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fadimck's Avatar
Posts: 28 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Dec 2009
So this is my second Post here but after lot of tests on several appliacations and here is the final list from my side

Note: the order is alphabetic order

Installed Applications on Maemo as 260910

2G/3G Mode Selection Applet
AbiWord Word Processor
Advanced Power
Auto Disconnect
Bluetooth Dial-Up Networking
Cellular Modem Control Buttons
Conversation Inbox Desktop Widget
Extra Decoder Support
Extra protocol plugin for Conversation and Contact
FM Radio Player
Font Changer
HydroCarbon Theme
Personal Dataplan Monitor
Simple Brightness Applet
Simple FMTX desktop widget
Twitter plugin for Contacts and Conversation
Wifi Switcher
Fadi Mckean
Sunny Cairo, Egypt

"live today like you were going to die tomorrow, plan for tomorrow like you we going to live for ever.."

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fadimck's Avatar
Posts: 28 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Originally Posted by fadimck View Post
So this is my second Post here but after lot of tests on several appliacations and here is the final list from my side

Note: the order is alphabetic order

Installed Applications on Maemo as 260910

2G/3G Mode Selection Applet
AbiWord Word Processor
Advanced Power
Auto Disconnect
Bluetooth Dial-Up Networking
Cellular Modem Control Buttons
Conversation Inbox Desktop Widget
Extra Decoder Support
Extra protocol plugin for Conversation and Contact
FM Radio Player
Font Changer
HydroCarbon Theme
Personal Dataplan Monitor
Simple Brightness Applet
Simple FMTX desktop widget
Twitter plugin for Contacts and Conversation
Wifi Switcher

i want to highlight that there is no negative impact on the device performance in addition that i'm running Android from the memory card ....
Fadi Mckean
Sunny Cairo, Egypt

"live today like you were going to die tomorrow, plan for tomorrow like you we going to live for ever.."
RenaldoTT's Avatar
Posts: 511 | Thanked: 128 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ Trinidad and Tobago
hmm i only install apps that are in extras tho. dont wana screw my nicki up
Posts: 247 | Thanked: 37 times | Joined on Aug 2009 @ Los Angeles
'Just want to re-iterate, Gnumeric and PortaBase are like multiple apps!

With Gnumeric I have:
A Tip Calculator
A Restaurant tab splitter
A calculator
A commute/train scheduler
A vacation cost recorder, summation
A BMI calculator/recorder
and many more spreadsheets!

With PortaBase I have encrypted:
A website password list
A list of credit card accounts
A personal information list
A list of email accounts/passwords

If you can make a spreadsheet to do it, and/or need to encrypt it, you're set!!

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kamiwey's Avatar
Posts: 121 | Thanked: 100 times | Joined on Jun 2010
hello, i want to share all my aplications whit you also.

actually i reflash my phone cuz have not more espace for aplications and i istall again thats more i use, are:

3g/2g dual mode - good to keep batery
advance interface swicher - cuz you can put in the desktop shortcuts for wifi, bluetooth..
aircrack-ng - indispensable
ansela - to edit pictures
appinstaller - to install devian packages automatically
conky - for monitoring cpu, ram, free space...
cpumem-applet - to know the usage of ram and cpu in the status area
faster aplication manager - cuz is really more fast
filebox - good aplication for manager the files
flashligth - sometimes very usefull
fm-boost - for use it in the car
iyeccionmods - to load the modules for neopwn
leafpad - for text editing
macchanger - indispensable
mussorgsky - to edit the music files
mypaint - really good aplication
netcat - indispensable
nmap - also indispensable
psfreedom - to jailbreack ps3 whitout use terminal
qcpufreq - to control the speed of the cpu
queenbeecon widget - to add some shorcuts to the desktop, like overclock, sensors and other things
rootsh - indispensable also
ruby and ruby1.8
tor - proxy
unrar and unzip
wifieye - informations about wirelessnetworks
wireshark - indispensable also
and some more, but those are that i more use

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Ele-Mental's Avatar
Posts: 154 | Thanked: 81 times | Joined on Oct 2010 @ South Africa
Uxi take back those words. How can you say something like that? N97... Really? From the N900 to the N97?

Originally Posted by Uxi View Post
Yeah, unfortunately, Janole doesn't appear eager to do a Qt version. His update for the N8 is still based on the older legacy code. All of the twitter solutions on N900 so far are pretty bad. Living with Witter for now, though Gravity alone is making me want to go back to my N97...
nicholes's Avatar
Posts: 1,103 | Thanked: 368 times | Joined on Oct 2010 @ india, indore
n900 is really mising java files (.jar) i really need it (emulatores are not perfact)i need or i miss...
fake calls
fake message
mobile number locator
dictionary in hindi lenguage
3d rubix cube( that "cube"application on ovi is really joking with us we can see only one side at a my old n97 .jar file of cube i could see 3 side at a time)
many more classic .jar and sis file are still to be converted. i want to ask to all of you how many new application per day maemo releses or per week or per month????
Posts: 57 | Thanked: 15 times | Joined on Apr 2010
Originally Posted by nicholes View Post
n900 is really mising java files (.jar) i really need it (emulatores are not perfact)i need or i miss...
Try MicroEmulator in repos.

Originally Posted by nicholes View Post
fake calls
fake message
mobile number locator
dictionary in hindi lenguage
I know that all of Babylon Dictionary can convert to stardic dictionary.
search for that. I've used them myself.

Originally Posted by nicholes View Post
3d rubix cube( that "cube"application on ovi is really joking with us we can see only one side at a my old n97 .jar file of cube i could see 3 side at a time)
many more classic .jar and sis file are still to be converted. i want to ask to all of you how many new application per day maemo releses or per week or per month????
Posts: 79 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Pandora
Can anyone give ur list after pr1.3?
Posts: 1,729 | Thanked: 388 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Canada
yo fellas! do you know any Back-up apps for the n900 that keeps the .deb file into the storage? so when we restore everything, all we need is to re-install, no re-download off apps. thanks
if i did help you, just click "Thanks" on the lower right of my post. thanks!

"The best way to break a Spell is to prevent it from being cast in the first place"

N900: 1000/1150mhz; sampling_rate 15; up_threshold 150000;

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