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Am I right in saying that if I use the Nokia Software Update Wizard, backing up my settings will not preserve any applications I have downloaded and installed myself?

If so, will the situation be any different if I am booting from SD card? In fact, I've seen a lot of tutorials on setting up booting from SD card, but no tutorials on upgrading the OS when booting from SD card.

Seems to be a bit of a pain having to reinstall everything from scratch each time there is an OS update...
Posts: 3,841 | Thanked: 1,079 times | Joined on Nov 2006
The software you installed will not be preserved, but the repositories (the application manager catalogues) will (if you restore the backup that you made before upgrading). Which means that you can re-install your applications from the application manager, which is an improvement in case you had finally managed to put together your list of repositories for the applications you want.

If you installed some software by downloading a .deb and installing the file, then better put all those .debs on an SD card so that you can reinstall from there.

It's still not a perfect situation, but there are plans to improve on this in the future releases.

As for booting from SD card I can't say, haven't done that myself.
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Posts: 211 | Thanked: 61 times | Joined on Aug 2007 @ Washington, DC
Unlike the first OS2007 update, which added functionality like Skype, this update doesn't appear as significant unless you're using SDHC cards. Since I'm using 2x1GB SD cards, I'm not as pressed to upgrade.

Keeping a backup of what .deb files you've manually installed is the best solution. You'll still need to re-install and change the menu order from Control Panel | Navigate. At least the repositories will still be there after you backup/restore, as well as your application settings.

I'm trying to hold out until the next OS update, which will probably coincide with the N810 or N900?

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