home icon. Get in the Extras folder and you will see an adobe flash apk file. This is not the final version of 10.1 but it is out. I have it installed on nitdroid. You will find the apk on the nitdroid forum.

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Posts: 527 | Thanked: 121 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Originally Posted by rolan900d View Post
Ever since I installed the kernel-power option and choose the power kernel on the multiboot screen, my batterygraph states it is constantly running around 50%...
So the juice in my battery is draining rapidly...
When I choose the normal maemo boot (option 1) the drainage stops but then i can't overclock...

Am I the only one or did I do something wrong?
I am kinda hoping this question won't get lost in here.....

Does anybody out here know what I could change?

bada rox, face coconut, face palm, nitdroid n900

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