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Have you been able to resolve your charging problem.

I have exactly the same problem with my N900, it does not charge from AC but charges from the PC-USB port!!

I have sent it in for repair to Nokia.


Originally Posted by sjgarciav View Post
Bad news....
Today I connected my phone to my pc in order to synchronize my playlists.
After that I tried to charge my phone with wall charger..... the charger was not recognized again!!!!
The problem come back....
So sad....
Actually I don't really know what to do in order to solve this issue (permanently).
Why why why???
I don't understand this strange phone behaivor....
Does anyone knows if Nokia have made an official announcement about this charging problems in n900 devices???
Dark_Angel85's Avatar
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i don't know if my problem is similar...

but i tried charging my phone with the USB converter (which is the small wire like device that converts micro USB to 2 other types of charging ports for older nokia devices)

... and everything seemed normal, battery icon was charging, the notification of 'Battery Charging' pops out but eventually when i plug it out after some time, it's just like it did not charge at all...
efekt's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Dark_Angel85 View Post
i don't know if my problem is similar...

but i tried charging my phone with the USB converter (which is the small wire like device that converts micro USB to 2 other types of charging ports for older nokia devices)

... and everything seemed normal, battery icon was charging, the notification of 'Battery Charging' pops out but eventually when i plug it out after some time, it's just like it did not charge at all...
Sounds like what I had...
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I just got this problem - PC no longer sees phone with USB cable, batteries no longer charge while phone is running.

However, I can get batteries to charge if I leave the phone switched off, remove the battery and hold the power button for 30 seconds.

I have been using power-kernel for months with no problems.

I suspect heat-stress damage or humidity could be to blame, as I am in Thailand and have been using the phone heavily in quite high ambient temperatures.

Although it is also possible that the USB port received some physical damage, in spite of the fact it does not wobble at all.
GreatGonzo's Avatar
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Had the same problem. re-installed standard kernel solved it for me. Afterwards I went to power42 not 46 and it is still working.
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I have little bit similar problems. During the day I have phone charging in USB port and heavy load in it (bluetooth kbd, mouse, headphone, S-video active etc...). Sometimes I get the "Not enough power to charge" message.

Now, if I miss that message everything seems ok untill I disconnect phone from USB port (or phone suddenly shuts down). Then I get low battery immediately.

The annoying problem is that if I then connect phone to wall or car charger, it seems it won't charge. I get normal charging message and all, but even after long time in wall charger I get low battery immediately after disconnecting it from charger.

To get it charging, I had to turn the phone off, then turn it on and after it has turned on completely, connect wall charger. It is sometimes difficult, when phone is shutting down immediately because of low charge.
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i had the same problem, but it went away when i replaced my battery with the spare battery wich i carried with me. i dont know what is up with the broken battery but seems it wont charge and it does not have any charge left and if i plug the charger in (when broken battery is installed) my N900 flashes yellow led once, as if there is not battery at all.
oh, and guess what is written on original nokia N900 when you remove the sticker around the battery? -it says samsung
Posts: 14 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Mar 2011
I have power42 and i have the same issue.

However! I found out that Conky has correct information if the battery is Charging ( C ) or Discharging ( D ).

My normal charger works fine, but with some usb cables the status-icon says it is charging but it is actually not! In this case conky says D.

So trust conky (I have conky full btw)

Edit: Btw i'm in Netherland so the N900 can handle some high humidity. I think the problem is that with the power kernel it has not enough with only 500 mA aka 2,5 watt.

Last edited by killerdemon; 2011-03-15 at 14:38.
Posts: 262 | Thanked: 315 times | Joined on Jun 2010
Killerdemon, interesting that you mention humidity!

This was my suspicion (I'm in hot n' humid Thailand right now) and so I bought a bag of rice and stuck my phone inside for a while.

I also sucked air through the USB port, using my mouth, as blowing is not recommended. This method could have drawbacks too, of course!

Now the charger has worked every time I have tried it! I can't say it's fixed yet, but it looks promising.
Banned | Posts: 695 | Thanked: 308 times | Joined on Apr 2011 @ originally pakistan ,now in china
i dont know if this has been mentioned before ,but i want to inform you in case you dont know this .
N900 can be charged by HTC mobile chargers :
i can confirm this on HTC desire ,you may test others as if you want to .
Enjoy !

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