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i've spent more hours gaming on my n900 than any other phone. scumm, psx, megadrive, nintendo and sega games. we now also have access to palm pre games. if you really need games designed specifically for ur device then you bought the wrong device i'm afraid.
sarcasm may be the lowest form of wit, but its the only wit i have.

its a sad day when i can't slip at least one hitchhiker reference in somewhere.

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If you wanted something to play with, why didn't you buy a psp?
I have one and it's trully great to play games, not mere iphone games.
If you think this phone is useless, next time learn to buy eletronic gadgets
and get yourself some information.
If you think it has specs for nothing, tell me when iphone gets an useful N64 emulator...
" Embora ninguém possa voltar atrás e fazer um novo começo, qualquer um pode começar agora e fazer um novo fim. " Chico Xavier
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i dont play games on my n900, but i use a lot of apps.

too play fun games OTG, i got an Android,

too play hardcore games OTG, i got a PSP.

my n900 in my case is not a gaming device, its more than just that
if i did help you, just click "Thanks" on the lower right of my post. thanks!

"The best way to break a Spell is to prevent it from being cast in the first place"

N900: 1000/1150mhz; sampling_rate 15; up_threshold 150000;

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i have a psp,nintendo ds lite,xbox360,ps3,wii n64,ps2 and my personal favourite the sega dreamcast....emulators i really wanted for this device was a working dreamcast one..
iv'e seen the specs of the iphone 4 and is actually beter than the n900.
dont take my word for it,have a look up yourselfs...the unreal 3 game engine works on iphone dammit!!! and top notch games are coming nearly every 2,3 days for the iphone!!
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Originally Posted by luiscesjr View Post
If you wanted something to play with, why didn't you buy a psp?
I have one and it's trully great to play games, not mere iphone games.
If you think this phone is useless, next time learn to buy eletronic gadgets
and get yourself some information.
If you think it has specs for nothing, tell me when iphone gets an useful N64 emulator...
actually i done all the research before getting this device buddy...
but what i didnt know, was that they wouldnt use its graphics gpu..on how hey boasted about it...
oh andas for n64 emulators go... the one on iphone works wayy better than on this device.....
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Go and tell it Nokia. Not us...

Originally Posted by AnimeVamp360 View Post
i have a psp,nintendo ds lite,xbox360,ps3,wii n64,ps2 and my personal favourite the sega dreamcast....emulators i really wanted for this device was a working dreamcast one..
iv'e seen the specs of the iphone 4 and is actually beter than the n900.
dont take my word for it,have a look up yourselfs...the unreal 3 game engine works on iphone dammit!!! and top notch games are coming nearly every 2,3 days for the iphone!!
Nice for you.

And now, please... GO! Perhaps we will miss you. But perhaps not... we well see.

If you want to use a Gameboy use your Nintendo DS. You already own one. How many hours a day you want to play games?

This is a mobile computer. Not a toy for Kids!
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I don't remember being able to play N64 with 2 buttons.
And by way better you mean getting the screen to a low resolution,
then you get the point.
I get much better fps on my mupen64plus than on this low
resolution emulator.
Anyway, if you had done research you wouldn't be here telling people how
much you want to sell your N900.
If you had really done the research you wouldn't be telling me NOW
all the amazingness of iphone for games such as unreal engine.
I am sorry buddy but clearly you bought the wrong phone.
Now close the thread, and go be happy with your new phone.
Don't take it personal, but let's keep the threads for somethign more useful.
" Embora ninguém possa voltar atrás e fazer um novo começo, qualquer um pode começar agora e fazer um novo fim. " Chico Xavier
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Originally Posted by Helmuth View Post

This is a mobile computer. Not a toy for Kids!
Ok, I will admit... I play pokemon on my N900!!!
" Embora ninguém possa voltar atrás e fazer um novo começo, qualquer um pode começar agora e fazer um novo fim. " Chico Xavier
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Originally Posted by AnimeVamp360 View Post
really dissapointed...i cant beleive im finally gonna give up on this phone,and nokia along with it...the phones buggy has had plenty time to make up for the amazing specs....the only graphical interface that made this phone was the bounce game.....and nothing since.shame
1. Get an iPhone
2. Find some other forum to troll.

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