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Originally Posted by wmarone View Post
Seeing as how Nokia is a founding member of MeeGo, if they were to go WP7 along side MeeGo it would be a direct blow to the adoption of MeeGo on all devices, even their own. After all, what would it say about an OS when one of the primary contributors adopts a direct competitor?
Obviously it would be a big blow, but it would not be the death of MeeGo (at least initially).
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Originally Posted by cfh11 View Post
One thing that's getting lost in all this FUD is that Nokia != Meego. So even if Nokia abandons Meego (HIGHLY unlikely) Meego would still live on since it is backed by Intel and the Linux Foundation.
yeah right! To get Meego going you need BIG enduser HW companys like Nokia that invest resourses in the project. Intel is only intrested in itrs own platform and other all those ARM chipmanufactors has Android and Iphone as the mainos.

Intel also intrested in getting android and windows working on theyr HW so do not expect Intel are THAT intrested in Meego.

If Nokia decides to abandon Meego I do not expeect any HW based on Meego atleast not handset.. Maybe some hobby company that makes one or two tables and them closes down like WeTab.

Nokia is needed to get Meego going. If nokia dont belive in the project why on earth would HTC or other enduser HW companys invest money in it?

Dont forget Linux Foundation and Open Source is nothing without big companys support.
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Neither Nokia nor MS care about what consumers like or dislike. If they can join hands (or legs) that will ultimately benefit both of them in terms of marketshare, stocks etc then they won't think twice about the partnership.

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I dunno which is harder to answer, why Nokia keeps hurting us or why we keep coming back......

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you may not be far off, however MS will never dump Bing for Ovi Maps

Originally Posted by RolePlayGame View Post
Yeah, for sure: and that "Meego" without Nokia will be installed in... in? NetBooks? Like all those Ubuntu NetBooks "recycled" in Windows NetBooks?

Android+Google Maps
W7+Ovi Maps
IOS+new nav soft (they are looking for engineers specialized in navigation)

That's the play, Nokia providing "services" to W7.
And that's why they don't want Android, they will try to beat Android (OMG)
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It really is time for Nokia to SPEAK what the hell is going on.

Why bother learn QT/QtQuick/HTML5 and C++ if they at the end going winmobile and C# and Microsoft own webstandards :-(
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please change the headline: Windows mobile on Nokia smartphones?End of Nokia?
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Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
It really is time for Nokia to SPEAK what the hell is going on.

Why bother learn QT/QtQuick/HTML5 and C++ if they at the end going winmobile and C# and Microsoft own webstandards :-(
That's still the hold-out item that makes me seriously question the whole premise of Nokia using Windows Phone 7 at all. At this point, it's all just press rumor, right? If so, then those details you pointed out would cast serious doubt on Nokia doing business with MS except unless Nokia is still posturing to go both routes (which might not necessarily be a terrible idea, if it's done right).
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR
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Well just about every source you read tells the story differently. On top of this confusion, everyone's trying to tell a complete story from 140 characters.

Some site called it "extensive negotiations" with the aim to "deepen cooperation". Now Nokia has always had intentions with Microsoft, and as I understand it its mostly been about being able to read and edit Word (Office) files on smartphones. So far we've really gotten nowhere on this, so I think this might be one area where Nokia will "deepen cooperation".

WinPhone7 will be all about cloud services, and their Office apps tie deeply into this cloud. Maybe Nokia will be given access to the cloud to finally offer something worthwhile in the Ovi services. After all, in Europe, Nokia is the #1 businessphone manufacturer, so this would make perfect sense to finally attempt to deliver on a promise.

Also, Nokia has a "everything for everyone" policy (here I explain what I mean in more depth: , scroll down to the mid-heading about "everything for everyone"), and I don't see WinPhone7 fitting into this picture in any way.

Murtazin, the one who got the rumour mill running again, also tweeted 13th Aug 2010 that Nokia would make a low-end MeeGo for cheaper phones. Now if he's so realiable, then this must be true as well. And what would then be the point of having basically four operating systems: Symbian, "MeeGo pro" and "MeeGo lite" AND WP7? Well there is no point, and so most likely "MeeGo lite" would replace Symbian.

So in this light the only viable option I see is that Nokia does one line-up of WinPhone7 devices max, and I'm thinking maybe 5-10 devices over 1.5yrs as a kind of niche or luxury line. Or perhaps the XpressMusic lineup could be turned into WinPhone lineup, but I don't see it taking over as a major OS for Nokia.
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Please read my blog: "PeakMobility", which deals with MeeGo/Maemo, Windows Phone and mobile technology in general from a hedonistic user point-of-view:

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I hate to ruin everyones parade, but this is NEVER going to happen!!

If Nokia didn't incorporate Android, which is MUCH more mature than WinMo, more apps, and...well, everyone knows it puts Symbian to shame. Why in the world would Nokia shove WinMo7 on their devices? Just makes NO sense at all!

And well it begs the question why bother with Meego at all, when OBVIOUSLY a WinMo7 device would appeal to the mass market WAY more than a newcomer called Meego, which no where near as many people have heard of.

And what would happen to Symbian which they so badly bum off? It just makes no sense! And would go against everything Nokia stood up for.

Meh ill eat my own dick and balls if this happens!!

P.s. I know its WinPhone7, im just feeling lazy :P

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