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Originally Posted by lemmyslender View Post
As pelago notes, I don't believe that's the case.

I have plugged my N900 in overnight when it was fairly full (80%+ charged). The next morning (8 hours later), it comes off the charger at ~94%. Given that it discharges around 5% per hour (for me). So give it 2 hours to charge completely, that leaves 6 hours on the charger at 5% discharge rate per hour, it should come off the charger at around 65% or less. This has never happened!

Has this ever happened to you? Have you ever taken your N900 off the charger with less battery charge then when you put it on the charger? If so, I suggest you send your N900 in for service. *edit* I see it has, I stand by my recommendation that you have your N900 serviced (or at least verify you don't have any programs running at 100% while charging).
I think you're the one that needs to send your device in for servicing, you get 5% drop in battery per hour even when you're not using it? ...
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My N900 also does the same thing:
Occasionally, even though I have the "keep display lit while charging" checkbox, the screen will shut off according to the 1-minute timeout I have set--even while the battery is still charging.

Of course, this issue doesn't come without it's share of other bugs that manifest themselves at the same time as this issue, such as my virtual keyboard missing highlights on pressed buttons, general device slowness, and sound stuttering issues.

Rebooting a few times solves it for me, but every once in a while a reboot would cause my reported battery level to go down to an unacceptable level (around 15%, warning beeps and all...), so I'll use one of the cleanup scripts around here to restart hildon-* and a restart of bme usually fixes all my issues without changing my battery level.

These issues usually only show up after a few weeks of uptime, however, so it's not too big of an issue for me.
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Originally Posted by tswindell View Post
I think you're the one that needs to send your device in for servicing, you get 5% drop in battery per hour even when you're not using it? ...
Aside from the obvious trolling, yes. If you recall the N900 is an "always connected" internet device / portable computer. So even when I'm not physically using it, it is doing stuff, like checking for email, updating contacts, calendars,etc. Staying online for IM's etc. Doing other odd little tasks in the background.

Given so many threads on here about 4, 6, 8 hour batter life, I feel pretty good about my 16-20 hours of on time. It gets me through the day .
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Originally Posted by tswindell View Post
Once again you're completely missing the point, once the battery is fully charged. The phone starts to use battery power, having the screen on will cause battery drain as once the battery is full, the power connection is not being used. Think of the green light as I was full, but now I'm discharging.
As I already twice said, yes, I do understand this is how it works. My question was, how useful is this display behaviour for the end user?

When I've selected an item like this and plugged the charger in, I typically want to be able to read the display without having to mess around with it every 30 seconds, and I'm not terribly interested if my battery at that point is almost empty, halfway, or already quite full.

TL;DR: I'm sure one could change the checkbox to be "display stays lit when connected to charger", and I'm confident most people would find this to be more useful than the current choice.

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Originally Posted by paai View Post
Me too. However, I seem to remember that at least Mappero has an option to keep the display alive. Haven't checked it as yet.
I also thought I remembered that, and I tried to find the option. Can't find it anywhere, has it been removed in newer versions?

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