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Originally Posted by gnasgame3 View Post
it works now/
btw how to get mappero to do re routing if i have make a wrong turn
Try the Auto-update option checkbox when you are finding a route using GPS location as origin and destination of your choice.
Posts: 67 | Thanked: 36 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Claremont (LA), California
Something that came up again today, driving in bright sunlight, is the font size of the box in the upper-right corner that tells you the distance traveled, the distance to the next turn, what the next turn is, etc. My old eyes can't read it unless I lean way forward. It would be wonderful to have a size-adjustment option for that message, even at the price of blocking part of the map.
dantonic's Avatar
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Hello, I wanted to bring up a "feature request"

I've been using mappero/ maemo-mapper for 3 years now. Using it on my N800 before I had the N900, and I love the application.

I can't remember exactly how this worked, but with the old maemo-mapper on my N800 there was a setting to always view the previous zoom level.

This means if for example you zoomed to level 5, maemo-mapper would show you level 6 maps.

This is very useful because it would make the streets and street names a little bigger, and a LOT easier to read.
The way it is now I find the street names way too small to be able to read while driving.

Would it be possible to implement this function or somehow make the street names bigger?

Thank you.
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Also another issue,
I cannot seem to get the "lead" and "pan sensitivity" options to work at all. whether I increase or decrease these sensitivity settings, there is no change in the lead amount during navigation...
Is this feature broken at this time? Or has anyone been able to get it to work?
int_ua's Avatar
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Feature Requests:

And I believe that there is 'main' forum thread for Mappero, please find it.

Please, save everyone's time and post questions there, everyone. I just needed to check if languges I can record wasn't added yet and ended up reading ton of misplaced questions.

P.S. I'm going to add uk_UA and ru_RU later in this message by editing it.

Ukrainian: переклад, якщо хтось має кращі пропозиції - кажіть:
* поверніть праворуч
* поверніть ліворуч
* їдьте праворуч
* їдьте ліворуч
* повертайте на першому з'їзді
* повертайте на другому з'їзді
* повертайте на третьому з'їзді
* їдьте прямо

Russian: перевод, если у кого-то есть предложения получше - скажите:
* поверните направо
* поверните налево
* едьте направо
* едьте налево
* поворачивайте на первом съезде
* поворачивайте на втором съезде
* поворачивайте на третьем съезде
* едьте прямо

Last edited by int_ua; 2011-01-09 at 07:56.

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Originally Posted by zweiblum View Post
I completely agree. Is there a way to revert this behavior to use flite again, with the current release of Mappero?
Originally Posted by woody14619 View Post
While I like the speech options, I really did like the old version that just piped output via a command call to flite (or eSpeak). Would it be possible to re-enable that option for those of us that prefer the older style?

"Turn right" is great, but even a robotic voice of "Turn right onto Culver Ave" is often better when I'm focusing on driving. Even if it mangles the name, I can make good guess out of say Monroe, Culver and Brooks which street I want.

Could there just be a radio-button option? Use clear speech, or use eSpeak?
Originally Posted by rlpowell View Post
That's *way* less helpful than when it used to use flite, which I made a script that used espeak instead.

With espeak/flite, it would actually say "turn right at exit 103 to Sand Hill Road", or similar. Having it just say "turn right" is almost totally useless.

Why bother? Why not just feed the whole instructions to espeak like it used to do? ;'( This is very bad I don't like it at all.

I read through this whole thread and others. It seems these people with intelligent requests are being ignored.

As much as I approve of the novel approach to voice navigation using the voices of our community...

It is certainly in no way a replacement for detailed directions inclusive of road names and or road codes.

Google maps is putting us to shame for EG.

From my point of view it would be useful to have this feature back and or improved upon.

The ability for bikers to make use of this app with headphones alone would be excellent. But it seems to have fallen bias to visual only which is silly.

I would happily donate for a sensible resolve just not to need to carry around a small andriod phone and sim swap :/
Posts: 100 | Thanked: 408 times | Joined on Aug 2009 @ Helsinki
Originally Posted by sprite View Post
I read through this whole thread and others. It seems these people with intelligent requests are being ignored.
Mappero has the right features for me: I've stopped active development now, and I've instead starting a port to Qt to make it possible to run it in the future Meego OS. But also this work is proceeding very slowly, because my free time is very limited.

I'm still happily receiving patches to Mappero from time to time, and I'm willing to spend my time to review and merge them in. So if someone want to submit a patch for a switch that would let the voice announcements come out as a synthesized reading, I'm fine with it.

What I don't like is the attitude of demanding. I've spent countless hours on this project, all out of passion. I received a fair amount of donations by some very generous users, but that's still incomparable to the efforts I've put in and the number of active Mappero users.

I would happily donate for a sensible resolve just not to need to carry around a small andriod phone and sim swap :/
You are basically saying that all what I've done is worthless, if you are not donating for what you have got till now.
The feature you are asking for is implementable in about 4 hours; if I consider my official salary, it translates to about 100€. I would consider starting working on it when I receive at least 50€ worth donations mentioning this feature in the message.
But that's because I'm not interested in this feature myself; if I would, you would already have got it for free. So, if there are so many people interested in this, I would suggest either:
- collect some money, and propose it as a bounty to me or to the community
- simply convince some other developer to submit a patch for this

I hope my post doesn't sound too greedy, offensive of arrogant; it's not my intention -- it's just that when I look back to the amount of time I spent on this, and I see that most of people are just demanding new features without even saying thanks, I find really little motivation to continue working on it.
Do you like mappero? Consider contributing with a donation!
So far, 673€ were donated by 26 people.

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Posts: 173 | Thanked: 219 times | Joined on Nov 2010
Bumping; I'd be interested in doing a brazilian portuguese voice package to mappero. Is that one already done? Sorry, didn't go through the whole thread... Deep and low voice, here.
Posts: 67 | Thanked: 36 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Claremont (LA), California
Originally Posted by mardy View Post
I hope my post doesn't sound too greedy, offensive of arrogant; it's not my intention -- it's just that when I look back to the amount of time I spent on this, and I see that most of people are just demanding new features without even saying thanks, I find really little motivation to continue working on it.
I didn't find it greedy or offensive. Instead, I was motivated to donate; Mappero is one of my most-used applications. I look at Modrana from time to time, but it doesn't compare to Mappero for actual usability in the car.

C'mon, folks. At the moment there have been 21 donations totalling 498 Euros. That's an average of about 24 Euros per person. If you'd give even 20, it would make a big difference to Mardy. And isn't Mappero worth 20 Euros to you?
Posts: 262 | Thanked: 315 times | Joined on Jun 2010
Originally Posted by atamariya View Post
Like many mappero users, I felt espeak integration with Mappero is a must have. So here's a package to enable the same. It's based on Speech server (

Pre-requisite: Install mappero 3.1 and espeak-cli from maemo repository.

1. Copy sugar-speechd to /usr/bin/
2. As root, exectue: chmod +x /usr/bin/sugar-speechd
3. Copy org.laptop.Speech.service to /usr/share/dbus-1/services/
4. Install maemo-mapper_3.1-os2008_armel.deb ( as root.
Does this work with version 3.2 of maemo-mapper? Anyone?

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