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Originally Posted by Olle View Post
you can use different areas of the screen

interupt a spell - tapping the opponent gamefield
next phase - tapping the phase counter
The above makes sense!

Please no accelerometer unless you can rule out accidental movement. (requiring the player to throw the device a few meters in the air in order to move to next phase or something )
Posts: 111 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on May 2010
Can anyone explain to me how the shop works? can't seem to figure out how to browse cards except the ones on the table.
Posts: 62 | Thanked: 178 times | Joined on Sep 2010
With the default binding, when you're in the shop, you can press "enter" and have a menu in which you can use "ask about" to describe a card you're looking for and also the task board proposes you some missions to gain more credits.

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Posts: 111 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on May 2010
Originally Posted by Xawotihs View Post
With the default binding, when you're in the shop, you can press "enter" and have a menu in which you can use "ask about" to describe a card you're looking for and also the task board proposes you some missions to gain more credits.
I tried to "ask about" blue card but nothing shows... Perhaps i wasn't doing it wrong, perhaps there just was no blue cards?
Posts: 1,397 | Thanked: 2,126 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Dublin, Ireland
I can confirm the problem when upgrading the package. I uninstalled it completely and then reinstall without problems.

I see that texts for cards are translated (I set Spanish in the configuration menu) until you use scanned cards from the Wagic forums (at least the low res PSP ones). I suppose that this is an issue with the original Wagic, not the port, they use the scanned image or the empty card with text but not combine them.

Regarding the interface, it's a bit difficult to figure out how to achieve certain actions with the keyboard, and I would really appreciate a touch interface, but as others have said, please stay away from accelerometer. The camera key could be used to do certain actions or to launch a menu to choose from.

I really appreciate your work. Having MTG in your pocket has no equal in the mobile market (apart from the PSP of course) and should be noticed outside this forum.
Posts: 62 | Thanked: 178 times | Joined on Sep 2010
  • I added in the Wagic SVN code to handle the zooming/volume buttons. I mapped them to "next phase" and "interrupt".
  • I looked around for the camera button support but it seems I would have to stop the camera daemon when we start Wagic and start it again when we stop Wagic ... I don't think it's a good idea
  • I think you guys are right about this accelerometer stuff, it was just a bad idea, so I won't continue on it
  • I'm really happy about the current state of the touch interface in the Wagic SVN. It currently only work in menu, sub-menu and battle. Exception in battle are graveyards which are not browsable by touch. It does not work in shop and deck builder. I'll continue to work on this and I would like to have it in the next Maemo release. The current key interface will of course continue to work as it is now.
  • I'll also try to fix in this next release the upgrade problem.

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Posts: 17 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Jul 2010
Great work, thanks Xawotihs. The roadmap seems really exciting.

I'd also like to suggest another feature : it would be great if the game had a proper 'sleep' feature, so that it does not consume battery and CPU when the phone is locked or the app is in the background. MTG games can be pretty lenghty at times, and it would be great if you could just lock the phone, put it in your pocket, and grab it a few hours later to continue the game.

The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Nnexxus For This Useful Post:
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@Nnexxus, it's an interesting idea. I've heard about such feature required for each application on Android. On Maemo, it would make sense to have the same thing. Everything in Wagic works with a timer that refreshes the UI and performs all the computation.

I could perfectly stop/start this timer up reception of some system events (Phone locked or app in the background). Anybody who has already developed such feature for its app with a pointer on how to do that with Qt on Maemo ?

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Posts: 249 | Thanked: 167 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ International
Thank you Xawotihs for this port.

I downloaded Wagic this afternoon and played a game. It is a bit awkward in the sense that i need to remember to use the space bar and not my fingers...

What i did find a little confusing was being able to access options such as 1, 0, x, etc when asked for countering attacks and the use of instancts, etc. is it possible to allocate other keys for this?

Is there a possibility of making this game a stylus friendly game?

Once again, thanks for all your effort!! It is really appreciated and to those who helped test as well!
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Posts: 237 | Thanked: 193 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Brighton, UK
Originally Posted by Xawotihs View Post
@Nnexxus, it's an interesting idea. I've heard about such feature required for each application on Android. On Maemo, it would make sense to have the same thing. Everything in Wagic works with a timer that refreshes the UI and performs all the computation.

I could perfectly stop/start this timer up reception of some system events (Phone locked or app in the background). Anybody who has already developed such feature for its app with a pointer on how to do that with Qt on Maemo ?
I never got around to finding out how to capture the 'app backgrounded' signal, so if you do let me know. However, I track the screen-off signal in a separate project (vlc-remote) through Qt which works well.

On a semi related note, how much work would be involved in a full save game state approach? That way rather than just giving you a power saving feature you could also introduce a save / load game state.

Couple of thoughts on it. You probably don't want a full save / restore at any time (don't want to encourage using it as an undo feature to remove any challange), perhaps a save last state that overwrites per game so actions are still premanent in a game. Secondly, this would allow people to create 'challenge situations' for people to share / create. (like chess puzzles I guess).

Edit: I guess 'save and exit to menu' as a new option would restrict this nicely.


#include <mce/dbus-names.h>
#include <mce/mode-names.h>
#include <QDBusConnection>
#include <QDBusMessage>
#include <QDBusInterface>

QDBusConnection CLASS_NAME::dBusConnection = QDBusConnection::systemBus();
QDBusInterface* CLASS_NAME::dBusInterface = new QDBusInterface(MCE_SERVICE, MCE_REQUEST_PATH,
                                    MCE_REQUEST_IF, dBusConnection);

// in constructor
// Handle screen state on / off
dBusConnection.connect(MCE_SERVICE, MCE_SIGNAL_PATH, MCE_SIGNAL_IF, MCE_DISPLAY_SIG, this, SLOT(displayStateChanged(const QDBusMessage &)));

   void CLASS_NAME::displayStateChanged(const QDBusMessage &message)
       QString state = message.arguments().at(0).toString();
       if (!state.isEmpty()) {
           if (state == MCE_DISPLAY_ON_STRING) {
           else if (state == MCE_DISPLAY_OFF_STRING) {
               // DO SOMETHING TO STOP TIMER
you'll need to add dbus to QT += as well.

LMK if I can explain it more clearly.

Last edited by mr id; 2010-10-11 at 16:04. Reason: Clearer explanation.

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