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Originally Posted by vishisback View Post
my region in yahoo is already to india but it still giving me problems !
and when i try to sneek into the settings for pop3 or IMAP i cudn get thru and it asks me to upgrade to plus !
so .. i think you cant get pop3/ imap - yahoo into ur mob ?
damn plz lemme know if there are any other alternatives ?
i tried nokia messaging but it is also giving me problems as i am not able to fing nokia messaging in my service provider's list !
plz help !
I have an N900 with yahoo mail push running over Nokia Messaging...but i'm running the Global firmware...reflash to the Global firmware...if you have bought the phone in india..thats the reason why you dont have nokia messaging support...for me it runs smooth no hiccups...
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Originally Posted by maddawood View Post
I set up an account using Nokia messaging as advised. It works well when receiving emails, but when trying to send i get an error that there is an authentication error.

any ideas?
I believe I have Yahoo Mail over IMAP working on the N900 over both GPRS and WiFi.
I originally followed the Wiki of setting it up over GPRS first which works, but its still wouldnt connect over WiFi.

First to note is that from the N900 email app, I chose 'Other' as the mail type.
I used the settings from the Wiki [],
but ALSO had to enable the Secure Authenticaion option, which I think was off by default.

Additional options are in RED which works for me without using Nokia Messaging.

Incoming Server -

Secure authentication - tick or enable

Incoming Port - 993 (requires SSL)

Outgoing Server -

Secure authentication - choose Login

Outgoing Port - 465 (requires SSL)

Username: full email address (e.g.,

Password: is the password you login to Yahoo! with

Last edited by Maruzko; 2010-12-06 at 23:17.

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Originally Posted by daperl View Post
I love you. If you tell anyone I said that, I'll deny it.

You're a god.
Hee hee, no worries man, your praise just made my day
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let's spam yahoo because they force us to upgrade to Plus!( they want our money... ) )
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I have it for Yahoo! e-mail without having mail Plus and GMail.

Region: your country
Service Provider: other
Account: Yahoo

IMAP4 account settings:

account title: Yahoo
pass: ****** (yahoo password)
Account type: IMAP4 !!!! NOT POP3 !!
incoming server (imap4):
Secure authntification: uncheck
secure connection: SSL (IMAP4S)
port: 993
outgoing server (SMTP)

Secure auth.: login
user name:
pass: ****** (yahoo password)

secure connection: ssl
port: 465

use connection-specific SMTP: uncheck.


Region: your country
Sercive Provider: Gmail
Account title: Gmail * the filed will be auto completed

-passworg; ******** (gmail password)
-e-mail address: * this field will be auto competed too.

The account is finished to setup.

- additional details about GMail account (optional - this details are auto, because you choose Gmail instead "other" like on yahoo account)

-incoming server imap4: (field will be unavailable to change)
-secure authentification: uncheck
-secure connection: SSL (imap4s) (field will be unavailable to change)
-outgoing server (smtp):
-Secure authentication: login
-password: ******* (your gmail password)
-secure connection : ssl
-port: 465
-use connection-specific smtp servers: unchecked
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Last edited by SMAr2wo; 2013-06-11 at 22:38. Reason: GMail support

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Posts: 69 | Thanked: 45 times | Joined on Jul 2011 @ Joseon
Update : GMail reading e-mails problem...SOLUTION!

I think many of you have problems reading GMail email. A mesage like "cannot retreve..bla bla bla" That's because of IMAP. It must be changed in pop3.And will not work by editing your existing account So...

1. Delete your current Gmail Account.
2. Create a new account. Hit Next

>Region: your country
>service provider: Other (do not choose GMail like before!)
>Account title: GMail (type it)
>Password: ********** (your gmail password)
> Account type: POP3 (leave it unchanged)
>Incoming Server:
* Secure authentification: Checked
>Secure connection: SSL (POP3S)
>Outgoing Server:
>Secure auth. Login
>Secute connection: SSL

3. Finish

Theme: Dark Sky (installed with XTerminal)
Additional App: QNetMan (net traffic); QT HotSpot (wi-fi router from n900); OM Weather; Zaploc (check-ins) ;Opera Mini ; Pidgin (Live chat) ;
- Theme customiser
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Last edited by SMAr2wo; 2013-09-21 at 11:28. Reason: adding photos

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