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Starting a general thread for all those pesky bugs introduced by PR 1.3.

BUG filed:
Hardware Keyboard (Polish/Poland mapping).

After double pressing FN key (pointing up blue arrow ) the inputing of blue marked characters mode is turned on. When in this mode a key is pressed for a longer period of time, the white marked character appears.

Before PR 1.3 - when pressing the dot "." key the dot would appear, when pressing the comma "," key the comma would appear.

PR 1.3 - when pressing the dot "." key the colon ":" appears, when pressing the comma "," key the semi-colon ";" appears.

This really makes entering numbers and ip addresses a problem.
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Last edited by Robb; 2010-10-26 at 16:42.

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i don't know what you are on about mate. You have serious explanation issues with PR1.3.
I don't understand your post. There isn't any bug with the shift key. There is no way you pressed the blue key and press "." and get ":" because the blue key is not supposed to do that. Cap key is the one that change it. Problem may be you change the key value and then blaming the PR1.3

There isn't any bug. If you think it's a bug then make a video and then post it on Bugzilla.

Good luck
rebhana's Avatar
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Originally Posted by maxximuscool View Post
i don't know what you are on about mate. You have serious explanation issues with PR1.3.
I don't understand your post. There isn't any bug with the shift key. There is no way you pressed the blue key and press "." and get ":" because the blue key is not supposed to do that. Cap key is the one that change it. Problem may be you change the key value and then blaming the PR1.3

There isn't any bug. If you think it's a bug then make a video and then post it on Bugzilla.

Good luck
He referred to the Polish keyboard, not yours. Also in my (German) keyboard, I need the function key to get comma. And I have now the same behavior.
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Last edited by rebhana; 2010-10-26 at 08:21.

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OP says it's on Polish Mapping. Obviously in Polish mapping some keys may be in different positions than the english mapping that the HW keyboard has - this happens with french, spanish mappings etc. So that's normal, really! If you want to see the proper Polish keyboard, use the Virtual Keyboard instead.
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Originally Posted by maxximuscool View Post
i don't know what you are on about mate. You have serious explanation issues with PR1.3.
I don't understand your post. There isn't any bug with the shift key. There is no way you pressed the blue key and press "." and get ":" because the blue key is not supposed to do that. Cap key is the one that change it. Problem may be you change the key value and then blaming the PR1.3

There isn't any bug. If you think it's a bug then make a video and then post it on Bugzilla.

Good luck
actually he is right. Open up eg leafpad and press shift twice to lock it. Now press dot and comma buttons. You dont get the desired results ie : ;

without locking shift key. Shift + . outputs : as expected. So its only when locked

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even though you have defined internet access points if you open a web page without connection to the Internet a warning comes up and says there are no saved connections while phone picks up your internet access points!

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I'm currently reflashing again as unsure if it is an issue with an app i reinstalled after 1st flash.

Every time i rebooted my phone i would lose my contacts and kept getting the option to import from SIM

Update -
2nd flash and still same issue

Last edited by DJRedline; 2010-10-26 at 08:24. Reason: update

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Originally Posted by niqbal View Post
actually he is right. Open up eg leafpad and press shift twice to lock it. Now press dot and comma buttons. You dont get the desired results ie : ;

without locking shift key. Shift + . outputs : as expected. So its only when locked
i'm still using PR 1.2. Same results. pressing shift twice to lock it displays caps on letter keys, otherwise dot and comma still displays. colon/semi-colon only appears when shift key is pressed once.

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rebhana's Avatar
Posts: 579 | Thanked: 471 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Austria
Originally Posted by Robb View Post
Starting a general thread for all those pesky bugs introduced by PR 1.3.

Hardware Keyboard (Polish/Poland mapping).

After double pressing FN key (pointing up blue arrow ) the inputing of blue marked characters mode is turned on. When in this mode a key is pressed for a longer period of time, the white marked character appears.

Before PR 1.3 - when pressing the dot "." key the dot would appear, when pressing the comma "," key the comma would appear.

PR 1.3 - when pressing the dot "." key the colon ":" appears, when pressing the comma "," key the semi-colon ";" appears.

This really makes entering numbers and ip addresses a problem.
To get the desired behavior, edit /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/nokia_vndr/rx-51 (as root, so be careful!), look for your national keymap (in my case xkb_symbols "de") and change the line
key <LEFT>        { [     period,         comma,          comma,          comma           ] };
key <LEFT>  { [     period,         period,         comma,          comma   ]};
Then do
setxkbmap de
(or for Polish: ... pl), and see whether you are happy with the new keyboard mapping. Don't reboot before you have checked that everything is all right, and also, if you make backups of the rx-51 file, put them in your home directory, not in the same directory where the system file is!

EDIT: just looked up the Polish entries in rx-51 and found that they don't have period and comma where the German keyboard has them, so my instructions are good for the German, Portuguese/Spanish, Swiss, Italian, Czech, and Nordic versions only. For a general how-to see the wiki on keyboard remapping!
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Last edited by rebhana; 2010-10-28 at 11:45.

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Originally Posted by asidana View Post
even though you have defined internet access points if you open a web page without connection to the Internet a warning comes up and says there are no saved connections while phone picks up your internet access points!
Yes I've found that too. I hasve my internet access set to "always ask" so it's annoying rather than troublesome.


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