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Hello! Anybody knows how should I set the default clock plugin on reboot? I tried exploring the python file but the settings I saw was only

self.alarm_enabled = False
self.alarm_indicator_enabled = True
self.alarm_time = None
self.fill = False
self.show_seconds = True
self.font_name = "Sans"
self.twelve_hour_mode = False
Where would I edit if I want to let say put BCD clock as default on reboot? I don't see any pointer pointing to a specific clock by default...

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CasTTeLLo's Avatar
Posts: 335 | Thanked: 51 times | Joined on May 2010
@Wonko : u should make it save custom setting on reboot.....thanks
Best Regard,


Last edited by CasTTeLLo; 2010-12-28 at 01:47.
Posts: 1,042 | Thanked: 430 times | Joined on May 2010
Well that I don't know how... All I know is how to edit the python files
I would have done that already if I know how...
Posts: 43 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ New Zealand
Installed it today.
It's Awesome.
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@Wonko: regarding the saving of settings: perhaps you can implement it through the GConf stuff that already exists on Maemo? Just have the setting saved through GConf, and read from the xml file it's stored in, either through GConf python bindins (if any exist) or Python's file reading abilities directly. This way other applications can read/edit the settings left by it a lot easier. I think. Honestly, I'm a coding newb, but hopefully this at least gives you some ideas.

@All: You may have noticed I mentioned trying to figure out some stuff to eventually produce my own clock style(s). Well, this is a long way from being done, but I got most of the Cairo stuff figured out (and I'd say about a fourth of the work for figuring out what to do code-wise figured out)) so I know how to render what I'm making, so here's a static (Meaning, none of the values except time changes in the currently displayed version, this was just me putting stuff where it will go) of how it will look:

Name:  Screenshot-20101228-024955.jpg
Views: 566
Size:  22.2 KB

I'm hoping to get this done to a worth-posting-for-people-to-test/use state within a week, but realistically, it may take longer. A lot longer for the colorful bars, because that's something else I don't have example code to look at - whereas I DO have C code from which to understand how to do those first two white bars and the number.

In case anyone's wondering, the whole point of that clock style is to stick some status information in there. The first two white bars are going to be duplicating cpumem applet functionality (my current idea is 5 bars instead of 4, without the extra flashing red on the top of the CPU bar, but if people like that, I'd do that), the number is going to be duplicating WiFi-Signal-Applet functionality (tells you quality of signal from 0 to 10), and the four colorful bars would (if I can figure out how to do this) indicate data transfer is going on. I'm not sure if this should be ALL data or just internet data specifically. The idea was is that much like having the CpuMem Applet there helps you at a glance go "wait a minute: I'm not running anything and my CPU is going at max - what the hell's running in the background?", this would do the same, but for random stuff connecting to the internet when it shouldn't, etc. Not really a problem on the N900 since it's mostly all open source apps, but it's not unfeasible that it could be useful.)

At the end of the day, it's not like I think the clock style is for everyone, and for most just installing CPUMEM and Wifi-Signal applets would be enough. I just thought it was neat enough to warrant doing, and could save that limited status-area picture space for other stuff. Actually, if it was just CpuMem and Wifi-Signal, I'd never have bothered, but I was originally wanting to do what the colorful bars are doing for a while - and since I did that, I realized I'd have enough space for cloning CpuMem and WiFi Signal.

Last edited by Mentalist Traceur; 2010-12-28 at 08:28. Reason: Realized I didn't really explain what the intended idea is.

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I didn't put in nearly as much effort as Mentalist Traceur in terms of figuring out the cairo stuff. But here's a screen shot of the tweak I made to the DateTime clock style:
Attached Images

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There had been so much feedback that I lost the overview.
Hence, I'll respond in a random order.

Originally Posted by Hootenholler View Post
Latest update has a font chooser and an alarm indicator checkbox.
The scaling for different fonts does not work that good in this version.
I have version 0.5.2-0 ready which improves this.
Though, unfortunately, the servers had been down recently.

Originally Posted by zvogt
it seems like something like:
text = self.time.strftime("%X")
would be simpler than the brute force string manipulation I'm seeing in the current clocks/ code.
The "brute force" string manipulation might seem awkward on the first glance, though to me it was the most pragmatic way as it offers more flexibility.
E.g.: for dynamic configurations like the "Twelve Hour Mode" or "Show Seconds" you need to either built the date and time strings by hand, or build a date and time format string by hand and then apply this using "datetime.strftime(...)".
Anyway, you are forced to manually create some string.
Of course, there are many ways to do things and anyone is free in the way how to implement custom clocks.

Originally Posted by Mentalist Traceur
... perhaps you can implement it through the GConf stuff that already exists on Maemo? ...
Yes, that's one of the options I am considering.
Benefit, as you pointed out is that other programs can easily do manipulations as well.
This is particularly useful for a later integration of the settings into the control panel.
Unfortunately, I didn't find an easy way to contribute to the control panel via Python yet.

Originally Posted by Mentalist Traceur
... so here's a static (...) of how it will look:
Looks nice.
Am looking forward to see a "dynamic" version.

Originally Posted by Radicalz38
... All I know is how to edit the python files
I would have done that already if I know how...
Yes, the current implementation on how the clock style is "selected" is neither robust, nor elegant.
I already changed it here such that the clocks class name is used which should be much more straight forward.
Am currently waiting for the extras builder to come up again.

Originally Posted by zvogt
... But here's a screen shot of the tweak I made to the DateTime clock style:
Looks nice as well.

@all creating custom clocks: it should actually be possible to package custom clocks separately and define Advanced Clock Plugin as dependency.
Just in case you want to make your own packages.
Otherwise, if you like, I can package your custom clocks with Advanced Clock Plugin if you send me the source files.

Unfortunately, it seems like the time I can spend coding on this is getting short.
Hence, the quick responses lately.
Still, your feedback is highly appreciated.

If you want to manually set the default clock you can edit /usr/lib/hildon-desktop/
Also, I just got the notification that 0.5.2-0 left the autobuilder.

Last edited by Wonko; 2010-12-28 at 10:06.

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Posts: 1,042 | Thanked: 430 times | Joined on May 2010
Thanks! I mislooked self.clock_style on v5.0 but thanks for making a more easier way of setting a default
Posts: 94 | Thanked: 61 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Shoreham
I love this and have been looking for a way to get the date into the status bar for ages.

I have one question, is it possible for me to alter the default text size anywhere, the font i am usong across the rest of my N900 comes up massive?

If i can alter that it would be perfect, thanks

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I pointed out how to change the font size in the first page. Find the line in the clock style you're looking for that says "self.context.set_font_size(#)" or something like that (it has "font_size" in it), and edit whatever # is up or down accordingly. The clock styles are in /usr/lib/advanced-clock-plugin/clocks/ ; so you have to edit them as root.

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