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Ricky, Carage Battle must be referring to iPhone on WiFI, I cannot think of any other phone that would come close.
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Originally Posted by rcadden View Post
Just out of curiosity, what phone is that?
my Razr 2, with the free GMM application. I can find a phone #, route an address, and locate a business infinetly faster than I can trying to use a browser based website on that tablet.

its slow on AJAX pages, it has no mouse. the internet was designed for a keyboard, and a touchpad/mouse. it was never intended to be 'touched'.

therefore you have to sometimes create a bridge between the internet and portable devices. Google understands this, as their GMail app, their Google Maps, and other programs have specially created GUI applications to allow specific devices access data in the most efficient way that the device allows.

that is why Apple uses GUI's for Youtube and Google allows full functionality with a 'touchable' interface. weather applets, other things to bridge the internet to a touch device. We shoudln't have to deal with flash banners, page changes, etc...we don't have the horsepower for it. We also don't honestly have the resolution either.

If you guys want ill do a demo video so you can see how efficient it really is.
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Originally Posted by Garage Battle View Post
my Razr 2, with the free GMM application. I can find a phone #, route an address, and locate a business infinetly faster than I can trying to use a browser based website on that tablet.

its slow on AJAX pages, it has no mouse. the internet was designed for a keyboard, and a touchpad/mouse. it was never intended to be 'touched'.

therefore you have to sometimes create a bridge between the internet and portable devices. Google understands this, as their GMail app, their Google Maps, and other programs have specially created GUI applications to allow specific devices access data in the most efficient way that the device allows.

that is why Apple uses GUI's for Youtube and Google allows full functionality with a 'touchable' interface. weather applets, other things to bridge the internet to a touch device. We shoudln't have to deal with flash banners, page changes, etc...we don't have the horsepower for it. We also don't honestly have the resolution either.

If you guys want ill do a demo video so you can see how efficient it really is.
While I agree that custom apps are sometimes necessary for portable devices, I wouldn't call what you described as your cell phone putting the internet experience to shame. If you had an iPhone, then yes I'd agree. I have a Treo that has a custom app for Google Maps as well, that doesn't mean it comes anywhere near the N800/810 for the internet experience.
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Originally Posted by Garage Battle View Post
the internet was designed for a keyboard, and a touchpad/mouse. it was never intended to be 'touched'.
Actually, the internet was designed in the era of text only terminals. The idea of using touchpads and mice came much later. And, the internet itself doesn't care one way or the other about such high level concepts as user interfaces.

Perhaps you meant the web?

The web was designed to be entirely user-interface agnostic, without regard to whether there was a keyboard, a touchpad, a mouse, a touch screen, some of the above, or none of the above. The _first_ web browser was a plain text terminal program that worked without even a mouse or touchpad. It was designed to user interface agnostic. Including being touched.

The idea that the web was never intended to be 'touched' is silly. However, it's not quite as silly as the idea that the internet was designed with a particular set of user input devices.
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Originally Posted by Garage Battle View Post
that is why Apple uses GUI's for Youtube and Google Maps.
The reason why the iPhone has a GUI for Youtube is because they didn't want to bother to license the Flash plugin from Adobe. Instead, they struck a deal with Youtube to reencode every video to a different format.

Give me the real internet any day... though Video Center sounds like it's more along the lines of what you want.
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something you dont know about me...i smoke rocks.

listen cupcake, you know what Im saying. the intrawebsnet is data, and website designers 99% of the time do not care about formatting a page for a UMPC or tablet style device. Hell, even wap sites are just text only for the most part.

We need GUI applications for the things that either require too much effort (google maps) or get bogged down by heavy flash (youtube). Would also be nice to have a gmail app. They are slim, the application is stored on the tablet, and all it does it access the data it needs...instead of reloading the interface and flash banners every single time. Speed is good.

Important: when my home PC loads a page, i rarely know how many objects are on that page, or realize how big the flash is. I have 24" of screen and gigglenethurtz of processings power and mamory. On my tablet, I know it takes Engadget 136 items to load, and about 25 seconds to do it.

Until the tablet has the power to render pages like a desktop, it needs to use GUI apps to interface with complicated/large websites.
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Originally Posted by Garage Battle View Post
something you dont know about me...i smoke rocks.

listen cupcake, you know what Im saying. the intrawebsnet is data, and website designers 99% of the time do not care about formatting a page for a UMPC or tablet style device. Hell, even wap sites are just text only for the most part.

We need GUI applications for the things that either require too much effort (google maps) or get bogged down by heavy flash (youtube). Would also be nice to have a gmail app. They are slim, the application is stored on the tablet, and all it does it access the data it needs...instead of reloading the interface and flash banners every single time. Speed is good.

Important: when my home PC loads a page, i rarely know how many objects are on that page, or realize how big the flash is. I have 24" of screen and gigglenethurtz of processings power and mamory. On my tablet, I know it takes Engadget 136 items to load, and about 25 seconds to do it.

Until the tablet has the power to render pages like a desktop, it needs to use GUI apps to interface with complicated/large websites.
Right... that would be great. A seperate app for every major site... makes lots of sense. Again, you clearly didn't understand that the tablet isn't your gigglenethurtz PC in a tiny tiny box.

And yeah, it was pretty clear that you smoke rocks. Don't worry about that.
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Originally Posted by Garage Battle View Post
something you dont know about me...i smoke rocks.
That would seem to explain everything.

Until the tablet has the power to render pages like a desktop, it needs to use GUI apps to interface with complicated/large websites.
Or you need to adjust your expectations as the platform evolves.
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Originally Posted by zerojay View Post
The reason why the iPhone has a GUI for Youtube is because they didn't want to bother to license the Flash plugin from Adobe. Instead, they struck a deal with Youtube to reencode every video to a different format.

Give me the real internet any day... though Video Center sounds like it's more along the lines of what you want.
Actually this is untrue. YouTube had already started converting all their videos for mobile phones a few months before the iPhone. Nokia had a press release on it, and the YouTube Mobile site was accessible via S60's browser for several months before the iPhone.

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