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Originally Posted by bipinbn View Post
Fantastic scritp Dany.. Just wanted to inform something...

Hildon desktop has recieved some updates as mentioned in the post

Can we use the deb mentioned there for the custom is supposed to fix the submenu/battery drain problem.. I am using this modified hildon for some time and i see better battery times

I changed the custom file to

h|H) dpkg -i $FDIR/hildon/hildon-desktop_2.2.138-1+0m5_armel.deb
echo "Package: hildon-desktop
Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 1001" >> /etc/apt/preferences
killall hildon-desktop
echo "Customized Hildon-desktop installed and pinned"
echo " " ;;

I also placed the modified hildon in the "hildon folder.."

I think that should take care of installing the fixed hildon..

Thank you
Well since we are talking about Hildon-desktop ...
Are you sure this is the most updated version? o.O
Unfortunately it seems that the number indicating the version is always the same .. o.O

Also known that with some updated version, should be able to configure scrolling with a string in the file transitions.ini ..COOL!

But I also found another version of Hildon desktop (thanks to my great colleague Tiger of which, besides allowing you to choose the degree scrolling (with a terminal command this time and not through transitions.ini) , you can add new desktops. (Yes, I know, it exist from a long time .. but before the package didn' t implemented scrolling)

Now I don't know which version to include in the package ... :/
The one that allows you to add the desktops wouldn't be a bad idea ... especially to be used with a pair of QBW to increase and decrease the number of desktops.

What do you think about this, guys?
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I have lots of mods like themes (images and backgrounds), splashscreens, fonts, sounds, and lots more.
Can I create folders in the icon folder so the script will run them?
Or does the script need to be edited?
Posts: 326 | Thanked: 335 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Originally Posted by rolan900d View Post

I have lots of mods like themes (images and backgrounds), splashscreens, fonts, sounds, and lots more.
Can I create folders in the icon folder so the script will run them?
Or does the script need to be edited?
If you give a eye to the script ... you'll se that it copy the whole content on the directory custom_en/icons/64x64/hildon in the same directory of the system .. so you can put everything you want in that directory .. for example different icons..
But for the rest of ou personalizazions.. the command aren't right ... for example fonts and sounds uses some different directories... So you should add some command to the script .
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let's hope I get it right...

could you add a version number on the rar?
So I can keep track of updated versions in my PC
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Amazing what a difference the swappiness mod made in terms of responsiveness (in the menus, app switching, etc)

The Following User Says Thank You to msnbcnnbcbs For This Useful Post:
Posts: 130 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Jul 2010
thank you very much for the script, if you can improve with more addons and a ui, it would be AWESOME, pretty usefull btw


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Thanks for the script.Works really nice.
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Originally Posted by msnbcnnbcbs View Post
Amazing what a difference the swappiness mod made in terms of responsiveness (in the menus, app switching, etc)
The swappiness mod makes difference in ebery part of the system ..
If you search swappiness definition.. you'll find that it is the tendency to use the swap ...
But why should it use the swap (space on the memory chip that acts as a ram) if we got 256 mb of VERY faster memory?

So this mod should improve both the speed and battery life (less use if the emmc chip).
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Originally Posted by arnoldux View Post
thank you very much for the script, if you can improve with more addons and a ui, it would be AWESOME, pretty usefull btw

Ok for the addons

But i need ideas ! What other customizations do you want?
What hildon desktop ? Some good transition ? (how are mine? )

For the UI .. Ehmm .... i have never programmed T_T
If someone wants to help me or do this by himself or together ok But i just don't know how to create a GUI in gtk or QT .. T_T
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Add ons:

1) fonts
2) sounds
3) themes icons (for backgrounds, images)
4) drop menu with celluar modem button
5) splashscreen

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