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Posts: 166 | Thanked: 30 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Halifax, UK
Firstly the shortcuts - 'alias' is similar to macro's in windows. Its using a letter, series of letters/numbers or a word to perform a command in the shell (X Terminal) for example to become root i just run 'r' or to run apt-get update i run 'ud'
you can customize these and add your own as you want, just don't use pre built commands like rm, mv and cp

There are 2 locations you need to save these
/home/user/.profile and /root/.bashrc (can be saved to /root/.profile also)
all the root commands need to be done as 'root' and not 'sudo gainroot' as sudo gainroot doesn't read .profile or .bashrc

you will need leafpad installed for these instructions

the first place if for anything that doesn't need root access
open xterm and run

leafpad .profile

copy/paste these commands to it and save it

alias r='root'
alias sr='sudo gainroot'
alias e='exit'
alias ls='ls -a'
alias u='cd ..'
alias h='cd /home/user/MyDocs'
alias lp='leafpad'
alias t='/usr/bin/osso-xterm ""'

then run

leafpad .bashrc

scroll down to the bottom of the file and copy/paste these commands to it and save it, then close xterm and when you re open it all the shortcuts will work

alias r='root'
alias sr='sudo gainroot'
alias e='exit'
alias ls='ls -a'
alias u='cd ..'
alias h='cd /home/user/MyDocs'
alias lp='leafpad'
alias t='/usr/bin/osso-xterm ""'
alias ud='apt-get update'
alias ug='apt-get upgrade -y'
alias ac='apt-get clean'
alias ar='apt-get autoremove'
alias ai='apt-get install'
alias as='apt-cache search'
alias ks='kernel-config show'
alias kl='kernel-config load'
alias kf='kernel-config limits'

more advanced users can use vi to add the commands and the source command to activate them and they can be written on one line so you don't need to write 'alias' before each one

Last edited by matthew maude; 2010-10-19 at 20:52.

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Posts: 166 | Thanked: 30 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Halifax, UK
a few more for that i use, add to .bashrc

alias af='apt-get -f install'
alias rb='reboot'
alias sd='poweroff'
alias dp='dpkg -i'

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