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Originally Posted by DrWilken View Post
You must be like this guy then:

why oh why
dchky's Avatar
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Originally Posted by WesleyNL View Post
i should be reading this whole treath but i dont have time for it 146 pages to read , i'd like to ask is there any way for a latest flash support or alt for it? cuz flash is one thing every mobile device and pc must have but i cant find it for maemo, same with silverlight support i realy like to have the n900 support those bcuz i cant use everywhere a laptop
Okay, instead of not reading anything at all, at least read the first page or two. You'll have the answer. Even better, do a search.

Silverlight is a Microsoft thing, the N900 does Linux. You will never see it around these parts - you might like to investigate Mono (moonlight) instead.

Last edited by dchky; 2010-10-22 at 09:33.
Posts: 8 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ The Netherlands
i cant find anything usefull at the 1st 10 pages thats why ask for someone to help , im not knowledgeble about detailed stuff, remind you guys im a windows user and totaly know nothing about linux , i only know linux is like win2000nt, basicly linux is used for servers as ppl tell me on irc, thats all i
know , all i readed ppl saying "it would be lovely to see flash player 10" and they were making it and thenthey are making it not its to confuing, and af for silver light all i know there was a thing called moonlight witch was a replace for silverlight

sorry hun im not one of the smart ppl on the world
Posts: 268 | Thanked: 1,053 times | Joined on May 2010 @ The Netherlands
Originally Posted by WesleyNL View Post
i cant find anything usefull at the 1st 10 pages thats why ask for someone to help , im not knowledgeble about detailed stuff, remind you guys im a windows user and totaly know nothing about linux , i only know linux is like win2000nt, basicly linux is used for servers as ppl tell me on irc, thats all i
know , all i readed ppl saying "it would be lovely to see flash player 10" and they were making it and thenthey are making it not its to confuing, and af for silver light all i know there was a thing called moonlight witch was a replace for silverlight

sorry hun im not one of the smart ppl on the world

-There is no indication that there will be an official flash update, so version 9 is and will probably be the latest
-Texas Instruments does have Flash 10.1 available by request for their ARM products, of which the N900 is also based on. However, the license forbids redistribution of it (some people at TMO have the file, thus working flash 10.1) and the N900 platform doesn't qualify for it IIRC.
-You can use the Tweak Flash Version app to make Flash 9 report itself as Flash 10 so websites 'requiring' Flash 10 (but not actually needing it) will work again. Luckily, there aren't too much sites actually needing Flash 10 currently.

-Silverlight = Microsoft product, won't work on Linux
-Moonlight = Open Source implementation of Silverlight (for Linux), though it hasn't been ported to the N900. Also, Moonlight doesn't provide all the functions Silverlight does atm.

Posts: 8 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ The Netherlands
so basicly is tweak flash the only way?

as for moonlight i know microsoft is to greedy to make one for non windows systems, i find there should be a stop at beeing greedy specialy micro$oft, its their own fault ppl pirate the ****

so can you link me to this tweak flash?
James_Littler's Avatar
Posts: 820 | Thanked: 436 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Portsmouth, UK.
Originally Posted by WesleyNL View Post
so basicly is tweak flash the only way?

as for moonlight i know microsoft is to greedy to make one for non windows systems, i find there should be a stop at beeing greedy specialy micro$oft, its their own fault ppl pirate the ****

so can you link me to this tweak flash?
Look in the repositories, you might have to enable extras-testing and extras-development if you've not already done so.

[Usual warning]
Posts: 268 | Thanked: 1,053 times | Joined on May 2010 @ The Netherlands
Originally Posted by WesleyNL View Post
so basicly is tweak flash the only way?

as for moonlight i know microsoft is to greedy to make one for non windows systems, i find there should be a stop at beeing greedy specialy micro$oft, its their own fault ppl pirate the ****

so can you link me to this tweak flash?
It's in the Maemo Extra repository, so you can find it in the N900 Application Manager. You can also download it by opening the following link on you N900 and press the Install arrow:


Edit @James_Littler: It's also in the standard extra repository according to the package instance, so no need for extra-devel/testing
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Originally Posted by RobbieThe1st View Post
I've just talked with a certain Nokia-afflliated person on IRC. He said - And I believe him when he says this - that Nokia will ignore most if not all request/complaint posts on the forum. After all, they could be faked, right?
Now, while its incredibly unlikely that -this many- posts are all faked, I understand where he's coming from.

What he suggests doing is calling or emailing NokiaCare with our complaints and suggestions. One or two won't make a difference, but if we get a couple hundred unique emails sent; a bunch of calls in... That might get someone to take notice.

Now, in order to do this, the complaint should be something like "I cant load -major site X-". You can ignore TweakFlashPlayer, because -they- shouldn't know about it and its third-party software also. Just disable that, then complain about some major site you can't access.

You can try emailing through the form here:
Or call 1-866-59NOKIA (1-866-596-6542).
And remember, be an obstinate consumer. You paid for this dang device, and its supposed to have Flash. Why isn't it working?!??

It can't hurt.

P.S. If you find a good email or number of someone who might be better than the official number/email... Let us know.

Can you explain why a message to NokiaCare couldn't be faked?

Ignoring this site is incredibly dumb on Nokia''s part -- in other words, it's completely consistent with their corporate culture.
All I want is 40 acres, a mule, and Xterm.
Posts: 320 | Thanked: 137 times | Joined on Apr 2010
NokiaCare in my city is a total joke. Called them several months ago when Google Maps SV stopped working and I was enquiring about Flash 10.1..

Me: When do we expect an update to flash 10.1 for N900?
NC: You can download it from Ovi store.
Me: Are you serious?
NC: Yes sir
Me: I don't see it on ovi store.
NC: It's there you just have to look for it.
Me: I am certain it's not there.
NC: Please restart your phone and then clear your browser cache and search again. If this does not help then you will have to flash your firmware or bring it to any Nokia Care center and we will flash it for you.
Me. *Hang up*

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Posts: 110 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Originally Posted by xuggs View Post
Me: Are you serious?
NC: Yes sir
Their service is so crap I'd be happy with that response

Hell, i'd be happy with a response...

adobe, adobe flash, blahblah, flash, flash 10, flash 10.1, fremantle, future, idiotic thread, maemo, maemo 5, nokia, nokia fails, update

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