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Posts: 3 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Oct 2007
Dear all,
although I have got my N770 (OS 2006) now for more than a year, I still regard myself as a newbie. Just now, being abroad on vacation, I tried to install the Gnome spreadsheet w/o success, since some libs seem to be missing. I searched this forum and further links now for a couple of days, but can?t find a solution.
Moreover it?s quite challenging to surf (and read) everything on the 770?s inbuilt browser (and not having a reliable internet connection, too)
I tried disabling some of the obviously not working default links in the program-manager, so the package updates went through in the end, but the spreadsheet libs couldn?t be found, still.
Is there anybody, who could post a "newbie-proof" describtion, for what I have to do?
Thanks very much in advance!
ericdkirk's Avatar
Posts: 232 | Thanked: 45 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ Tennessee, US
I will assume that you are using a standalone deb, since I have never gotten any missing libs from a repo. you probably need to write down the libs that are not being installed then enter redpill mode and try to find them, you will have to exit redpill mode when done since you get to see more than you should.
If you don't know how red pill works check out the wiki at Maemo
Posts: 3 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Oct 2007
Thanks for your fast response, ericdkirk!
I did not use a standalone deb (I guess), but simply clicked
on "Click to Install" on the page (under "office-business" and
then "Gnumeric spreadsheet".
I still try to invoke that red pill mode, but even with your link?s
help, it won't work. Is the red pill the checkbox for activating that
matrix link? I can't find the "extra/tools", where one should find
more options then. Perhaps this is due to my German OS...
I'd be thankful for any further help!
Posts: 17 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Sep 2007 @ Albany, NY
Red Pill mode is a built in "hack" of the installer program. you don't need to check anything, just enter in matrix in the repository url line and then hit cancel. You get a dialog box asking for which pill to take.
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Posts: 232 | Thanked: 45 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ Tennessee, US
I think I figured it out, I looked at the install file at maemo and it trys to install 2 repos at as one, so I just broke it up into 2 different files.
1 adds repo
2 adds and starts the install (note: you should check if you already have this repo, if you do check if it is a address and the mistral, if not delete it, it will be added again)
This is my first playing with install files I am going to test this as soon as i post, and will edit with the results.

files not working(probably cause i made them in windows) to install the repos but you should be able to add the repos manually from the info

Last edited by ericdkirk; 2007-10-30 at 17:52. Reason: files not working

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