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i pre-ordered one in USA, don't expect to see it until maybe 10/15 or so.
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Just in case anybody from Finland read my impressions and is thinking about going to Nokia Store for purchase: Don't do it.

Nokia is really taking advantage on the huge pre-order list, and charging outragous 'tax' on people wanting to get it fast from Nokia store, 525 euros LOL.
Posts: 521 | Thanked: 296 times | Joined on Sep 2009
Great balanced review from cnet:

In summary: camera is awesome, software is meh...
Can't tell if its a production unit or not, but the points brought up should not be a factor..

Was alarmed to hear that taking videos of movement look a little jerky.. hopefully will be confirmed on a production unit

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Originally Posted by mr_xzibit View Post
here here. the n8 is a massive step backwards.
better video capture. and thats it.
let mysymbian get exited about it.
im not

Well, I have elucidated these points in several other threads, but here goes again, why someone would want this crap(vs n900 or iphone or android). And yes i will keep my n900 for sure and I have various other phones/mobile devices so it is not really a mutually exclusive decision for me at least, meaning just because I have/choose one phone I have to exclude all others, i am not marrying the damn thing like some of you people.

Where Symbian, and specifically this N8 device will suit my uses cases:

mobile entertainment usually from downloaded media, xvid etc(currently employing a samsung vibrant for this chore, TV out is a little flaky though and n8 will have much better qulaity to tv) but the screen on the vibrant is really good if not outputting to tv

sales work. I use my n900 when I am having to do more sysadmin type stuff than sales type stuff. but the maemo PIM is laughable compared to symbian. Symbian contacts are great, feature rich, very configurable, etc. currently using e72

Symbian 3 will also have support for caldav which I already use and will be great to use on mobile

Navigation. I currently have an e72 that is my road warrior device for ovi maps and battery life, but assuming the n8 battery life is decent enough it will replace this use case as well. neither the n900 or samsung are as good at this IMO.

games and kid stuff use case. right now have an iphone 3gs. some of the new games on n8, especially golf look awesome, but we will see if the silly kid game apps get near the level of iphone. probably keep the iphone for this use case for now.

mobile photography as an always with you camera. yes this is a no brainer

Last edited by quipper8; 2010-09-30 at 18:23.
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Originally Posted by bugelrex View Post
Was alarmed to hear that taking videos of movement look a little jerky.. hopefully will be confirmed on a production unit
Thats pretty clueless nonsense by the reviewer, claiming that 25fps would look "a bit jerky", stating that simple as he wrote it.
The jerkiness is indeed visible if you try hard, but its *also* one fps used in big picture cinema, blue ray etc, and that same jerkiness is just the same visible in abovementioned "reference" formats.
Now by all means i would not expect a phone to produce better quality than professional movie gear

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The chaps over at electric pig have been using an N8 daily for the last two weeks and have been posting video Q&A sessions on the phone. From their reports, I suspect it's rather more rounded as a device than Crave suggest, and as usual, just because a phone isn't the same to operate as a fruity phone doesn't make it wrong - a constant problem with reviews these days. I was planning one of these for the Mrs and I've not seen anything yet to put me off (except launch price). I asked the wife what she would most want her new phone to do best (other than calls) and she wanted to take good pictures.

I bet the N8 GLOBALLY sells shedloads more than any single Android or iOS device. Not sure about the profitability though!

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Originally Posted by Rauha View Post

The Bad
I'm also bit sceptical about browser rendering speed. The new Qt based Symbian browser won't be out until November/December and the old browser currently in N8 is propably as slow as in S60, but I can't really say that for sure, because there were so many people playing with N8s that the network could'nt cope and everything requiring net-connection crawled at snail pace. On the positive side, scrolling and pinch-zooming was really smooth and fast on the couple of pages I had the patience to load.
Try Opera Mobile 10 (and not Opera Mini). Opera Mobile is usually much faster than the Nokia default browser and features like Speed Dial are very useful.
And I myself am looking forward to C6-01
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Originally Posted by vkv.raju View Post
Care to explain why you think so? I am betting on N8 (and others with Symbian^3/4) binging the power back to Nokia.
no it is not the way nokia will get back people they need to succes with a meego phone NOW.

As many here says techspec may be nice for people who is camera freaks. IF the camera take as good pics as the specs says. pixels doesnt say all...

In all other stuff N900 is better.

But there is one good thing with it and that is QT and that is a BIG step forward for symbian/meego developers

Last edited by mikecomputing; 2010-09-30 at 21:22.
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Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
no it is not the way nokia will get back people they need to succes with a meego phone NOW.
MeeGo is intended to be their high end. This move, with the N8, despite me not wanting the phone, honestly makes sense for that segment of the market. The pricing and the sector they're gunning for, it'll sell quite well.

Let's see/if the N9 lives up the hope we've put into it. I hope so.
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n97 feelings came up if i saw this vid.

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