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Hmmm. Nice little tweaks to UI to make list more readable but as pixel effency freak I do not like so much on extra padding on bottom and top of list items
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MohammadAG's Avatar
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Actually, I just made it similar to Hildon's lists, you can always change this line in the patch and make the size what you want

return QSize(400, 70);

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Nice! One reason why I hate file-select in landscape sooooooo much 2-3 list items and huge amount of wasted pixels, poor user swiping his/hers finger until it hurts. But thatīs another story. thanks! IMO default maemo UI is designed in some aspects for "old people"
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@MohammadAG, thank you for the enhancement,
How to apply this patch?
MohammadAG's Avatar
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It's for hqh to apply (if he wants to that is ), you can just replace the binary with the one above (it's in /usr/bin/fapman)

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Is there anyone here has considered this problem and how we
could possibly add-on to FAPman a way to do the voting
or at least make some way of showing us the apps we
have or have not voted on from extras-dev ?

from Repostories are full of garbage
Originally Posted by fms View Post
May I humbly guess that, while K1ll3rm4n has extras-testing and extras-devel enabled on his N900, he has never bothered rating any of the apps he installs from these repositories? Given the dismal overall quality of the apps in these repos (or "garbage", as K1ll3rm4n eloquently called them), it is no wonder that he is not voting for them, don't you think?

Also, it is quite possible that the community has not made the sufficient effort to inform K1ll3rm4n of the voting mechanism that governs the app promotion from extras-testing to extras. I am sure we should all be ashamed of ourselves for not doing enough to keep K1ll3rm4n informed of the opportunities available to him at Right? RIGHT? RRRIGHT?
Reposted for emphasis - yes absolutely correct
I forget all the time to vote and when i remember
need to do all the same searching and digging to get back to the
proper place to actually do so.
It is not as if there is a notice floating around in my browser
or the n900 itself to remind us 'did you vote on this app you just installed?'
I imagine there are others who spend hours or days looking into
various works
before committing to vote, and by then have forgotten all about it.
And I would bet there are a majority of people here who have never
even heard about how important the voting is...

The system is not broken but it sure needs some improvements.

We need some kind of voting system in place that
is accessible
in an application manager perhaps?
This would help keep votes relevant to what we actually use maybe.[/QUOTE]
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Some new icons to implement (along with the list hildonization of the list) for the next version if you please

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Originally Posted by MohammadAG View Post
It's for hqh to apply (if he wants to that is )
Will apply. BTW, have you (or anyone) tried how it looks like with different themes?

Originally Posted by joppu View Post
Some new icons to implement (along with the list hildonization of the list) for the next version if you please
Thanks. Could you also make a replacement for the two icons which are shown when searching (and maybe the blacklist icon if you feel like it)?

Last edited by hqh; 2011-01-03 at 16:58.

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Originally Posted by hqh View Post
Will apply. BTW, have you (or anyone) tried how it looks like with different themes?
It should look the same as any hildon list

BTW, you might want to consider adding this to the top of the delegate's paint() function, I needed it in the mediaplayer to show which item is selected and it uses the current theme image (/etc/hildon/theme is a symlink to /usr/share/themes/$themeapplied, not sure what creates it, probably personalization_app).

        if(option.state & QStyle::State_Selected)
            r = option.rect;
#ifdef Q_WS_MAEMO_5
            painter->drawImage(r, QImage("/etc/hildon/theme/images/TouchListBackgroundPressed.png"));
            painter->fillRect(r, option.palette.highlight().color());

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